Meet Ida Grove’s New City Administrator

Marc Dennison of Waunakee, WI has accepted the position of Ida Grove City Administrator.

Marc Dennison of Waunakee, WI, has accepted the position of Ida Grove City Administrator. Dennison will start no later than May 1st. The City Council approved a $65,000/year salary, 3 weeks a year in vacation and $3,000 in net moving expenses. Dennison has previously been Economic Development Director and Village Administrator in two Villages in Wisconsin. He has Bachelor degrees in Political Science and Public Administration and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. City Councilmen Scott Tomlinson and Doug Clough abstained from the vote. Councilman Clough was a candidate for the position who withdrew from consideration last week. Clough commented that it would be in the best interest of the City if he remain with Midwest Industries and stay on the Council and work with an experienced City Administrator. The City Council would like to thank the members of the Ida Grove public who took part in the meet and greet of the candidates and provided public feedback. Citizens are encouraged to introduce themselves to Dennison and make him feel welcome in Ida Grove.


King Theatre Progress

Showing a holiday movie during our 100th anniversary can happen with community involvement!

In this week’s edition of the Ida County Courier, King Theatre Renovation Board Chair Doug Clough updates our community on the progress of this project and the ambitious goal of showing a holiday movie in December. You can find his letter on page A5 and a special ad on the bottom right-hand corner of page A3 for those who are interested in contributing to the King’s longevity. If you’d like to put some gloves on and work, we have volunteer nights Tuesday and Thursday from 5:15pm to 7pm.