Parks and Recreation Programs
Ida Grove has recreational opportunities and programs for every season and age group! The rec center offers all patrons the ability to swim, weight lift, and take part in a number of aerobic activities. See the calendar of events for Spinning Classes, Pilates, Yoga and other formal programs. Nights are also scheduled for pick-up games of basketball, volleyball, and soccer.
Our local Kiwanis supports our youth with various activities as well. Soccer is offered during the spring with elementary through high school aged kids participating. The Kiwanis is also responsible for building the new Ida Grove Baseball Complex which the City now owns and maintains.
The Ida Grove Recreational center organizes baseball leagues during the summer as well as the youth football during the late summer and fall months.
Programs offered:
Youth football 3rd-6th grade (fall sport)
Youth volleyball 3rd-6th grade (fall sport)
Co-Ed youth basketball 1st/2nd/3rd grade (winter sport)
Youth basketball 4th-6th grade (winter sport)
Co-Ed Mini Ball 5yrs-K (Summer sport)
Coach Pitch Softball & Baseball 1st/2nd grade (Summer sport)
Pee Wee’s Softball & Baseball 3rd & 4th grade (Summer sport)
Minor/Major Softball 5th-7th grade (Summer sport)
Minor/Major Baseball 5th-8th grade (Summer sport)
Jr. Golf ages 5-17 (Summer sport)
Annual Special Events:
Iron Man Triathlon (January)
Little Bubbler Swimming Lessons (Spring)
4H Lock In (March)
After Prom (Spring)

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403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
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