Comprehensive Senior Care Resource is a senior care organization that supports family caregivers and their loved ones. Based on conversations with community leaders across the US, has learned that many seniors are unaware of the available care options and programs that can help maintain their independence and quality of life and thus created a comprehensive resource that covers topics like financial support, non-profit organizations, and available care options that are in Iowa. More information can be found here:

Ida Grove Community Blood Drives

St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ida Grove and LifeServe Blood Center partner together every other month to put on a community blood drive in order to save local lives in our community. LifeServe Blood Center is the local provider of blood and blood products to Horn Memorial Hospital and several other surrounding hospitals. They rely on volunteer blood donors to keep the blood supply stead for local patients. The drive is open to the public, and you can walk in the day of or schedule an appointment online at


Upcoming Drives

All drives occur at St. Paul Lutheran Church on 100 7th St.

December 5th 2018, 10:30 am – 4:00 pm

February 6th 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm

April 3rd 2019, 10 :30 am – 4:30 pm

June 5th 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm

August 7th 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm

October 2nd 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm

December 4th 2019, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm


Ida Grove Library to host local photographer Don Poggensee

On Thursday, November 15th at 6:30pm, the Ida Grove Library will host a guided exhibit of the photography of local photographer Don Poggensee. The exhibit, guided by Don, will showcase a variety of photographs taken throughout his career and will feature photographs of the Amish, wildlife, nature, star trails, northern lights and other special images. The guided exhibit will be held in the Heritage Room of the Ida Grove Library, coffee and cookies will be served.


Area Students Visit City Hall

3rd graders from OABCIG recently visited Ida Grove City Hall. Students had a great time touring the facility, meeting the City Clerk and Mayor, learning about local Government and more! If you or your organization are interested in touring City Hall, please contact us for more details.


The City’s burn pile is OPEN again and just in time for the weekend! Reminder to please follow size restrictions on branches/limbs. Maximum size limits are up to 6″ in diameter and no more than 8′ in length. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Outdoor Pool Survey

Here at the City of Ida Grove we strive to provide our community with quality service and amenities. Please let us know your thoughts and opinions on our outdoor pool by taking part in a brief, anonymous survey found here: . We want to provide the best experience possible to all of our pool-goers so your input is much appreciated. Thank you for your time.


Ida Grove Library to host University of Iowa’s Mobile Museum

The Ida Grove Library is set to host the University of Iowa’s Mobile Museum on Monday, September 24th from 10:30am – 4pm. The Mobile Museum will feature three physical exhibits for visitors to enjoy. The three featured exhibits are:

Discover, Develop, Deploy
This exhibit highlights work on nutrition, hearing loss, and supporting healthy families. From printing devices that help the hearing-impaired to creating eyeglasses and beyond, this partnership shows that translational science is only limited by your imagination!

A Matter of Scales: Pangolins in Peril
Pangolins are amazing scale-covered mammals from Africa and Asia. Unfortunately they are critically endangered because of illegal hunting and trade. Pangolins aren’t the only animals in trouble. There are more than 25 endangered species right here in Iowa. Learn about some of the simple steps everyone can take to help.

Wild Iowa: Awareness, Appreciation, and Action
Wild Iowa highlights UI Recreational Services’ outdoors programs including the Iowa Raptor Project, School of the Wild, and Wildlife Camps. Iowa is arguably one of the least “wild” states due to the loss of native habitats, but the UI’s outdoors programs work to awaken Iowans to the importance of our native habitats through research, educational programs, and the savanna restoration project.

The Mobile Museum also includes two interactive digital touchscreens let visitors learn about research and creative activity happening in a variety of UI units.

Make sure to stop by to see what’s happening at the University of Iowa and some of the great projects they have going on!


Due to the potential rainy weather for Saturday, the Heritage Days Committee has decided to move the inflatables indoors to the Elementary School gym for both Friday and Saturday.


Heritage Days 2018

 Heritage Days 2018 kicks of Thursday!!

Young Supporter

At just five years old, little Mia Mason is already accomplishing big things. Mia, the daughter of Tony and Renee Mason, recently held her very own lemonade stand during the Ida Grove City Wide Garage Sale weekend in an effort to raise money for the Ida Grove King Theater Project. Mia operated her stand Friday afternoon and evening, and again Saturday. Her stand, featuring both lemonade and cookies, brought in approximately $300 which the preschooler happily handed over for the renovation project efforts.  (pictured here: Mayor Devlun Whiteing, Mia Mason and Theater Board member Doug Clough)


Relay Iowa

Relay Iowa, the world’s longest relay run of 339 miles, will be making its way through Ida Grove this year! This year marks the 9th year for Relay Iowa; you can expect to see runner’s coming through Ida Grove on Friday, June 8, 2018. The PEO group will be grilling pork burgers and bratwurst at Food Pride from 11am to 1pm.


For more information on Relay Iowa, you can visit


Battle Creek – Ida Grove Community School District participates in the Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ensures that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. This summer, USDA plans to serve more than 200 million free meals to children 18 years and under at approved SFSP sites.
Delicious and nutritious meals are provided to all children age 1 to 18 years old FREE without charge and are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service.
Meals will be provided on a first come, first serve basis at the site and times as follows:
Battle Creek-Ida Grove Elementary School, 403 Barnes Street, Ida Grove, Iowa
Monday through Friday, beginning June 4, 2018 and serving through July 27, 2018
Breakfast will be served each day from 8:30 am to 9:00 am
Lunch will be served each day from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
No meals will be served Wednesday, July 4, due to the Holiday.
Adult meals are available for a small cash fee – $2.00 Breakfast and $3.75 Lunch
For additional information please contact Mary Renze at 364-3371, or by email [email protected].
BCIG Community School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

“Libraries Rock!” 2018 Summer Library Program at Ida Grove Library


Are you signed up for the Summer Library Program? We are currently accepting registrations and encourage all children to attend, we  have some great programs lined up for this summer and can’t wait to see all of our summer readers!

The children’s summer library program will kick off on Tuesday, June 12 and includes brand new presenters along with a few seasoned veterans from previous years. Registration for the children’s summer program is now open and all children are welcome! The children’s schedule of events is as follows, all programs begin at 10:30am:

Tuesday June 12 – Fonziba Drums

Tuesday June 19 – Darrin Crow, Storyteller

Tuesday June 26 – Aspen Black, the Singing Cowgirl

Tuesday July 3 – Craft & Movie Day (Rock Dogs – PG)

Tuesday July 10 – Lisa Laird & Pockets Full of Fun Party and Picnic

We will also host a weekly Friday Morning Movie Matinee from June 8th through July 27th. Every Friday morning at 10:15am we will be showing a great family movie, and most are suitable for all ages. Make sure to stop down to pick up the summer schedule and get registered for these free programs. All programs are open to children of all ages and abilities, we welcome you to stop down and join in the summer fun!

The teen summer library program will welcome back Maker Camp. Maker Camp will run from June 28th – July 19th. Programs will be held each Thursday starting at 10:30am. All teens ages 11 and up are welcome to register for the program. Each week will bring new projects to make and ideas to explore! Registration for Maker Camp opens on June 1st.

The adult summer library program starts on June 1st, and this year we will host a special “Books to Movies” series! The “Books to Movies” series will feature a weekly movie at the library. This series kicks off on June 4th and runs through July 30th, movies will be shown every Monday starting at 1pm. We have a great movie line up and hope you will join us! Schedules for adult summer programs are now available and registration is open.

We encourage all of you to stop down and see what the library can offer you, both during the summer months, and throughout the year.  Another great way to find out what’s going on at the library is through our website (, the library’s Facebook page, and the city’s website ( Of course you can always give us a call for more information as well!

Library hours are: Monday 10-6, Tuesday 11-5, Wednesday 12-5, Thursday 12-7, Friday 10-7, and Saturday 9-2. Please stop by and see us or give us a call at 364-2306 for more details on the services we provide or with any questions you may have. We hope to see you soon at the library! Happy Reading!

Ida Grove Library Debuts Adventure Pass Program


Library users in 16 cities and towns statewide will soon have the option to take advantage of an extraordinary new program, the Iowa Libraries AdventurePass.

As a partner of the Iowa Libraries AdventurePass program, the Ida Grove Library will offer all cardholders the option to check out a free family pass to participating museums and attractions in the State of Iowa, starting on May 7, 2018.

With the AdventurePass program, cardholders will have access to passes for the Greater Des Moines Botanical Gardens, Des Moines Blank Park Zoo, and Sioux City’s LaunchPAD Children’s Museum.  Some restrictions do apply, so please check with the library for program rules.

“The library board and staff at the Ida Grove Library are very excited to bring this big city amenity to our small hometown library” said IG Library Director Angela Scales. “The AdventurePass is a fantastic opportunity for all adult cardholders at the Ida Grove Public Library, and will provide free access to great destinations in the State of Iowa.”

For more information on the program or for instructions on how to reserve passes, please contact the Ida Grove Library staff at 712-364-2306 or email [email protected]

UPDATE: Verizon Cell Tower

Beginning Monday, May 21st, contractors will begin installing conduit and fiber optic cable to service the Verizon Cell tower.

Turtle Rescue

Excitement abounds!! City crew rescues a large snapping turtle within city limits today. Take a look at this monster sized snapper!

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels America is the oldest and largest national organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based senior nutrition programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger – this program is available right here in Ida Grove, IA!

Ever wondered how to make sure your loved ones are eating a nutritious meal but still letting them keep their independence by living at home?  Please see the attached documents with information on the Meals on Wheels program.

If you have any questions, you may access the website located on the documents or call City Hall at 712-364-2428.

Meals on Wheels Information


Long Live The King!

The Princess Theatre was Built in 1914 for silent films. In 1917, the theater was bought by Frank King and brought into the sound era in 1921. In 1940, Milton Mansfield bought the theater, adding a marquee. In 1954, Bob Fridley bought the theater, adding an indoor wall waterfall, floating stair case, and changed the seating arrangement. In 1982, Fred Saunders bought the theater, issuing in the VCR tape rental era. In 2010, the building fell into disrepair and the analog equipment was no longer relevant. The City of Ida Grove acquired it in 2015, selling it to the Ida Grove Foundation for a period of reconstruction. The Ida Grove Foundation Board is currently reconstructing the inside with private donations, community fundraising, and grants. The Foundation has raised $400,000 and seeks to raise an additional $150,000; they have begun reconstruction and hope to be showing movies by the end of summer 2018.

The theater will primarily show movies; however, there will be a motorized screen which will allow them to utilize a large enough stage for public speakers and one-act plays.


Want to donate?
To contribute to our count’s King Theatre renovation, please contact Ida Grove City Hall at 712.364.2428. You may also contact Ida Grove Foundation’s President Douglas Clough at [email protected].


See our progress at our Facebook page:


Ida Grove Foundation Board [formerly King Theatre Renovation Board]:
President, Douglas Clough
Vice President, Ryan Goodman
Treasurer, Cheryl Gosch
Secretary, Beth Wolterman
Owen Bolte
John Brinkman
Paul Cates
Kim Claussen
Dan Gosch
Sandy Ullrich
Traci VanHouten

Source Water Protection Plan



The City of Ida Grove is pleased to announce that we are in the process of developing a collaborative Source Water Protection effort between our city officials, community members, and members of our rural community. We would like to welcome you to a meeting regarding Source Water, our current protection efforts and how we can move forward together in developing a long term plan for keeping our drinking water clean!


April 24, 2018


Ida Grove Community Rec Center

Source Water Protection Plan




For more information, contact Bridget Durst:


[email protected]


City Council Agenda

Please see the attached City Council Agenda for tonight’s meeting

04-16-2018 City Council Agenda


Mowing Ordinance

Summer is fast approaching, and with Summer, comes green grass!  Please read the following excerpt from the City of Ida Grove’s ordinance book regarding mowing regulations:

The City of Ida Grove reminds residents of the requirements for mowing of their properties within the city limits under ordinance 3-6.0101, 3-6.0103, 3-6.0104. It is unlawful for owners of each lot and parcel of ground within the city limits to fail, refuse, or neglect to cut or destroy all weeds, vines, brush or other growth and debris. Property owners are reminded that any vegetation which reaches a height of more than 12 inches is required to be mowed. Any property not mowed after the vegetation reaches 12 inches in height, may be mowed by the City or their agents, and a charge of $75.00 per hour plus a surcharge of $100.00 will be charged to the property owner. Publication of this notice will serve as notice to property owners.

Thank you for your cooperation to keep Ida Grove a place to be proud of!




Burning Regulations

With April 1st right around the corner, the City reminds residents of their responsibility to follow the burning regulations set in place for the safety and also convenience of our citizens.

Hours and dates of burning: No person will be allowed to burn nearer than 10 feet of any building, or on any street or sidewalk at any time. Burning is only permitted between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. from April 1st to November 30th of each year. Yard waste is the only material that is allowed to be burnt. It shall be illegal for any person to burn or allow open burning on the premises except during the times and during the dates stated in this paragraph.


City of Ida Grove Comprehensive Plan Presentation

The City of Ida Grove is updating their comprehensive plan and would love to hear from YOU! Join your fellow citizens on April 23, 2018 at the Ida Grove Rec Center at 5:00 p.m. for a presentation to review the draft plan regarding future plans for housing, economic development, transportation, parks, and community facilities and services.

Click the links below to see the flyer and review the draft plan.

Comprehensive Plan Flyer

Draft Comprehensive Plan

Ward II Council Vacancy

The City of Ida Grove announces a Ward II Council vacancy effective immediately.  City Council plans to hold a special council meeting Thursday, March 22 at noon.  If anyone within Ward II is interested in filling this position, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 before Thursday.  Ward II description is as follows:

Commencing at the intersection of the centerlines of Main Street and Fourth Street; thence South along the centerline of Main Street to the center of Seventh Street; thence West along the centerline of Seventh Street to the middle of the intersection of Seventh Street and Taylor Street; thence South along the centerline of Taylor Street extended to the centerline of Badger Creek; thence randomly South and East along the centerline of Badger Creek to the centerline of South Main Street; thence South along the centerline of South Main Street to the middle intersection of Center Lane and South Main Street; thence East along the centerline of Center Lane to the middle of the intersection of Center Lane and Park Lane; thence South along the centerline of Park Lane to the middle of the intersection of Park Lane and Zobel Lane; thence East along the centerline of Zobel Lane to the corporate limits.

Ward II map

Pet Licensing

Reminder: Get your cats and dogs licensed at City Hall during the ‘early-bird registration period’. Any owner of a dog or cat within city limits is required by city ordinance to license the animal yearly. In order to license your pet you MUST provide proof of a current rabies vaccination. The licensing fees are as follows:

January 1-February 28 $10 per pet if spayed or neutered, $15 per pet if not spayed or neutered

March 1-December 31 $20 per pet if spayed or neutered, $25 per pet if not spayed or neutered


Sign up for Automatic Withdrawal

READY, SET, GO!!! The City of Ida Grove is pleased to announce we are ready to begin automatic withdrawal of monthly utility bills. Stop into City Hall today and ask for a “withdrawal authorization” form to have your utility bill automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account. Once you have completed your authorization form, the City of Ida Grove will withdrawal your utility bill on the 10th of every month. Please note, if the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, your bill will be deducted on the last business day previous to the 10th.


Sewer Backups

Sanitary sewer line blockages are typically caused by roots, grease, and improper disposal of items.  Tree roots can enter the sanitary sewer system at joints and cracks in the sewer service lines and mains.  Grease can solidify in the sewer lines and restrict other waste from flowing through.  The lines can be blocked by items like disposable diapers, paper towels, feminine hygiene products, washing machine lint, rags or other items improperly flushed down the drain or toilet.  Please refrain from flushing these items and keeping the sanitary sewer lines clear to provide you with good service without backups into your basement.

Source Water Protection Plan


The City of Ida Grove is pleased to announce that we are in the beginning stages of a collaborative Source Water Protection effort between our city officials, community members, and members of our rural community.  We would like to welcome you to an open planning meeting regarding Source Water, our current protection efforts and how we can move forward together in developing a long term plan for keeping our drinking water clean.


March 13, 2018


Ida Grove Community Rec Center


For more information, contact Bridget Durst:


[email protected]

City of Ida Grove: 712-364-2428

Extendable Backwater Valves

Basement flooding can result in serious property damage.  Be mindful of your health and safety when cleaning up your flooded basement.  Floodwater may carry waterborne diseases, corrosive agents, irritants, and sharp objects.  Electrical accidents are possible because of contact between appliances and water.  Dress appropriately; wear overalls, gloves, protective eyewear, protective boots and a mask.  Open windows and stay away from electrical equipment and outlets or shut off the electrical power.

A backwater valve is a device that prevents sewage from backing up into your basement.  A valve will automatically prevent water from the sanitary sewer from coming back into your home’s plumbing system.  A properly installed backwater valve must be placed so that sewage backup will be stopped and not come out through plumbing fixtures or the floor drain in your basement.  A licensed plumber can look at your system and recommend the appropriate installation.  If you are going to install a backwater valve, a licensed plumbing contractor must install it properly.  These valves also require periodic inspection and maintenance to remove debris and reduce the risk of failure.  Ask a licensed plumbing contractor how to properly inspect and maintain the backwater valve that is installed for your home.

It is important to note that a backwater valve is designed to be closed during sewer surcharge conditions to keep water from the sanitary sewer system from flowing into your home.  When the backwater valve closes, water from inside of your home will not drain out.  When there is a risk of sewer surcharge, such as during a heavy rain storm, you should avoid using the toilet, sink, shower, washer, dishwasher or any other appliance that releases water to the sanitary sewer system.  The water will not be able to get past your backflow prevention device(s) and will have nowhere to go except back into your home.

If you are redoing the sewer line to your house, the City of Ida Grove suggests you include an extendable backwater valve.  This valve will help prevent sewer line backups into your basement.  If you have any questions, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 or the WWTP Operator Shannon Hazelton at 364-3252.


Due to the weather, the Ida Grove Recreation Center will be closed today.


Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program

The Western Iowa Community Improvement Regional Housing Trust Fund is working in partnership with SIMPCO to make available an Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program.  The mission of the program is to further the preservation and development of affordable housing and grow affordable housing opportunities for low-to-moderate income households in Ida County.

Eligible repairs include: repair or replacement of heating, electrical, and plumbing systems; roofs; windows; ADA accessibility and other repair work necessary to address substandard health or safety conditions.

Some program requirements are:

  • All households assisted shall have gross annual incomes under 80% of the county SHTF income limit.
  • The property must be a single family unit.
  • Applicants shall own and occupy the property to be assisted and shall be current on taxes, utilities, mortgage payments, and housing insurance.
  • The property must remain the principal residence of the homeowner for five years.

Funding is limited and will be distributed throughout the service area to the extent possible and approved on a “First Ready, First Served” basis.  Forms and additional program information is available by contacting Amanda Harper at SIMPCO (712)-279-6286 or by visiting

Ida Grove Economic Development Corporation

Ida Grove aspires to be a community defined by the creativity, diversity and innovation of its citizens and businesses. So if you or anyone you know enjoy economic development, have an undiscovered creative streak, love working with and interacting with equally committed people………  being on the Ida Grove Economic Development Corporation is definitely for YOU!

The Economic Development Corporation is created to advise the City of Ida Grove regarding local business retention and recruitment. The corporation is responsible for developing and recommending policies, procedures, organizations, and ordinances to the City Council for adoption that best suit the community for a healthy and diversified economy. The corporation provides businesses with an atmosphere to locate, innovate, grow, and prosper within our community.

The Economic Development Corporation’s areas of interest include developing plans and programs for the following:

  • Planning and Development
  • Support of projects and procedures that are in accordance with the purpose, spirit, and intent of the City Comprehensive Plan.
  • Promote redevelopment of business.
  • Take advantage of different local, state, and federal grant programs.
  • Work in conjunction with the Ida Grove Chamber of Commerce, the City of Ida Grove and Ida County Economic Development in the recruitment of new businesses to the area, as well as retaining established businesses.

City Council Meetings

The Ida Grove City Council meets on the first and third Mondays of the month, except when the meetings are shifted to the following Tuesdays to avoid conflicts with holidays. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, at 403 Third Street.

Online Utility Bill Pay

In an effort to provide you with ease and flexibility for your utility bill payments, the City of Ida Grove has implemented a new online payment service through Forte.  You can find the new service payment link at the bottom of the city’s main web page, or you may click on the Government dropdown box tab at the top right of the main page, click on the utilities option and click on the payment link located on this page.

  • Pay your bill via Forte’s secure website
  • Select payment options that work for you – credit card or debit card
  • Receive an electronic confirmation of your payment

Thank You to our Local Emergency Responders

The Ida Grove City Hall and City Council would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our local Law Enforcement, EMT’s, and Firefighters for the services they provide to our community. Thank you all for protecting and serving our community, keeping it safe, and THANK YOU for volunteering your time and caring hearts to our community. On behalf of the city, we appreciate each and every one of you.


Comprehensive Plan Presentation

The Ida Grove Comprehensive Plan Presentation will be held Monday April 23, 2018 at 5pm in the Ida Grove Rec Center. The meeting will begin at 5pm with a presentation from SIMPCO representative, Nicole Peterson. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!  Please come review the draft comprehensive plan!

The 2017-2018 Comprehensive Plan of the City of Ida Grove is intended to serve as an advisory document that outlines the city’s vision. The purpose of this comprehensive plan is to provide a current inventory of community resources and a thoughtful statement of the community’s vision and goals for the future. This comprehensive plan includes analysis of the following topics: Housing, Economic Development, Transportation, Community Facilities and Services, Land Use, and Natural Resources. The comprehensive plan document provides legal justification for community decisions and ensures that local policies are in step with those of state, regional, and federal planning best practices. The plan can inform grant applications and leverage funding for community projects. The plan process incorporated public participation and facilitates intergovernmental collaboration through review and consideration of neighboring jurisdictions policy and plans.

For more information contact: Marc Dennison at [email protected] or Nicole Peterson at [email protected]

Have You Heard About……

Tech support scams.

Here’s how they work:
You get a call from someone who says he/she’s a computer technician. He/She might say they’re from a well known company like Microsoft, or maybe your internet service provider. They tell you there are viruses or other malware on your computer. They say you’ll have to give them remote access to your computer or buy new software to fix it.

But is the caller who they say they are? Judging by the complaints to the Federal Trade Commission, no. These scammers might want to sell you useless services, steal your credit card number, or get access to your computer to install malware, which could then let them see everything on your computer.

Here’s what you can do:
1. Hang up. Never give control of your computer or your credit card information to someone who calls you out of the blue.
2. Pass this information onto a friend. You might know these calls are fakes, but chances are you know someone who doesn’t.

Want to know more? Sign up for scam alerts at

If you spot a scam, please report it to the Federal Trade Commission.

Call the FTC at 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) or TTY 1-866-653-4261
Go online:

Your complaint can help protect other people. By filing a complaint, you can help the FTC’s investigators identify the imposters and stop them before they can get someone’s hard-earned money. It really makes a difference.

New Meal Opportunities for Home Bound 60+ Population

Connections Area Agency on Aging is pleased to announce the expansion of our frozen meal program in Ida Grove.  To be eligible for meals, the client must be 60 or older and homebound.  Those under the age of 60 may qualify if they are on a Medicaid waiver program or purchase meals at full price.

Please contact Connections Area Agency on Aging for more information 1-800-432-9209 extension 8226 or 8225.

Ida Grove Library joins NASA and other organizations in celebrating the celestial event of the century

The Ida Grove Library has joined more than 1,000 libraries across the country to participate in the celestial event of the century, the August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse. During this national event, the shadow of the moon will sweep across the United States in a narrow band from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean in a spectacle that hasn’t occurred in decades. In fact, the last total solar eclipse for the United States was nearly 40 years ago. The rest of the U.S. and North America will see a partial eclipse, with the Moon covering up only part of the Sun. It is aptly named the Great American Eclipse.

This will be a great opportunity for our community to celebrate science with fun, hands-on activities, culminating in the eclipse event on August 21, 2017.

On Monday August 21st, the library will host an Eclipse viewing party from 11am-1pm. During the viewing party, the library will be distributing solar viewing glasses along with information on safe eclipse viewing. The Grout Museum will be in attendance during the viewing with a special hands-on “Outreach to Space” exhibit for all ages, and there will be a live stream of the total eclipse from NASA.   NASA’s live stream will include a wealth of images captured before, during, and after the eclipse by 11 spacecraft, at least three NASA aircraft, more than 50 high-altitude balloons, and the astronauts aboard the International Space Station – each offering a unique vantage point for the celestial event.

The Ida Grove Library will also offer a range of public programs during the week of August 14, 2017 to bring the excitement of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) to children, teens and adults.   Our schedule of events includes daily craft activities (while supplies last) as well as two special movie viewings. Scheduled activities the week of August 14th include:

Monday August 14th 1-2pm: Sun Catchers

Tuesday August 15th 1-2pm: Solar Art Prints

Wednesday August 16th 1-3pm: Eclipse Coloring

Thursday August 17th 1-2pm: Sundials

Thursday August 17th @ 5:30pm: Movie Night showing Apollo 13

Friday August 18th @10:30am: Children’s movie showing E.T. & a special solar s’mores making session after the movie

“We are excited that the Ida Grove Library will have the opportunity to participate in this national program,” said Angela Scales, library director.  “We have received tremendous support from the Shopko Foundation to help our community prepare for and enjoy this amazing astronomy event. We think people of all ages and backgrounds will find the solar eclipse to be an experience they will remember the rest of their lives.” More information on the scheduled events and safe eclipse viewing can be found on the library’s website at

Ida Grove Library is located at 100 East 2nd Street.  All of the scheduled eclipse programs are free and open to the public during library hours. Solar viewing glasses will be available free of charge as well during the eclipse viewing event.

Ida Grove Library has joined the STAR Library Education Network (STAR_Net) and its NASA@ My Library initiative, which is providing resources and STEM activities to libraries across the nation related to the eclipse. Partners include NASA, the American Library Association, and many other organizations. This project was made possible through support from the NASA Science Mission Directorate, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Google, and the National Science Foundation.

July 13th Ida Area Farmer’s Market

Eggs from Lori will be at the Ida Area Farmer’s Market

AFTER PROM will be grilling hamburgers, pork burgers or hot dogs this Thursday, July 13th. Included is a bag of chips and a drink. Don’t have a garden? Head to the Ida Area Farmers’ Market and let our four produce vendors give you fresh produce (not shipped from miles away). Look for blueberries, carrots, green beans, melons, onions, peas, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, sweet corn, squash, and tomatoes. Some will be ready!! And don’t forget home decor, jewelry, and more from Genevieve, fresh flowers from Faith, wine from the Sinnotts, and eggs from Lori. So enjoy an evening at the park with great food, friends, and products from the market. 4:30 to 6:30 PM on Thursday in downtown Ida Grove.


King Theatre Renovation Board’s 2nd Annual Garden Party & Art Walk

Enjoy a walk through the Harskamps’ Oasis…

Come walk the gardens and enjoy artwork by local artist Ken Harskamp – treats provided by Darts Harskamp! The weather is looking PERFECT for our second annual garden party and art walk hosted by the Harskamps. Enjoy a leisurely garden tour – self-guided or with our hosts – and then take a walk through Ken’s art gallery.

$15 per person or $25 for two – all proceeds go to our King Theatre Renovation. See you tomorrow, Saturday, July 8th, from 10 am to 2 pm, at the Harskamp residence, 609 Moorehead Street in Ida Grove.

Handicap accessibility at the alley behind the residence.

King Theatre Stabilized by Talented Local Team

Thanks to a team assembled by Ida Grove’s Dan Gosch, the King Theatre’s south side has been stabilized, allowing the theatre board to move forward with this important project. West Central Construction, owned and operated by Jim and Pat Redenius, was on hand at the building today to hoist a 10″ H-beam in place under the roof’s joists and supported by cribbing on both sides.

In addition to West Central Construction, the King Theatre Board thanks Kevin Nulle for the use of his forklift, Dan Roeder for the use of his forklift and payloader; the City of Ida Grove for the use of the city’s payloader; and Godbersen-Smith for the use of the 10″ H-beam. If it was not for this team of talented people, the project would not advance as it now most certainly, and passionately, will. Long live the King.


Mark Nielsen retires with nearly 31 years on city maintenance staff

After nearly 31 years as a city staffer, Mark Nielsen has retired. From left to right is daughter, Heather Nielsen; future son-in-law Jake Apple; wife Lanette Nielsen; Mark Nielsen; and Mayor Devlun Whiteing.

In our modern world, we thank our lucky stars that there are people like Mark Nielsen. He has worked for the City of Ida Grove for nearly 31 years before retiring today. Nielsen has his license to manage a municipal sewer system. Nielsen has been through re-licensure 15 times. Nielsen came on board November 17th, 1986. Ivan O’Tool was mayor and the council included Earl Pfleeger, Herman Jensen, Lowell Bloenker, Earl Muckey, and Ronnie Powell.

Currently, there are four people on the city maintenance crew: 30-year water works manager, Lon Schluter; 24-year roads manager Gerrod Sholty; 5-year parks manager, Bob Lorenzen, parks manager; and 15-year Kris Taylor, who assists in areas as needed. The city is currently viewing applicants to fill the big hole left by veteran Nielsen.

“Jerry Frahm was the foreman at the time who hired me,” said Nielsen. “I started off with helping with water chores getting my water license in 1987 and then my sewer license in August of 1988.”

Nielsen has been no stranger to trials in his field. “In the sewage processor, the plastic sheets to separate the different forms of sewage will sometimes come off,” noted Nielsen. “Those sheets are used for rotating biological contact. When those sheets come off, they are full of slime. You have to handle them with vice-grips to control them.”

Nielsen has had the duty a time or two of turning off the water of a customer who ignored a nonpayment disconnect notice. “I knocked on the door to inform the resident that she could pay her bill to continue service,” stated Nielsen. “She didn’t answer the door, so I shut off the water. I was about a block away when I heard someone yelling for me. She was on her doorsteps, suds running from her hair to her face, waving her payment at me and hoping I’d turn the water back on.”

Overall, Nielsen – who has worked with four city clerks and five different mayors – agree that it’s been a memorable 30-plus years. “We have a good crew,” said Nielsen of the self-managed team. “Sure, we get complaints now and again, but one compliment wipes out a dozen complaints.”


Community Center Senior Lunch and Meals on Wheels Holiday Closure

Senior Meal Services Closed July 3rd and 4th

The Community Center Senior Lunch and Meals on Wheels will be closed on Monday July 3rd and Tuesday July 4th due to the Independence Holiday.


Donate $20 to the city’s King Theatre Project and Receive a Shirt fit for a King!

All this for your support and a $20 donation – LONG LIVE THE KING!

King Theatre Board members will be under the King Marquee from 12:30 p.m. until Heritage Days Parade traffic subsides with this fantastic offer. A $20 donation gets you a shirt and your chance to display your love for this endeavor! Thanks for supporting OUR King Theatre!


Complete Heritage Days Schedule

Our Heritage Days schedule for Friday, June 23rd, Saturday, June 24th, and Sunday, June 25th. Enjoy!


Heritage Days’ Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s Market TODAY downtown at 2nd and Main.

IT’S HERITAGE DAYS!! Start your celebration by visiting the Farmers’ Market on 2nd Street in downtown Ida Grove. We have four produce vendors, a fresh flower vendor, wine and wine tasting, an organic meat vendor, a baked goods vendor, and a vendor who sells brown, blue, green, and buff eggs! Rita Pierson will be available with her artisan chocolates.

And grilling to raise funds for the King Theater Renovation will feature beef ribeye sandwich meals for $5 and shirts for a $20 donation.

So get in on the action and join your friends and neighbors from 4:30 to 6:30 PM on Thursday.


Fireworks Use in the City Limits

The Battle Creek 4th of July Show is one of the best ways to enjoy fireworks

While fireworks are nothing new to Iowa small towns around the 4th of July holiday, capitol hill legislation has made sales and use of certain fireworks legal this year. Here are some tidbits of information for all Ida Grovians to consider this inaugural year:

– The legislated fireworks can only be displayed/set off on the user’s property or another private citizen’s property who has agreed to the use.

– Our city’s noise ordinance is still in effect and applies to fireworks use; no noise-oriented fireworks after 10pm per our noise ordinance.

– Fireworks cannot be used in city parks or other public areas unless allowed by city council decision.

Safety is also a key factor in using fireworks; local hospitals see a rise in burn victims during this time of year. Use common sense and caution.


Ida Area Farmer’s Market – TONIGHT!

Farmer’s Market vendors are working for your enjoyment…

The Ida Area Farmers’ Market will be a 2nd & Main with its produce vendors, winemaker, fresh flower lady, organic meat producer, and baked goods vendors. Genevieve Voss and Rita Pierson will again be at the market with jewelry, home decor, artisan chocolates, and much more. Lori Loehr, a new vendor, will join us to sell brown and blue eggs! The After Prom Committee will be serving smoked turkey sandwiches, baked beans, chips, and a beverage for $6. Carryouts will be available. So join your friends and neighbors and support the kids and their parents. 4:30 to 6:30 pm in downtown Ida Grove.


“The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.” – Mark Twain

Like Twain, we are dog lovers in Ida Grove. We want you to keep your dog safe by keeping him or her from running at large If you love your dog as much as we think you do, license him or her with our city. If your animal is picked up, we can easily track down the owner if licensed.

Fines are assessed for dogs at large. The first fine is $20.00 with a daily boarding fee added. The second offense doubles and the third offense triples.

Be considerate of your neighbors as well; man’s best friend is known to poop on walks, so bring a scoop and a bag to clean up the ‘business.’