
Assistance Application

Iowa households experiencing a loss of income related to COVID-19 can apply for financial assistance if they are at risk due to any unpaid electric, natural gas, or water bills between March 17 and October 31, 2020.

The application deadline has been extended through December 4, 2020.

For more information, call 877-463-3269 or 515-348-8976 or click the link below to apply for assistance.

Click Here For Utility Assistance Application

City Hall – Stage 3 Reopening

City Hall will begin stage 3 reopening today, July 14, 2020.  Doors will be unlocked and visitors may enter freely, but must still adhere to 6 foot social distancing.  City Hall staff still highly encourage use of the drop box for payments.

Stage 3 Reopening Plan

Stage 3 reopening represents the “new normal” level of service. The doors are reopened to the public and business is more or less as normal.
The building is open to the public. Maintaining social distancing will be important, but also extremely difficult with the small vestibule area available. We ask people to stay six feet apart from others and not to enter if you are sick or experiencing symptoms. Staying six feet apart means only one visitor at the front counter and any other visitors to remain in the front lobby or outside of City Hall until someone else exits.
Janitorial staff will continue enhanced cleaning & disinfecting, but City Hall staff supplement this cleaning with a twice daily sanitation routine (morning and afternoon), sanitizing all frequently touched surfaces. This includes keyboards, screens, mice, and counters.
The Community Hall is open for public use. Events scheduled in the Hall require six-foot separation for social distancing. Staff aren’t expected to police visitor social distancing.

Important Re-Opening Plans

During the city council meeting held Monday, June 1, 2020 the following decisions were made:

  1. City playgrounds to open June 3, 2020
  2. City park restrooms opening June 3, 2020
  3. City Park and Cobb Park are open for recreational camping effective June 2, 2020
  4. Council will revisit the outdoor pool opening at the June 15, 2020 meeting (waiting for Governor Reynolds recommendation)
  5. Rec Center pool will open for water walking on June 8th – call the Rec Center for more details (712-364-3716)
  6. City ball fields opening June 2, 2020 with rules and guidelines put in place
  7. Yoga in the park has been approved
  8. Community rooms at City Hall and the Rec Center will remain closed at this time
  9. City Council will make effort to begin meeting in-person, with the public continuing to attend meetings via electronic means until further notice

Thank you for your continued support!

COVID-19 Update – May 12, 2020

The City of Ida Grove is aware of the first positive COVID-19 test in Ida County.  While the City has been operating under the presumption that cases already existed within the County and City limits, this announcement further emphasizes our need to practice social distancing and proper hygiene, while limiting our exposure to members outside of our immediate household as often as possible.  It is our intention, as a City, to help minimize the spread and advocate to our residence to help protect each other during these difficult times.  Not showing symptoms, should not give anyone the green-light to ignore the guidelines that have been set.  We are in this together, as one community, helping each other and especially protecting those most vulnerable from contracting this virus.  Wearing a mask, keeping your distance from others and not congregating in groups are simple measures that we can all take, that may just save someone’s life.  Please continue supporting these efforts and making sound decisions when in public.



Devlun Whiteing

City Owned Parks Opening

Council voted during their regular city council meeting on Monday, May 4, 2020 to open some portions of City owned parks and allow for recreational use as follows:

The City of Ida Grove Parks and Trails will be open to the public for recreation, but due to COVID-19 concerns playground equipment, restrooms, and picnic shelters will remained closed until further notice.  All drinking fountains will be turned off.  Tennis courts are closed due to the overhaul.  Basketball courts will be open to shoot baskets for members of the same household.  Team sports, pick up games and contact play are prohibited.

The city has installed caution tape around playground equipment; please stay off of it.    We are asking residents to do their part to keep family, friends, neighbors, and the community safe.  Signage will be posted at each park regarding the closures.  The City’s priority is protecting the health and safety of our residents and continue to serve the public.

When visiting a public space, use your best judgement and act responsibly. Bring your own sanitation supplies with you and adhere to recommended guidelines of keeping social gatherings to less than 10 people, with members of the same household, and observing social distancing standards of staying at least 6’ from others.  If you do not feel well or have been sick stay home.

From the Desk of the Mayor

Important information from the desk of Ida Grove Mayor, Devlun Whiteing:

Lot’s of things happening this week. The city council met on Wednesday to discuss the opening of three city facilities. Rec Center, City Hall, and the Library. The council decided May 1st was too soon and we are setting a goal to have a partial reopen plan by May 15th. We want our employees and the community safe and have the right PPE and policies in place for our employees before we partially reopen. Stay tuned for more information. Reminder the Governor still has pools closed so our pools are closed until further notice.

With the Confirmed Covid-19 positive test at one of our manufacturing facilities, I have been talking to state senators, and our Ida County Emergency Management sent out an official request for a strike team to come to town to be proactive in our town and county on tests. No answers yet but as Mayor I am really pushing to get some more testing done around here. Hopefully we can get some proactive vs reactive testing done.

With the Governor’s plans to start Opening Iowa I really trust our local churches and businesses will have plans in place to follow exposure risks when they reopen. Social Distancing, Cleaning and extra cleaning, keeping the capacity to 50% and keeping people 6’ apart. Limiting the number of people to 10 or less in a group. We really need to do our part to keep ourselves and our community safe. The city is happy to work with these organizations to help them if needed. We appreciate our businesses in town and our churches. We want to reopen but want to do it safely.

I plan to work with the city council to open some green spaces in parks to encourage people to get out for some fresh air and help their mental health. I am personally trying to write a policy to open green spaces. Hopefully sooner than later.

I say this every week due to the importance of thanking all of our citizens for being strong and doing the things they need to do to keep our community safe. So many people have volunteered to help clean at facilities to help them reopen. We have a great town and great citizens.

Feel free to reach out to me with any concerns or questions.
[email protected]
Very Humble and Proud to Serve Ida Grove
Mayor Devlun Whiteing.

City Operated Facilities Update

The Ida Grove City Council met last evening to discuss the reopening of City Operated Facilities. It was decided that the facilities shall remain closed to the public at this time. Council will re-evaluate mid-May to see where we stand case-wise to determine if it will be appropriate to open at that time. During the next couple weeks, the City will be working to finalize safety plans and securing PPE for staff prior to opening. On behalf of all City employees, elected officials and the Mayor: we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding while we work out the best plan possible while keeping the best interest of everyone in mind.

Public Announcement

Mayor Whiteing made an announcement via Facebook Live at 6:00 pm on Sunday, March 22, 2020.  For a transcript of the announcement, click HERE.

Important City Updates

The City Council held an emergency meeting this morning at 8:00 am to discuss proactive measures regarding COVID-19.  As a result of the meeting, the following decisions were made:

City Hall is closed to the public, effective immediately, until further notice.  If you need assistance, please call City Hall at 712-364-2428.  All payments/correspondence can be dropped off in the drop box located directly outside of City Hall.

The Rec Center is closed to the public as of close of business tonight

The Library is closed to the public as of close of business tonight


These were not easy decisions for the Council to make – but they did so with our community’s best interest at heart.  All events/meetings that were scheduled at the above places have also been cancelled or postponed.  Please follow the City’s website and Facebook page for further updates.  You may subscribe to receive updates at

We thank you all for your understanding during this uncertain time!