Community Services
Are you planning a move to Ida Grove? The following resources can help make your transition to our community a little easier!
Cable Television
LongLines, 877-275-4861
Frontier Communications, 877-671-0619,
Satellite Television
Satellite television services are available through two retailers, Brenners Entertainment, 712-364-3900, and Iversen’s Radio & TV, 712-364-3524.
Information about local internet hook-up options are available through:
LongLines, 877-275-4861
N.E.T. Broadband, 877-383-7835
Frontier Communications, 800-570-6340,
Evertek Wireless, 800-242-0154
Day Care
Kidzone Child Care Center
481 Pin Oak Drive
Driver’s License & Motor Vehicle Registration
The driver’s license station and Motor Vehicle Registration are located on the main floor of the Ida County Courthouse, 401 Moorehead St., 712-364-2158. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday.
Electricity & Gas
Ida Grove is served by MidAmerican Energy. For information regarding connections, call 888-427-5632. Rural Ida Grove is served by the North West Rural Electric Coop at 712-364-3341.
Sewer, Trash & Water
The City of Ida Grove manages sewage and water. Call the City Clerk’s office at 712-364-2428 for more information and to sign-up for service.
Ida County Sanitation has garbage and recyclable pickup on Monday, Thursday and Friday in the residential district. You will need to contact them (1-800-572-9867) to find out what day they will pick up in your area. The fee is $18.25 a month and is included on the water bill. The commercial and industrial pickup is handled by Ida County Sanitation and billed by them. Recycling information and bins are available at City Hall.
Residential telephone services are provided by Frontier Communication, 800-570-6340, & LongLines, 877-275-4861.
Cell Phone
U.S. Cellular services are available at the Village Shoe Shoppe, 712-364-3222, & LongLines, 877-275-4861.
Voter Registration
To be eligible to vote, you must be a registered voter in the county. Registration can be done at the Ida County Auditor’s Office in the Ida County Courthouse.
United States Post Office
The Ida Grove Post Office is located at 302 Main St, 712-364-3623.
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403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
Get Updates via Email
City / Water / Sewer: 712-364-2428
Trash / Recycling: 800-572-9867
Mid-American Energy: 888-427-5632
Frontier Communications: 800-570-6340
Long Lines Communications: 877-275-4861
N.E.T. Broadband: 877-383-7835