Adult Co-Ed Slow Pitch Softball
The Ida Grove Recreation Center is starting a recreational, adult co-ed softball league. All games will be played at the new Ida Grove Ball Field Complex. The league is only for those age 18 and above.
There shall be a minimum of 8 players, and a maximum of 12 players to a team. There must be an even number of men and women on the field. The deadline for the league is July 25th. There must be at least 4 teams registered in order to have league games.
Teams may play up to two games per evening, depending on the number of teams signed up. The league is scheduled for the 4 Sunday afternoons/evenings in August. The games are strictly for fun, and there will not be a tournament. An alternating umpire schedule will be set up for each team. Selected teams will be required to umpire another game each week as scheduled. Failure to show up for the game will result in a forfeit of the teams next scheduled game.
Alcohol Is Not Permitted!
Dates: 4 Sunday Afternoon/Evenings in August
Game Times: TBA by August 1st
Deadline: July 25th
Place: Ida Grove Ball Field Complex
Fee: $100 per team (payable to IGRC)
Registration forms available at the rec center.