City Hall Closure
Due to the weather, City Hall will be closed today, March 19. Please stay home and stay safe!
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Heather Sweeden contributed 118 entries already.
Due to the weather, City Hall will be closed today, March 19. Please stay home and stay safe!
Did you know? You can sign up to receive important alerts delivered directly to you via call, text and/or email. The City of Ida Grove has partnered with Ida County to utilize Alert Iowa’s messaging system. Visit Iowa’s Homeland Security & Emergency Management website, linked below, and choose from one of three ways to register […]
The City of Ida Grove just picked up a black lab that was running near Carlyle Tire. If anyone has any information on this dog’s owner, please contact the Ida County Sheriff’s Office if outside of City Hall Hours (8 am to 4 pm). Otherwise, contact City Hall at 364-2428.
A boil advisory for the City of Ida Grove is in effect immediately. This includes the entire town and we will update once more information is received.
Thanks to our amazing City Crew working into the morning hours, the water main break at Park Lane and Center Lane has been repaired, however, the boil advisory is NOT yet lifted, due to testing requirements. We will continue to provide updates as they are received. It has also been brought to the City’s attention […]
Due to a water main break at the intersection of Park Lane and Center Lane, a drinking water boil advisory is in effect for Badger Creek Drive and South to include all of Zobel’s Addition. PLEASE DO NOT CONSUME THE WATER FOR APPOXIMATELY 48 HOURS, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. YOU MAY USE THE WATER, BUT DO NOT […]
Due to a water main break at the intersection of Park Lane and Center Lane, areas of Zobel’s Addition may experience low pressure while repairs are being completed. Crew members will begin digging as soon as utility locates are completed this evening.
Due to the extent of a water main break, a drinking water advisory is now in effect for the following addresses: West side of Moorehead Avenue from Ash Drive to Highway 175 Both sides of Moorehead Avenue from The Brew to the intersection of N. First Street/Washington Street, with the exception of Cenex Susan Lawrence […]
Due to a water main break, residents and businesses along Moorehead Avenue from approximately Ash Drive to N. First Street will experience low water pressure throughout the day as crews work to repair the leak. Also affected by low water pressure will be those on Susan Lawrence Drive and a portion of Hwy 175.
Emergency Management will be testing the emergency sirens today at 10:00 a.m. as part of the Statewide Tornado Drill.
Please contact the City of Ida Grove to claim. Male with a Grey Collar picked up on Moorehead Street.
The City of Ida Grove (population 2,051) has an immediate opening for Recreation Director. Responsibilities would include management of a 20,000 square foot recreation center with the following amenities: weight room, aerobic room, gymnasium/walking track, two racquetball courts, indoor pool, spa, wading pool, sauna, golf room/golf simulator, card room, and community room with full kitchen. […]
The precautionary health advisory effective at 3:00 am on Monday, July 18, 2022 has been lifted. Levels are within normal limits and did not exceed the limits while blending for sampling.
DRINKING WATER ADVISORY The Ida Grove Water Supply is recommending to boil the water before using for drinking or to use an alternative source The Ida Grove Water Supply had an equipment failure, and was unable to disinfect the water supply for a period of time. Due to the potential for bacterial contamination, […]
Due to sewer line repairs, Main Street from Fourth to Fifth Street is temporarily closed.
The demolition of City Hall will begin on Monday, March 7, 2022.
Closure of the Moorehead Avenue Bridge for construction will now be after the start of the New Year. Happy Holidays!
Good morning, Ida Grove! We have just been notified that the water results came back this morning within normal range so the boil advisory is lifted. Have a wonderful weekend!
While we’re all very excited to get out and use the new courts at City Park, please refrain for the remainder of the day today and all day tomorrow to allow the coating to dry properly. The courts should be ready for full use on Wednesday, August 4th.
The City of Ida Grove invites you to bid on the attached list of street repairs, using the attached sheet to submit your bid. Bid sheets may also be obtained at City Hall, 311 Barnes Street, Ida Grove or by request at [email protected]. Each bid must be in ink or typed and mailed or delivered […]
A public hearing will be held via electronic meeting on 3-15-2021 at 6:15 PM on the proposed fiscal year 2021-2022 City Budget. Residents and taxpayers of the City may join via the following options: on your tablet, computer or smartphone or dial in at (872) 240-3212 using the access code: 240-180-549 and present to […]
Due to the blizzard, City Hall will be closed today Friday, January 15, 2021. Be safe and stay home if you can!
The City has this fella in custody. If he belongs to you or you have any information on his owner, please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428.
The City of Ida Grove (population 2,142) has an immediate opening for a full-time Water Operator/Superintendent. This person will be part of a team-oriented City Crew with primary responsibility over the water department. Candidate must have a high school diploma or GED, an Iowa DNR Grade 2 water treatment/Grade 2 water distribution license (or be able […]
The City of Ida Grove was awarded six gallons of paint through the Paint Iowa Beautiful Grant. Our project was our pumphouse near the Iowa Street Apartments. City Crew Members, Kris Taylor and Bob Lorenzen, power washed and painted the building. We appreciate their work, it looks great!
The City of Ida Grove received a $500 Grant from the Parks and Recreation Foundation earlier this year for repairs of the shelter house at City Park. Our projects included, removal of the chimney, patching the roof, and a fresh coat of paint. We would like to extend our gratitude for all who were involved […]
To all the Ghosts and Ghouls, Unfortunately, the Annual Pumpkin Parade has been cancelled this year due to COVID. However, Mask it up as Trick or Treating is still on and will be held on Saturday, October 31st from 6-8p.m. For the safety of yourself and others, please stay within your group and maintain social […]
**ATTENTION** The City of Ida Grove will begin it’s Fall water main flushing in October. We will start with the North area of town and work South. You may experience low water pressure and discolored water during this period. To clean up discolored water, let a cold water faucet run until the water clears. Thank […]
Yesterday, Parks Superintendent Bob Lorenzen, picked up 11 autumn blaze maple trees that will be planted in the City Park. The trees were purchased as part the Trees Please! grant the City received from MidAmerican Energy earlier this year.
The City of Ida Grove would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the following: Woodley Aerial Spray: Donation of $1,000 to the Pleasant Valley Trail MidAmerican Energy: Donation of $500 towards the Welcome Sign Project We greatly appreciate your generosity!
If you’re considering purchasing your first home, you may qualify for down-payment assistance through SIMPCO. See the attachment for additional information and contact Amanda Harper with questions at 712-279-6286. Brochure
For anyone who would like to view the power point presentation that was provided on Monday, August 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. during a special council meeting, you may click the attachment. Moorehead Ave Bridge PPP
Residents are invited to view a power point presentation regarding the Ida Grove City Hall project. You may attend either Monday, August 24th at 6:00 p.m. or Tuesday, September 1st at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Hall at 301 Main Street, Ida Grove. The presentation will be the same both nights. We value your feedback […]
City Hall will be closed on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 8 am – 10 am in order to facilitate required training of all employees. We thank you for your understanding!
City Hall staff are here to assist the following days/hours: Monday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Tuesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Wednesday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Thursday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm As always, please feel free to leave a voicemail for Kelly or Heather when […]
City Hall will begin stage 3 reopening today, July 14, 2020. Doors will be unlocked and visitors may enter freely, but must still adhere to 6 foot social distancing. City Hall staff still highly encourage use of the drop box for payments. Stage 3 Reopening Plan Stage 3 reopening represents the “new normal” level of […]
Citizens of Ida Grove, The last legal day to shoot off any fireworks within City limits was Sunday, July 5, 2020. There have been numerous reports of fireworks continuing even through last night. Anyone who continues to violate the City Code may be subject to a simple misdemeanor and charged a fine of $250 per […]
The City of Ida Grove (population 2,142) has an immediate opening for a full-time Administrative Assistant. Responsibilities include interpretation and enforcement of adopted codes and related rules/regulations, processing of permits, nuisance abatement and code compliance. Assist in daily operations such as receiving and depositing payments, answering phones and greeting customers. Works with Planning and Zoning […]
City Hall will be closed on Friday, July 3rd in observance of Independence Day. We wish you all a Happy and Safe Fourth!
The City of Ida Grove (population 2,142) has an immediate opening for Recreation Director. Responsibilities would include management of a 20,000 square foot recreation center with the following amenities: weight room, aerobic room, gymnasium/walking track, two racquetball courts, indoor pool, spa, wading pool, sauna, golf room/golf simulator, card room, and community room with full kitchen. […]
Ida Grove is currently undergoing a planning process sponsored by Ida County Economic Development and facilitated by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. The purpose of the process is to prioritize actions that will improve the quality, access, and affordability of housing. We are seeking community input to develop a vision for improving housing, as […]
We are so excited to see you all again; however, we highly encourage all citizens to continue using the drop box for payments. If you would like to come into City Hall for a receipt of payment, permit applications, begin new services, etc. please just give us a call and we would be happy to […]
Plan for operation of Ida Gove Outdoor Pool Target opening date: Monday, June 22, 2020 Target close date: TBD This will allow time to get staff hired and paperwork completed for them, plus pre-season meetings completed with extra training needed for new rules and regulations. Cleaning and disinfection will be enhanced. In addition to the […]
The 4th of July will be here before we know it! Please see the below information regarding the City of Ida Grove’s ordinance on fireworks. Fireworks are allowed only during the following times: (1) From the Saturday before July 4th until the Sunday after July 4th. (2) Between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. with the exception of […]
The City of Ida Grove is currently accepting applications to join our team as a part-time custodian. Ideal candidates would have experience in performing custodial work. This position will be responsible for cleaning and sanitizing offices, meeting areas, bathrooms, community hall, council chambers and other areas as needed. Applications and complete job description for this […]
The City of Ida Grove applied and has been awarded a grant from the Siouxland Community Foundation (Ida County Community Betterment Foundation) in the amount of $9,000. The grant award will go towards the purchase of two “Welcome Signs” on the East and West entrance of Ida Grove! The City is extremely grateful for this […]
During the city council meeting held Monday, June 1, 2020 the following decisions were made: City playgrounds to open June 3, 2020 City park restrooms opening June 3, 2020 City Park and Cobb Park are open for recreational camping effective June 2, 2020 Council will revisit the outdoor pool opening at the June 15, 2020 […]
The City of Ida Grove Youth Ball Fields will be open on June 2nd for use of our Rec Center Summer League softball and baseball teams to practice only if they meet the following guidelines: The coach of the team needs to submit a plan and get it approved by our Rec Center Director, Chelsea Gross, […]
At the special city council meeting on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 the City Council discussed opening campgrounds to accommodate out of town workers. The following motion was made: Motion by McLead to open campgrounds subject to rules set forth by the Governor and that recreational camping will not begin until June 1, second by […]
The City of Ida Grove is aware of the first positive COVID-19 test in Ida County. While the City has been operating under the presumption that cases already existed within the County and City limits, this announcement further emphasizes our need to practice social distancing and proper hygiene, while limiting our exposure to members outside […]
City / Water / Sewer: 712-364-2428
Trash / Recycling: 800-572-9867
Mid-American Energy: 888-427-5632
Frontier Communications: 800-570-6340
Long Lines Communications: 877-275-4861
N.E.T. Broadband: 877-383-7835