Notices and Ordinances
Ida Grove Municipal Codes can be found in searchable, online format here:
Frequently Requested Information on City Code:
Garbage must be removed from the premises at least once a week.
No unlicensed vehicles or non-working vehicles left on property.
Property is to be free from long grass, weeds and debris.
Grass clippings are not to be mowed into the street. Our storm sewers were not designed to handle grass clippings.
Within 24 hours of a snowfall, sidewalks are to be scooped and free from ice.
No snowmobile riding on private property, city property (including berms) or plowed streets. Snowmobiles can be used on unplowed streets during the snow season and on streets only for the purpose of using the direct route to egress and ingress from the city. No snowmobiles shall be driven on any roadway solely for entertainment purposes.
A curfew for younger citizens ages under 18 is 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Animals At Large
Mark Twain said, “The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.” We are dog lovers as well in Ida Grove. We want you to keep your dog safe by keeping him or her from running at large. If you love your dog as much as we think you do, license him or her with our city. If your animal is picked up, the first fine is $20.00 with a daily boarding fee added. The second offense doubles and the third offense triples.
Open Burning
Open burning of yard waste only is permitted between April 1 and November 30. Burning of yard waste and branches only are permitted. No garbage, paper or construction waste may be burned.
Building Permits
Building permits are required before excavation for or the construction of any building. Permits are required for any alternations to an existing structure and for all concrete projects. Permits are $25.00 with the exception of concrete projects under 100 square feet. All permits must be approved by the City prior to beginning any work.
It is mandatory to recycle in Ida Grove.
- Paper/Cardboard: Cardboard boxes, chipboard materials, paper, phone books, magazines, macaroni and cheese boxes, cereal boxes, mail are all to be dry and clean and put in a separate paper sack.
- Plastic: All plastics with a 1 or a 2 on the bottom need to be rinsed out and put in the recycle bin.
- Aluminum Tin: Soft drink cans, juice, cans, soup cans, beer cans, aluminum foil all need to be rinsed and put in the recycle bin.
Please place plastic bags and glass items in the garbage. Recycling is no longer picking them up.
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403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
Get Updates via Email
City / Water / Sewer: 712-364-2428
Trash / Recycling: 800-572-9867
Mid-American Energy: 888-427-5632
Frontier Communications: 800-570-6340
Long Lines Communications: 877-275-4861
N.E.T. Broadband: 877-383-7835