City Council and Mayor

Gregor Ernst

Jared Bogue

Jason Schable

Jeff Miesner

Reynold McLead
Council Member Position Term Expiration
Gregor Ernst, Councilman, Ward 1, Mayor Protem, vacancy appointment, December 31, 2027
Jeff Miesner, Councilman, Ward 2, vacancy appointment, December 31, 2025
Jason Schable, Councilman, Ward 3, vacancy appointment, December 31, 2027
Jared Bogue, Councilman-At-Large, vacancy appointment, Dec. 31, 2027
Reynold McLead, Councilman-At-Large, vacancy appointment, December 31, 2025
The Ida Grove City Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 403 Third Street. View the Ward boundaries in Ida Grove here.
Under Iowa state law, the mayor has two official roles in city government. A mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council, and a mayor is the chief executive officer of the city. A mayor has to carefully balance both policy making and administrative responsibilities. Policy making involves confronting the broader problems and issues facing an organization, considering alternative actions, and making decisions on what should be done. Administration involves overseeing the organizational operations at a lower level, getting involved in directing and managing specific activities, and participating directly in carrying out organizational policies.
As the chief executive officer, the mayor has the power to execute the laws of the city – measures passed by the City Council, including ordinances, resolutions and amendments. Prior to executing city laws, the mayor has the opportunity to sign, veto or take no action on passed legislation from the Council. If the mayor signs a measure, it will become effective immediately, subject to publication requirements. If the mayor vetoes a measure, it will not become effective until the Council overrides the veto with 30 days by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the Council members. If the mayor takes no action on a passed measure, a resolution becomes effective 14 days after the date of passage, while an ordinance or amendment becomes law when published.
Mayors also have carrying powers to appoint officials. Some are set by state law, others are delegated to the mayor by the City Council. The mayor may also have the power to remove a person from office.
Mayors supervise all city officers and departments unless that authority has been assigned by somebody else by your city’s ordinances. Where the mayor does not have a supervisory obligation, he or she may also have a duty to investigate charges of misconduct.
Your Ida Grove City Council has a broad range of responsibilities and powers. City Council responsibilities cover a wide variety of policy making and other activities. Individual City Council members have a duty to be informed about their municipality and to actively participate in the governing process.
Summaries and Responsibilities Of Iowa City Councils
— City Councils adopt measures. They pass ordinances, resolutions, amendments and motions.
— City Councils establish city policy.
— They adopt government goals and objectives
— Establish priorities for public services
— Approve programs
— Approve/amend the operating and capital budgets
— Approve expenditures and payments
— Approve grant applications
— Approve contracts
— Approve land use plans and zoning changes
— City Councils oversee the administration of city government.
— They monitor the city budget
— Approve appointments made by the mayor
— Provide direction to the city staff
— Hire and evaluate the City Clerk and City Attorney
— Provide direction to the City Attorney
— Hire and fire other city employees
— Evaluate city programs
— City Councils provide community leadership.
— They transmit constituent comments and desires
— Arbitrate conflicting interests
— Make community decisions by systematically studying problems, reviewing alternatives and choosing courses of action
The City Council has the powers to adopt ordinances and resolutions when acting as a group. The City Council members are the legislators of the city council and have the duty to responsibility govern their city. At council sessions, this duty generally includes attending meetings regularly and punctually, actively participating in debate, respecting citizens and fellow council members, and following democratic procedures. Outside the Council meetings, this duty usually includes meeting with constituents, keeping informed about the city and its activities, taking advantage of training opportunities, and conducting everyday affairs in dignified and proper manner. Council members are important public officials who represent the city both in and out of Council meetings. They must take their public responsiveness seriously and act appropriately, because they are responsible for many lives and resources.
City Staff, Departments and Services

Angela Scales

Bob Lorenzen

Gerrod Sholty

Heather Sweeden

Jane Petersen

Kelly Young

Kris Taylor

Lisa Hopkins

Lucas Collins

Peter Goldsmith

Scott Clark

Tonya Rehse
Planning and Zoning Commission
Planning & Zoning Commission, 3-Year Terms
The Planning & Zoning Commission meets the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 403 Third Street. For more information please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428.
The Planning & Zoning Commission are appointed by the legislative body and have three basic advisory responsibilities. They prepare zoning ordinances, recommend upon proposed changes in zoning, and review and update ordinances. The Zoning Commission has only the power of recommendation. All decisions require approval of the legislative body before they have any effect.
Board of Adjustment
Ange Johnson
Kim Carnine
Adam Wunschel
Jeff Gilbert
Kipp Gebel
Board of Adjustment, 5-Year Terms
The Board of Adjustment meets at the call of the chairperson at the Ida Grove Council Chambers at 403 Third Street.
Board of Adjustment meets at an on-call basis, and has three basic responsibilities. They do not have the power to change zoning, but have the power to adjust the law as it applies to a specific piece of property. The board has sole and exclusive power to act and the board’s decision does not require approval of the legislative body. Recourse to a decision of the board is through the District Court. The board’s powers include: the power of interpretation, the power to grant exceptions and the power to grant a variance.
The city council has many standing committees. These are:
Standing Committee On Citizens’ Protection: Law enforcement, animal control, ambulance service, street lighting
Standing Committee On Property Protection: Fire protection & control, flood protection, civil defense, building codes and zoning
Standing Committee On Leisure Time: Parks, recreation programs, swimming pool, ice skating rink, summer activity program, snowmobiles and riding trails
Standing Committee On Culture: Library, community theater, community hall and history
Standing Committee On Transportation: Streets, alleys, bridges, airport, sidewalks and taxi
Standing Committee On Public Works & Utilities: Solid waste disposal, vector programs, water supply, wastewater treatment, snow and ice control
Standing Committee On Policy & Planning: Policy development, legislation, resolutions and ordinances, long-range planning, and capital improvements planning
Standing Committee On Buildings & Property: Care, upkeep, repair, remodeling, insurance, purchasing, sales and leasing of property
Standing Committee On Finance: Fiscal administration, purchasing, debt management and investment policies
Standing Committee On Administration: Publicity, communications, public relations, personnel policies, organizational structure, employment policies, and internal affairs
Tree Board Members
Pete Ernzen, Gerald Wiertsema, LeRoy Farley, Norma Auen, & Don Kauffman
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403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
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