Visit With Us:
100 East 2nd Street
Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
Phone: 712-364-2306
Fax: 712-364-3228
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.idagrove.lib.ia.us
Library Hours:
Monday: 10am-6pm
Tuesday: 11am-5pm
Wednesday: 12pm-5pm
Thursday: 12pm-7pm
Friday: 10am-7pm
Saturday: 9am-2pm
Sunday: Closed
The Library is closed for all observed Holidays including New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Welcome to the Ida Grove Public Library
From its beginning in 1908, the library has continued to grow and thrive in our community. In 1937 the library collection consisted of just 4,904 books. Today, the library consists of much, much more. Our collection today includes 32,388 physical and down loadable volumes for circulation, including: books, audio books, e-books, and DVD’s, along with subscriptions to local and area newspapers and 33 magazines. A large genealogy collection, provided by the Ida County Genealogical Society, is available for in library use. The library also provides circulation of resource kits and baking items that complement our current collection.
Library Services
The Ida Grove Library offers eight (four adult, four children’s) free public access computers for patron use, along with free ‘wi-fi’ both inside and outside of the building, proctoring services, a public meeting room, Inter-library Loan services, various children’s, teen, and adult programming as well as copying, faxing, and printing. We are proud to provide all of our patrons and the community with more than just books.
The library offers a wide variety of services to all residents of Ida Grove and surrounding areas, as well as knowledgeable, friendly staff to answer questions or help access information and resources. Resources available at the Ida Grove Library include:

Online Services
- Bridges Downloadable ebooks & audiobooks
- EBSCO host Online Reference database
- Learning Express Library
- Mango Languages
- Iowa Works Access Point
- ABCmouse.com (child friendly online learning)
- ARbookfind.com
(Select online services and resources are available to IG residents and rural Ida County residents only free of charge, subscriptions to online resources paid for by the lG Library with city and county tax contributions)

Adult Services
- Regular & Large Print books
- Audio books
- Reader’s Advisory Services
- DVD’s
- Newspaper & magazine Subscriptions
- Genealogy and Local History Resources
- Microfilm Reader
- Patron Access Computers
- Free internet and Wi-Fi service
- Community Meeting Room (available by reservation)
- Proctoring Services
- Copy and Fax Services

Teen Services
- Large selection of Young Adult materials
- Young Adult Reader’s Advisory
- Young Adult magazines
- Audio books

Children Services
- AWE Early Literacy Station
- Children’s Access Computers
- Puppet Theater and puppets
- Performance stage
- Arts and Crafts Area
- Trolley Replica (generously donated by GOMACO Trolley Company)
The Ida Grove Library also participates in the State of Iowa’s Interlibrary Loan and Open Access programs. These programs allow library patrons to access materials and resources from other participating libraries in the State of Iowa. For more information on these services, please see a library assistant or the library director.
Library Programs
Library programs are a great way to engage children and families and connect them to others in our community. All children’s and teen programs are held at the library and are free of charge. Programs are held at various times throughout the year, please see the library’s website www.idagrove.lib.ia.us for dates and times, upcoming programs are listed in the upcoming event calendar. Below is a short description of programs offered at the library:
Library Staff and Leadership
Board of Trustees
Larry Albrecht – President
Jackie Netherton – Vice President
Bethany Jones – Secretary
Steven Schnabel – Trustee
Josh Van Houten – Trustee
Jennifer Erickson – Trustee
Pat Bielenberg – Trustee
The library board meets on the second (2nd) Monday of the month at 6pm in the Heritage Room of the Ida Grove Public Library. Meetings are open to the public.
History of Our Library
The Ida Grove Public Library got its start in 1908. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union sent out five hundred invitations asking everyone to bring a book or two for the library. They thought this movement would result in the erection down town of a large and suitable building. The ladies of the Civic Club joined forces with W.C.T.U. in opening a public library and reading room in the old Women’s Christian Temperance Union Hall just south of the opera house. About $100 was spent in buying new books. The library was kept open two afternoons and evenings a week all winter. From this the library steadily grew and prospered. Expenses of the library were paid by public subscription. Books were donated by the Civic Club and other citizens. The first trustees of the Ida Grove Library were Dr. G.C. Moorehead, Robert Lipton, Mrs. Wm Wilcox, and Alex Hartley. The first Librarian was Mrs. Anna Moorehead Goodrich.
In 1910, the city council leased the east room of the city building upstairs to the library association. The association payed $1 a year rent and paid for heat, light, water and necessary repairs during the existence of this lease.
In 1921, 6159 books were loaned out, more than half of which were juvenile books. In 1922 the library trustees met with the city council to discuss the library situation. The council voted to submit the vote to the people as follows: “Shall the city of Ida Grove accept the present library as a free public library, the same to be maintained by the said city as provided in sections 727 & 732 of the 1913 supplement to the Code of Iowa?”
In 1922 circulation was free to the public after the city voted a one and one-fourth mills tax for library support. In the Spring of 1978, the public library moved to its present location on Second Street.
July 1st, 2008 saw a groundbreaking ceremony for construction of the new addition. Just under a year later, on May 30, 2009, a Grand Opening was celebrated for our new Children’s Library. The 1,800 square foot addition provides a place just for kids, including a computer area, arts and crafts area, performance stage, and a trolley.
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403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
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