Stop by to enjoy a special visit from the University of Iowa’s Mobile Museum. The Mobile Museum features three physical exhibits:
Discover, Develop, Deploy
This exhibit highlights work on nutrition, hearing loss, and supporting healthy families. From printing devices that help the hearing-impaired to creating eyeglasses and beyond, this partnership shows that translational science is only limited by your imagination!
A Matter of Scales: Pangolins in Peril
Pangolins are amazing scale-covered mammals from Africa and Asia. Unfortunately they are critically endangered because of illegal hunting and trade. Pangolins aren’t the only animals in trouble. There are more than 25 endangered species right here in Iowa. Learn about some of the simple steps everyone can take to help.
Wild Iowa: Awareness, Appreciation, and Action
Wild Iowa highlights UI Recreational Services’ outdoors programs including the Iowa Raptor Project, School of the Wild, and Wildlife Camps. Iowa is arguably one of the least “wild” states due to the loss of native habitats, but the UI’s outdoors programs work to awaken Iowans to the importance of our native habitats through research, educational programs, and the savanna restoration project.
The Mobile Museum also includes two interactive digital touchscreens let visitors learn about research and creative activity happening in a variety of UI units.
(source: https://discover.research.uiowa.edu/mobile-museum)