Entries by Tonya Rehse

City Compost & Brush Piles

The City of Ida Grove, from time to time, as designated by the city council at a regular meeting, may open, operate and maintain a compost and/or brush pile on city property for the use and convenience of citizens residing in the corporate limits for disposal of yard waste, trees, branches and bark during the […]

Tree Trimming Notice

Property owners are responsible for maintenance of trees on their property and on the city parking adjacent to their property as stated in City Ordinance 12.05.040. All branches are to be at least 15 feet above the street surface and 8 feet above sidewalks. Trees, bushes, shrubs, etc. are to be trimmed so they do […]

Permits Required

This serves as a reminder to all property owners and contractors that permits are required prior to beginning any construction or maintenance on projects such as: water, sanitary sewer, building construction, etc. Please visit the online city code at https://idagrove.municipal.codes/ or contact City Hall if you are unsure if a permit is required in order […]

Impending Storm 3/19/2025

With the impending blizzard conditions expected to impact our area tomorrow, 3/19/2025, we would like to inform the residents of Ida Grove that our City Crew will be operating with one less  plow truck and sander due to unforeseen mechanical issues that are unable to be resolved prior to the storm. We ask the residents […]

2025 Seasonal Mowing Help Wanted

HELP WANTED The City of Ida Grove is currently seeking an energetic and highly motivated individual to join our team for a seasonal, part-time mowing position.  Working hours will be determined by the Park’s Superintendent, up to 25 hours/week, with all equipment provided by the City.  Current driver’s license is required.  Experience in mowing, lawn […]

Help Wanted – 2025 Summer Rec Umpires

Help Wanted – Summer Rec Umpires The Ida Grove Community Recreation Center is currently looking for umpires for the upcoming summer softball & baseball season. Full time and substitute umpires are needed for Summer Rec.  Games will be held week nights from May 9 through the end of June.  Umpires will be paid a minimum […]

Now Hiring For The 2025 Outdoor Pool Season

Now Hiring: Outdoor Lifeguards! The Ida Grove Rec Center is currently accepting applications for the following positions for the upcoming outdoor pool season: Pool Manager Assistant Pool Manager Head Lifeguards Lifeguards Position Overview As a member of our outdoor pool team, you will play a key role in ensuring the safety and security of our […]

***UPDATE***Please Conserve Water 3-4-25

****UPDATE***** Well repairs were successfully completed. In order to reduce stress on the pump, we will be refilling the water tower slowly. Please continue to conserve and reduce water usage throughout the evening. Wednesday, March 5, 2025 citizens may resume normal water use, unless otherwise notified.   The City of Ida Grove is  asking residents […]

Want To Stay In The Know?

Did you know? You can sign up to receive important alerts delivered directly to you via call, text and/or email. The City of Ida Grove has partnered with Ida County to utilize Alert Iowa’s messaging system. Visit Iowa’s Homeland Security & Emergency Management website, linked below, and choose from one of three ways to register […]

Winter Weather Reminders

With the projected snowfall forecasted for the remainder of the week, we wanted to share this friendly reminder in regards to on-street parking and sidewalks.   10.45.100 Snow Removal – Parking Prohibited  (1) Parking Prohibited. No person shall park, abandon or leave unattended any vehicle on any public street, alley, or city-owned off-street parking area during the […]

1-24-25 UPDATE Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th, E. 7th from Circle to Barnes

We have just been notified that the water samples have passed all requirements.   The boil advisory that was in effect for Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th, and E. 7th from Circle Drive to Barnes Street has been lifted.   You do not need to boil the water before consuming. Thank you for your patience.

Update Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th & E. 7th From Circle to Barnes

Water main repairs took longer than anticipated and water should be restored this afternoon/evening. Regarding the boil advisory WHICH IS STILL IN EFFECT, for this area only, the precautionary test may take 18 hours to obtain results. We will keep everyone updated with information as we receive it.

Residents of Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th, and E. 7th from Circle Drive to Barnes Street

Due to water main repair, the following area of town will be without water this morning through early afternoon or as soon as repair is complete. Repair of a water main requires a BOIL ADVISORY for the affected area only.  Affected area: Circle Drive, Fairlane Street, E. 6th Street, and  E. 7th Street from Circle […]

Partial Trail Closure

A portion of the Pleasant Valley Trail will be closed for pipe replacement work that has begun on the western side of town.  We anticipate this closure to last over the next 2 – 4 weeks. The pedestrian/bike bridge will still be accessible to cross. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to get this […]

Congratulations On Your Retirement!

On August 18, 2024, the Ida Grove Fire Department held a celebration of retirement for 3 of their long term firefighters. Don Wunschel 50 years, Terry Lovett 47.5 years, and Rick Wonder 34 years. Thank you for all of your dedication and service! Congratulations on your retirement! Pictured from left to right are as follows: […]

Looking For A Home

On the evening of June 20, 2024, the Sheriff’s Office picked up a dog running at large. This animal has not been claimed as of today, June 27, 2024. The city is allowed to keep animals for a maximum of seven days. The city has made numerous attempts to contact animal shelters and find a […]

Heritage Days Kick Off 2024

Heritage Days officially begins today, June 27, 2024! The afternoon looks to be amazing, so come on down to Godbersen Park and check out all of the local Farmer’s Market vendors, AND to take a night off from cooking! The Pork Producers will be grilling burgers and hot dogs with the City of Ida Grove […]