Godbersen Foundation
Head on down to the City Park and check out the newest additions! The community of Ida Grove is extremely grateful to the Godbersen Foundation for the donation of these amenities!
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Tonya Rehse contributed 316 entries already.
Head on down to the City Park and check out the newest additions! The community of Ida Grove is extremely grateful to the Godbersen Foundation for the donation of these amenities!
City Hall recently received a child’s jacket that was found from the events during Heritage Days. Please contact City Hall at 364-2428 to describe and claim this jacket.
The city compost and brush pile are special amenities to those within city limits of Ida Grove. Unfortunately, we have been seeing a lot of illegal dumping at these piles. There are rules and regulations to keep this open for the citizens of our community. If the piles continue to be filled with prohibited debris, […]
For More Information Click Here To Visit Simpco
Please share with those on your friends list… The Blocks for our Community have been established. There are 5 blocks. We have a volunteer for Block 4. We are in need of captains for Blocks 1, 2, 3, & 5. If you are willing to visit your neighbors and share information with them, please consider […]
City Hall will be closed Monday, July 5th In observance of Independence Day. We will resume normal business hours Tuesday, July 6th.
With the 4th of July only being a couple weeks away, we want to remind citizens of Ida Grove that certain fireworks are permitted only during the following times, and to please be cautious and courteous of neighboring property owners. (1) From the Saturday before July 4th until the Sunday after July 4th. (2) Between […]
Heritage Days will officially kick off this Thursday, June 24th! Come on out to enjoy the events that are taking place for this years celebration! Click here for the schedule of events
Three employees with Home Pride Contractors will be in the area. All paperwork has been filed and approved with City Hall.
The City of Ida Grove has picked up a lost female blue heeler dog. If anyone has any information regarding her, please contact City Hall at 364-2428.
Good news! The dilapidated trailers located at the 700 Block of Elm Street are being removed this week! Please be cautious in that area while work is going on.
The mask mandate has now been lifted effective today, 6/8/2021. Citizens and employees are no longer required to wear masks upon entry to a City building. City Council meetings may now be attended either in person (temporary City Office located at 311 Barnes Street) or electronically via our GoToMeeting link. You may join and […]
In observance of Memorial Day, our office will be closed Monday, May 31, 2021. The office will be open on Tuesday, June 1st and will operate at normal business hours for the remainder of the week. Have a safe and happy holiday!
The new LED lights are up and running at City Park. One switch runs the lights for the tennis/pickleball courts and one switch runs the lights for sand volleyball. The crew will be working to get the volleyball nets up soon. While we are all excited for the new basketball courts, we ask people to […]
The Pleasant Valley Trail repairs have been completed. The trail is now open for the public to use and enjoy.
The City of Ida Grove signs are officially up! We were awarded $9,000 from the Siouxland Community Foundation and also MidAmerican for $500.00. They look amazing! Be sure to check them out as you travel from the east and west!
If you have been on the east or west side of town, you will notice that we have begun placing new welcome signs! Keep an eye out for the finished product!
Just a reminder, that the trailer bids are due at 2 p.m. today! Get your bids in!
City of Ida Grove Bid Request on Hay Cutting Hay cutting on City of Ida Grove property is now open for bid. Areas for cutting are located at the Airport (20 acres), City Well site (2+ acres), and flood control areas (43 acres) for a total of 66 acres. Call City Hall, 364-2428, for […]
The City of Ida Grove has picked up a lost dog. We are looking for the owner. The dog has no collar or tags. May be part border collie. Gender is unknown. Picked up near Kid Zone. Please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428 with any information regarding this.
Property owners are responsible for maintenance of trees on their property and on the city parking adjacent to their property as stated in City Ordinance 12.05.040. All branches are to be at least 15 feet above the street surface and 8 feet above sidewalks. Trees, bushes, shrubs, etc. are to be trimmed so they do […]
With warmer weather just around the corner, everyone will be itching to get outdoors. The trail will be undergoing some maintenance for repair and improvements. Reminder to citizens that under the mayor’s proclamation, the trail is currently closed until May 1st.
Warmer weather is just around the corner! The City of Ida Grove reminds residents of the requirements for mowing of their properties within the City limits under Chapter 8.30 of the City Code. It is unlawful for owners of each lot and parcel of ground within the city limits to fail, refuse, or neglect to […]
The City of Ida Grove reminds residents not to blow grass clippings into city streets or alleys to prevent clogging of city storm drains. Leaving grass clippings in any street or alley is considered a “nuisance” and also includes debris such as leaves, brush, nails, glass, or rubbish of any kind. The placing of debris, […]
In respects to Good Friday, our office will be closing at 1 p.m. this Friday, April 2nd. We will resume normal business hours on Monday, April 5th. We wish everyone a safe and Happy Easter!
Hours and dates of burning. No person will be allowed to burn nearer than 10 feet of any building, or on any street or sidewalk at any time. Burning is only permitted between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. from April 1 to November 30 of each year. Yard waste is the only […]
SEALED BID AUCTION On March 24, 2021, The City of Ida Grove, Iowa will be offering for sale the listed mobile homes in this brochure. Pictures will be posted on https://idagroveia.com, for your convenience. Sealed bids may be submitted to the office of the City Clerk, PO Box 236 Ida Grove Iowa 51445, no later […]
The City of Ida Grove is currently seeking an energetic and highly motivated individual to join our team for a seasonal, part-time mowing position. Working hours will be determined by the Park’s Superintendent, up to 30 hours/week, with all equipment provided by the City. Current driver’s license is required. Experience in mowing, lawn clean-up and […]
Our drop box has officially been placed outside of the rec center on Barnes St.! We encourage citizens to please utilize the drop box due to COVID-19 restrictions. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation!
City Hall is now officially set up in the community room at the rec center and phone lines are running accordingly. We are working to get a drop box placed outside next to the rec center mailbox; however, due to unforeseen circumstances, placement will be early next week. Please continue to use the drop box […]
Are you looking to join a group to help in your community? Our Planning and Zoning Commission is looking for 3 new members! This commission is an advisory commission that recommends information to City Council. Meetings are typically held once a month and this can be an effective force in shaping the future of your […]
As City Hall begins to undergo renovations, our office will temporarily be relocated to the community room at the Rec Center beginning Wednesday, March 3, 2021. We appreciate the patience of our citizens, as we may experience intermittent phone service delays as our phone lines and internet are being transferred starting on Tuesday, March 2, […]
In observance of Presidents’ Day, City Hall will be closed Monday February 15, 2021.
Resolution 2021-7 Approving the Maximum Property Tax Dollars Requested for Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Please see attachment for resolution. Click here for Resolution 2021-7
Every second counts in an emergency. As the snow depth continues to increase, so do the seconds it takes for a firefighter to clear away the snow and ice from a fire hydrant. The City and our local Fire Department ask everyone who has a fire hydrant located on their property, to clear it from […]
Per SF 634 – a public hearing will be held via electronic meeting on 2-1-2021 at 6:00 PM on the proposed maximum property tax dollars from certain levies. Residents and taxpayers of the City may join via the following options: https://www.gotomeet.me/CityofIdaGrove on your tablet, computer or smartphone or dial in at (872) 240-3212 using the […]
The Community Watch training program will be held on Wednesday, March 17th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.. Training will be held in the community room located at the Ida Grove Rec Center. To register, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 and provide your name and contact information. The sponsor will then contact you to […]
The Planning and Zoning Commission is looking for 2 new members! This commission is an advisory commission that recommends information to City Council. This can be an effective force in shaping the future of your community! If you have any questions, please contact City Hall at 364-2428.
The City of Ida Grove, Iowa was notified of the resignation of Ward II City Council Member, Ryan Jordan, on December 16, 2020; resignation to be effective upon appointment of replacement council member. Pursuant to Section 372.13(2) of the Code of Iowa, notice is hereby given that the City Council of Ida Grove, Iowa intends […]
We would like to wish Lon Schluter the best on his retirement from the City of Ida Grove after 34 wonderful years!
It’s that time of the year again! Don’t forget that all dogs and cats that are within the city limits are required to be licensed! Contact City Hall at 364-2428 to set up an appointment. Please have your pets updated rabies vaccination record with you at time of appointment. (Due to COVID-19 City Hall is […]
Reminder that sidewalks need to be cleared of any snow or ice accumulations within 24 hours of a winter weather event. Click here for City Code
The City of Ida Grove is looking to appoint and fill the Ward II vacancy seat. This will be a 1 year term which will end on 12-31-2021. This is an excellent opportunity to try out, as these seats are normally four year terms. It would also be a great chance to give back to […]
Office hours for City Hall this week, December 21st – December 25th, are as follows: 12/21/2020 MONDAY 8 AM – 4 PM 12/22/2020 TUESDAY 8 AM – 5 PM 12/23/2020 WEDNESDAY 8 AM – 4 PM 12/24/2020 THURSDAY 7:30 AM – 11:30 AM (Closing early in observance of the […]
Due to the holiday this week, there will be a slight change in garbage pick up. Thursday pick up will be early that morning, so please have your garbage out the night before or early Thursday morning. Friday pick up will be switched to Monday morning instead. This change will also be in effect for […]
The City has picked up a lost dog. If you have any information please contact City Hall at 364-2428 as soon as possible. We would like to see this dog back home with its owner before the weekend!
We would like to congratulate our OABCIG Girls Dance Team on their State Championship in Class 1 Contemporary and their 4th place finish in Class IV Hip Hop! Congratulations also to the 5 soloist performers that earned the Division 1 rating in Class IV solos! Way to Go! OABCIG Proud!
City / Water / Sewer: 712-364-2428
Trash / Recycling: 800-572-9867
Mid-American Energy: 888-427-5632
Frontier Communications: 800-570-6340
Long Lines Communications: 877-275-4861
N.E.T. Broadband: 877-383-7835