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Dear (add name here),
We know how special Ida Grove is and why we live here. It is in our DNA. It is the people, the way of life, the dedication to hard work and solid results, the feeling of home even when we are across town. Those in our community are like our family. We share stories with them each and every day. We would love to show the world what makes Ida Grove special and why they should visit, move to or set up a business here. Those that come here can find out in person, but those that have never heard our stories need to hear them.
You are one of the leaders in our town. You are respected for what you do and why you do it. You have a passion and we would love to give that passion a forum for the world to see. I would like your help to bring the stories of Ida Grove to the world, so that others might see our community. We need news, events, stories and people to deliver the Ida Grove message. Would you help to contribute to sharing our story?
Please visit this website
Thank you,
Your Name

403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
Get Updates via Email
City / Water / Sewer: 712-364-2428
Trash / Recycling: 800-572-9867
Mid-American Energy: 888-427-5632
Frontier Communications: 800-570-6340
Long Lines Communications: 877-275-4861
N.E.T. Broadband: 877-383-7835