Mike Collins Presented With Service Award

The City of Ida Grove and the Ida Grove Fire Department would like to thank Mike Collins for his many years of service to the community.  Mike served as Fire Chief for 10 years within his total of 32 years of service in the Fire Department.  Mike is presented with his service award by Mayor and Assistant Fire Chief Devlun Whiteing.  Thank you Mike for your service, it is very much appreciated by everyone in the community.

Thank You to our Local Emergency Responders

The Ida Grove City Hall and City Council would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our local Law Enforcement, EMT’s, and Firefighters for the services they provide to our community. Thank you all for protecting and serving our community, keeping it safe, and THANK YOU for volunteering your time and caring hearts to our community. On behalf of the city, we appreciate each and every one of you.


Comprehensive Plan Presentation

The Ida Grove Comprehensive Plan Presentation will be held Monday April 23, 2018 at 5pm in the Ida Grove Rec Center. The meeting will begin at 5pm with a presentation from SIMPCO representative, Nicole Peterson. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!  Please come review the draft comprehensive plan!

The 2017-2018 Comprehensive Plan of the City of Ida Grove is intended to serve as an advisory document that outlines the city’s vision. The purpose of this comprehensive plan is to provide a current inventory of community resources and a thoughtful statement of the community’s vision and goals for the future. This comprehensive plan includes analysis of the following topics: Housing, Economic Development, Transportation, Community Facilities and Services, Land Use, and Natural Resources. The comprehensive plan document provides legal justification for community decisions and ensures that local policies are in step with those of state, regional, and federal planning best practices. The plan can inform grant applications and leverage funding for community projects. The plan process incorporated public participation and facilitates intergovernmental collaboration through review and consideration of neighboring jurisdictions policy and plans.

For more information contact: Marc Dennison at idagrove@netllc.net or Nicole Peterson at nicole@simpco.org