City Council Opportunities
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Senior Activities, Uncategorized/by Tonya RehseWelcome Aboard, Mayor Weitl
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Senior Activities, Uncategorized, Youth Activities/by Tonya Rehse*Open Mayor Position*
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Front Page, Senior Activities, Uncategorized/by Tonya RehseMayor Whiteing has resigned due to being elected to the Ida County Board of Supervisors effective 1/1/2023. Council has the option to appoint a citizen to this position. Any citizen interested in filling the term through 2023 must reside within city limits. The Mayor seat will then be up for election on the 2023 ballot to fill the remaining 2 years of the term. If anyone is interested or has any questions, please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428.
3rd Graders Tour City Hall
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Organization, Youth Activities/by Tonya RehseThird grade students from OABCIG visited the temporary City Hall on Friday. The students were able to speak to the Mayor, City Clerk, and two of the Council members and learn about local government.
Final Reminder
/in Adult Activities, City, Front Page, Uncategorized/by Tonya RehseFinal Reminder for City Council Opportunities!
Deadline to file forms is Thursday, September 16, 2021 by 5 p.m.
4 year terms for Mayor, Ward 2, and 1 At-Large
Forms can be picked up and filed at City Hall
City Council Opportunity Reminder
/in Uncategorized/by Tonya RehseCity Council Opportunities!
4 Year Terms for: Mayor, Ward 2, And 1 At-Large
Forms can be picked up and filed at City Hall!
Deadline to file completed forms is Thursday, September 16, 2021 by 5 p.m.
City Council Opportunities
/in Adult Activities, City, Front Page, Organization, Uncategorized/by Tonya RehsePROCLAMATION HONORING THE OABCIG FALCON FOOTBALL TEAM
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Ida County, Organization, Uncategorized, Youth Activities/by Tonya RehseFrom the Mayor
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Ida County, Organization, Senior Activities, Youth Activities/by Tonya RehseHello Ida Grove. First off this week I wanted to talk about COVID. I have gotten several messages about worries in our county. We are taking some additional steps in the city to keep our employees safe. We are encouraging rotating in city hall and working from home. Trying to keep our social distancing. We have moved all city council meetings and other city meetings back to electronic meetings. We did discuss at our council meeting last night that we would close city hall to the public, except by appointment only. The numbers have been getting high in our county. As of today Ida County has had 2055 tested, 353 positive, 170 recovered and 5 deaths. One death is too many. My thoughts and prayers go out to these families. Let us do our part to be a part of the solution and not add to the problem. We are our own first line of defense. Hospitals are at capacity, healthcare workers are depleted. I really encourage people to stay home if they are sick or if someone in their household tests positive. Social Distance when you can if you cannot wear a mask. Wash hands frequently and sanitize. Lets work together to beat this virus. Please be safe out there. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by COVID. Also praying for our country with this election going on. Praying for our leadership. No matter who is announced President; we are America and I feel we will all pull together and be stronger. Just wanted to give a shout out to the OABCIG Football Team. Congratulations on your trip to the dome in Cedar Falls. Bring home the Championship! The community is very proud of you guys!
Feel free to reach out to me with any concerns or questions.
Very Humble and Proud to Serve Ida Grove
Mayor Devlun Whiteing
Mayor’s Proclamation For Snow Parking
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Front Page, Organization/by Tonya RehsePlease follow the link (Snow Ordinance) to see the Mayor’s Proclamation for the City of Ida Grove for the 2020-2021 Winter Parking Season!
From the Desk of the Mayor
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Front Page, Library, Parks and Rec/by Heather SweedenImportant information from the desk of Ida Grove Mayor, Devlun Whiteing:
Lot’s of things happening this week. The city council met on Wednesday to discuss the opening of three city facilities. Rec Center, City Hall, and the Library. The council decided May 1st was too soon and we are setting a goal to have a partial reopen plan by May 15th. We want our employees and the community safe and have the right PPE and policies in place for our employees before we partially reopen. Stay tuned for more information. Reminder the Governor still has pools closed so our pools are closed until further notice.
With the Confirmed Covid-19 positive test at one of our manufacturing facilities, I have been talking to state senators, and our Ida County Emergency Management sent out an official request for a strike team to come to town to be proactive in our town and county on tests. No answers yet but as Mayor I am really pushing to get some more testing done around here. Hopefully we can get some proactive vs reactive testing done.
With the Governor’s plans to start Opening Iowa I really trust our local churches and businesses will have plans in place to follow exposure risks when they reopen. Social Distancing, Cleaning and extra cleaning, keeping the capacity to 50% and keeping people 6’ apart. Limiting the number of people to 10 or less in a group. We really need to do our part to keep ourselves and our community safe. The city is happy to work with these organizations to help them if needed. We appreciate our businesses in town and our churches. We want to reopen but want to do it safely.
I plan to work with the city council to open some green spaces in parks to encourage people to get out for some fresh air and help their mental health. I am personally trying to write a policy to open green spaces. Hopefully sooner than later.
I say this every week due to the importance of thanking all of our citizens for being strong and doing the things they need to do to keep our community safe. So many people have volunteered to help clean at facilities to help them reopen. We have a great town and great citizens.
Feel free to reach out to me with any concerns or questions.
[email protected]
Very Humble and Proud to Serve Ida Grove
Mayor Devlun Whiteing.
Mayor and Business Leaders Meet with Governor
/in Chamber of Commerce, City, Ida County/by City of Ida Grove
Mayor Whiteing recently met with Governor Reynolds and Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg in Ida Grove to discuss current and future employer needs as well as economic development. This event was coordinated by Ida County Economic Development. The meeting included representatives from GOMACO, Midwest Industries, United Bank of Iowa, First State Bank, Horn Memorial Hospital, OABCIG Schools, and other professional organizations. “It was great to have the Governor Reynold’s attention locally,” said Whiteing. “Both the governor and lieutenant governor gave us examples of similar sized towns that are working with their schools and industry to keep their youth workforce local. It is also nice to see that some of her suggestions, like applying for DNR grants and tourism awards, are things we are already doing to keep our community a great place to live.” “It was a great experience for all involved. It is not everyday that we have our governor in our own backyard.”
City Council Appoints Interim Mayor
/in City, Front Page/by spireworks
Devlun Whiteing is Ida Grove’s Interim Mayor through the end of 2017
At our January 16th City Council meeting, our council approved the appointment of Devlun Whiteing as interim mayor. This appointment will run through the end of 2017 with a regular election this upcoming November. Council member Doug Clough (Ward II) stated, “Devlun brings a wealth of experience at a time when we need it. He has been our town’s fire chief and has worked with our council on budget and equipment issues.
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403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
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