
Pickleball/Tennis Court Nets

The nets at City Park are being set up. Warm weather and sunshine will be heading this way, it’s a great time to get out there and play!

City Amenities Closed For Season

With colder temperatures in the upcoming forecast, please note the following closures for City amenities.

City Park: Restrooms are closed and the tennis & pickleball nets are being taken down.

Kiwanis Ballfields: Restrooms and drinking fountains are closed.

Public Works will reopen these amenities in the spring of 2024.

Pickleball/Tennis Court Nets

Two nets have been set up on the pickleball/tennis courts located at City Park. With warmer weather on the way, its a great time to get out there and play!

City Park Playground


We have just received confirmation from Public Works that the new playground equipment at City Park is set up and ready to use!



City Park Playground Update

We know everyone is excited about the installation of the new playground equipment at City Park. Installation crews will be pouring concrete this afternoon and requires time to cure. Our public works crew will be putting the finishing touches on throughout the remainder of the week. It is important that children refrain from playing on the equipment until further notice.

City Park Playground Equipment

We are excited to announce that the new playground equipment for City Park is scheduled to arrive and be installed next week!


City Park

The City of Ida Grove would like to thank Gary & Sharon Godbersen, the Harold and Leone Godbersen Family Foundation, and Godbersen-Smith Construction Company for their amazing contributions to City Park. When visiting the park you will see improved parking, sidewalks, and a patio in between the courts for your enjoyment. If you haven’t checked it out yet, we encourage you to do so. We hope everyone has a ball ya’ll!

Portable Pickleball Nets

Spring has finally arrived!

Public Works crew members, Bob Lorenzen and Kris Taylor, set up the pickleball nets today. With the warmer weather ahead, get out there and utilize the courts!

City Park Basketball Court Lights

A big thank you goes out to the Harold and Leone Godbersen Family Foundation, Gary and Sharon Godbersen, and Godbersen-Smith Construction Co. for getting the lights for the basketball courts operational. The lights are on a 60 minute max timer without having to reset it. 

Portable Pickleball Nets

The portable pickleball nets are all set up at City Park! Thank you to the Godbersen Foundation for the donation of these nets!

City Park Playground

The playground equipment at City Park, or better known as “purple park”, continues to be off limits due to being damaged from a fallen tree. Immediately following the storm event, the cities insurance was contacted and we are waiting to hear back regarding equipment replacement. Please be patient, as we are just as anxious as you to get it open. Thank you again for your patience.


Godbersen Foundation

Head on down to the City Park and check out the newest additions! The community of Ida Grove is extremely grateful to the Godbersen Foundation for the donation of these amenities!


  • The new LED lights are up and running at City Park. One switch runs the lights for the tennis/pickleball courts and one switch runs the lights for sand volleyball. The crew will be working to get the volleyball nets up soon.

  • While we are all excited for the new basketball courts, we ask people to please refrain from walking and drawing on the courts at this time. We need to keep them as clean and clear as possible while we wait for them to get their coating. We appreciate it!

Parks and Recreation Mini Grant Completion

The City of Ida Grove received a $500 Grant from the Parks and Recreation Foundation earlier this year for repairs of  the shelter house at City Park. Our projects included, removal of the chimney, patching the roof, and a fresh coat of paint. We would like to extend our gratitude for all who were involved in the completion of this. Ross Ladwig, (Ladwig Construction) for the donation of time and materials to patch and repair the roof. Aaron and Jennifer Hoffman for power washing and painting the shelter house. And last, but not least, our Public Works Crew, Kris, Bob, and Gerrod for the removal of the chimney. 

Trees Please!

Yesterday, Parks Superintendent Bob Lorenzen, picked up 11 autumn blaze maple trees that will be planted in the City Park.  The trees were purchased as part the Trees Please! grant the City received from MidAmerican Energy earlier this year.

Iowa Foundation for Parks and Recreation

The City of Ida Grove was recently notified of receipt of the 2020 Mini Grant through the Iowa Parks and Recreation Foundation.  The City was awarded $500 to go towards sprucing up the shelter house located at City Park.  The chimney has already been removed and the roof has been patched.  Next steps in the project are to replace rotting boards and re-paint the shelter house.  We look forward to seeing the finished project by late Summer and are grateful for the generosity of the Foundation for the funding assistance.

Trees Please!

As most of you know, the Ida Grove City Park is full of ash trees, which are subject to the Emerald Ash Borer.  Knowing this, the City applied for the Trees Please! grant through MidAmerican Energy and was recently informed of grant award!  The typical award amount for this grant is $1,000; however, the City of Ida Grove was awarded $2,000 in funding towards the project!  Thank you to MidAmerican Energy and the Trees Please! grant for this wonderful opportunity to plant some new tree species in the City Park!  We look forward to beginning this project!

Upgrading Ida Grove

We thought we would spread some cheer today and share with you all the new and exciting things happening in town.  This week, Godbersen-Smith Construction began work on the tennis courts located in City Park.  The finished project will feature 1 tennis court and 2 pickle ball courts.  The upgrade is from a very generous donation from the Godbersen Foundation!

Also happening this week is the beginning of construction work to install the last set of lights at the ball complex by the High School.  A big Thank You to the Ida Grove Kiwanis for their hard work and dedication to get this upgrade completed!


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