Economic Development
The City of Ida Grove is served by an active economic development organization, the Ida County Economic Development group. Ida County Economic Development strives to increase rural vitality through economic opportunity and wealth creation for area residents. Ida County Economic Development is a nonprofit volunteer-led organization which exists to help current and potential Ida County residents enhance economic opportunities and improve their quality of life. The group has primary focus areas that include goals in workforce attraction, education, entrepreneurship & existing industry. Ida County Economic Development accomplishes their goals with community collaboration on: marketing efforts, housing initiatives, relocation assistance, site location assistance, providing technical assistance for your business start up or expansion, capacity building activities, philanthropy, strategic planning, engaging in projects that assist with growth and wealth creation. Ida County Economic Development can assist existing industry with expansion or entrepreneurs with business start ups. The group is interested in attracting new businesses that benefit from local resources. Ida County Economic Development works closely with industry to seek incentives or grant opportunities at the local or state level. Ida County Economic Development is committed to carrying out their mission to create opportunities to enhance the vitality and wealth of our communities & region!
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403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
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Trash / Recycling: 800-572-9867
Mid-American Energy: 888-427-5632
Frontier Communications: 800-570-6340
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N.E.T. Broadband: 877-383-7835