Ida Bowl/Hideaway Lounge
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BCIG Elementary School
Welcome to BCIG Elementary BCIG prepares every student to successfully meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. We have a very dedicated staff committed to doing what it takes to help them succeed. We offer a progressive, comprehensive program, and a positive learning environment.Over three hundred students, preschool through Read more [...]
Ida Grove Golf and County Club
During the week: Green Fees: 9 holes for $14, 18 holes for $20 Cart rental is $14 for 9 holesCart rental is $22 for 18 holesOn the Weekends: Greens fees $15 for 9 holes, $22 for 18 holes. Cart rental is $14 for 9 holesCart rental is $22 for 18 Read more [...]
OABCIG High School
OA-BCIG HIGH SCHOOL Principal: Mr. Patrick Miller [email protected] phone: (712) 364-3371 fax: (712) 364-4463 Welcome to Odebolt Arthur Battle Creek Ida Grove High School OABCIG High School is a learning community of over 250 students, 25 teachers, and a number of dedicated support staff. OABCIG takes pride in addressing the needs Read more [...]
OABCIG Middle School
OA-BCIG MIDDLE SCHOOL Principal: Mr. Doug Mogensen [email protected] phone: (712) 668-2827 fax: (712) 668-2631 Welcome to OA-BCIG Middle School Welcome to the OA-BCIG Middle School! The OA-BCIG Middle School in Odebolt serves approximately 220 students in grades six through eight. Students from the four communities of Battle Creek, Ida Grove, Arthur, and Odebolt make Read more [...]
Ida Grove Community Rec Center
The Ida Grove Community Recreation Center is a service-oriented organization dedicated to meeting the wellness and recreation needs of the residents of Ida Grove and surrounding communities.The Ida Grove Recreation Center was opened in December 2003, funded by the generous donations of individuals and businesses from our local community. It is now owned and operated by the Read more [...]
Ida Grove Public Pool
Is this your business? We’d love to know more about you, so we can share it with the world. Please contact Dan at the Chamber of Commerce for more information.
Moorehead Pioneer Park
If you love natural areas, a visit to Moorehead Park is a must. This beautiful 258 acre park located on the northwest corner of Ida Grove will give you a first-hand view at what life was like in the earlier settlement days. Once the original site of Ida Grove, Moorehead Read more [...]
Pleasant Valley Trail
The Pleasant Valley Trail is a walking/bicycling trail that surrounds the town with four miles of paved trail with many entrance points. The entire trail with going both ways in and out of the park is 6.2 miles… or a 10K for those runners out there. The trail passes through Read more [...]
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403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
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