City Owned Parks Opening

Council voted during their regular city council meeting on Monday, May 4, 2020 to open some portions of City owned parks and allow for recreational use as follows:

The City of Ida Grove Parks and Trails will be open to the public for recreation, but due to COVID-19 concerns playground equipment, restrooms, and picnic shelters will remained closed until further notice.  All drinking fountains will be turned off.  Tennis courts are closed due to the overhaul.  Basketball courts will be open to shoot baskets for members of the same household.  Team sports, pick up games and contact play are prohibited.

The city has installed caution tape around playground equipment; please stay off of it.    We are asking residents to do their part to keep family, friends, neighbors, and the community safe.  Signage will be posted at each park regarding the closures.  The City’s priority is protecting the health and safety of our residents and continue to serve the public.

When visiting a public space, use your best judgement and act responsibly. Bring your own sanitation supplies with you and adhere to recommended guidelines of keeping social gatherings to less than 10 people, with members of the same household, and observing social distancing standards of staying at least 6’ from others.  If you do not feel well or have been sick stay home.

From the Desk of the Mayor

Important information from the desk of Ida Grove Mayor, Devlun Whiteing:

Lot’s of things happening this week. The city council met on Wednesday to discuss the opening of three city facilities. Rec Center, City Hall, and the Library. The council decided May 1st was too soon and we are setting a goal to have a partial reopen plan by May 15th. We want our employees and the community safe and have the right PPE and policies in place for our employees before we partially reopen. Stay tuned for more information. Reminder the Governor still has pools closed so our pools are closed until further notice.

With the Confirmed Covid-19 positive test at one of our manufacturing facilities, I have been talking to state senators, and our Ida County Emergency Management sent out an official request for a strike team to come to town to be proactive in our town and county on tests. No answers yet but as Mayor I am really pushing to get some more testing done around here. Hopefully we can get some proactive vs reactive testing done.

With the Governor’s plans to start Opening Iowa I really trust our local churches and businesses will have plans in place to follow exposure risks when they reopen. Social Distancing, Cleaning and extra cleaning, keeping the capacity to 50% and keeping people 6’ apart. Limiting the number of people to 10 or less in a group. We really need to do our part to keep ourselves and our community safe. The city is happy to work with these organizations to help them if needed. We appreciate our businesses in town and our churches. We want to reopen but want to do it safely.

I plan to work with the city council to open some green spaces in parks to encourage people to get out for some fresh air and help their mental health. I am personally trying to write a policy to open green spaces. Hopefully sooner than later.

I say this every week due to the importance of thanking all of our citizens for being strong and doing the things they need to do to keep our community safe. So many people have volunteered to help clean at facilities to help them reopen. We have a great town and great citizens.

Feel free to reach out to me with any concerns or questions.
[email protected]
Very Humble and Proud to Serve Ida Grove
Mayor Devlun Whiteing.

City Operated Facilities Update

The Ida Grove City Council met last evening to discuss the reopening of City Operated Facilities. It was decided that the facilities shall remain closed to the public at this time. Council will re-evaluate mid-May to see where we stand case-wise to determine if it will be appropriate to open at that time. During the next couple weeks, the City will be working to finalize safety plans and securing PPE for staff prior to opening. On behalf of all City employees, elected officials and the Mayor: we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding while we work out the best plan possible while keeping the best interest of everyone in mind.

Ida Grove Library to offer No Contact Pickup

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ida Grove Library closed our building to the public on March 17, 2020. To minimize the impact that our closure is having on our community, we will begin offering an alternative way to check out materials for patrons who wish to utilize library service while maintaining a minimal risk of exposure for both staff and patrons.

Starting Friday, April 24, 2020, the Ida Grove Library will offer a No Contact Pickup of library materials following these guidelines:

  1. Pickup of items from the library will be held on Fridays from 9:20 am to 3:40 pm, in 20-minute intervals to ensure social distancing guidelines are met and allowing staff to clean and sanitize the pickup location.
  2. To find items, use the library’s online catalog by clicking on the ‘search catalog’ on the library website Please note the title of the item and author when requesting items.
  3. To request your items and schedule a pickup time, call the library at 364-2306 or email [email protected] to schedule a time and provide a list of your requested materials.
  4. Cut off time is 4 pm on Wednesday before the pickup day.
  5. At the scheduled pick up time, items will be located in our new book house at the back entrance of the library allowing you to pick up items without contact with staff or other patrons.
  6. Staff will not be present at the pickup location in order to maintain social distancing guidelines.
  7. Returns will not be accepted at the back door, returns should be placed in the regular book return located at the front entrance of the library to allow staff to follow sanitization guidelines already in place for returned items.

Since the length of our closure is undetermined at this time and we have had many requests from patrons for additional reading materials, implementing this service at this time will allow us to serve our community through these difficult times. Depending upon the future situation and the length of our closure, we will re-evaluate at a later date to determine if we need to increase the number of days we offer the service or if any changes need to be made.

We thank you for your understanding and patience as we try to navigate through the current situation and determine additional ways to serve our community until we can re-open our doors and see you @ your library.

Don’t Forget the Permit!

With the weather getting nice, we know a lot of you want to get started on home improvement projects and just want to remind everyone that permitting is required as follows:

(1) Building Permits Required. No new construction or alterations to the exterior of buildings, including decks, patios, garages, carports, driveways, and paved (whether concrete or asphalt) parking spots may be made without first obtaining an approved building permit. Applications for building permits may be obtained from the city clerk’s office. A signed application for a building permit shall be returned to the city clerk’s office along with a required fee of $25.00 for each building permit requested. Building permits include all paving projects. The $25.00 permit fee is waived for all paving projects under 100 square feet in size. The building permit must be signed by the contractor or the property owner. The building permit shall not be considered approved until it has been signed by the city clerk, or the city clerk’s designee and either another clerk in the city office, the public works foreman or the public works foreman’s designee. The city clerk may, at his/her discretion, require approval from the planning and zoning chairman or the planning and zoning chairman’s designee.

Please visit the City’s online code at for the full code.  All person’s not adhering to the requirements are subject to municipal infractions.

Permit Application 

Iowa Foundation for Parks and Recreation

The City of Ida Grove was recently notified of receipt of the 2020 Mini Grant through the Iowa Parks and Recreation Foundation.  The City was awarded $500 to go towards sprucing up the shelter house located at City Park.  The chimney has already been removed and the roof has been patched.  Next steps in the project are to replace rotting boards and re-paint the shelter house.  We look forward to seeing the finished project by late Summer and are grateful for the generosity of the Foundation for the funding assistance.

Trees Please!

As most of you know, the Ida Grove City Park is full of ash trees, which are subject to the Emerald Ash Borer.  Knowing this, the City applied for the Trees Please! grant through MidAmerican Energy and was recently informed of grant award!  The typical award amount for this grant is $1,000; however, the City of Ida Grove was awarded $2,000 in funding towards the project!  Thank you to MidAmerican Energy and the Trees Please! grant for this wonderful opportunity to plant some new tree species in the City Park!  We look forward to beginning this project!

Paint Iowa Beautiful

The City of Ida Grove recently applied for a paint grant in order to spruce up the City’s pump house located on Iowa Street.  We are proud to announce that the Paint Iowa Beautiful Foundation has notified the City of award of 6 gallons of paint for the beautification project!  We look forward to getting the project underway as the weather warms up!

Meals On Wheels

Please see attached pdf regarding meal information for seniors:  Meal Flyer

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt…

Ida Grove Community Partners has shared this excellent idea to get families outside this weekend and have a little fun!  

Photos of your “Bear Hunt Expedition” can be shared to the Ida Grove Community Partners Facebook page by clicking the following:  Ida Grove Community Partners

We hope you all enjoy and have a great weekend!

Message to the Citizens of Ida Grove

The City of Ida Grove has received several complaints about suspicious and/or illegal activity going on in Ida Grove.  These complaints have been shared to City Hall, Council Members, and the Mayor by concerned citizens.   The City met with the Sheriff’s Office this week.  We assure you we are working on this issue.  The one thing we all can do is report any illegal or suspicious activity directly to the Sheriff’s Office at 712-364-3146.  We need to get every call documented in real time, not the next day or a week after.  The City and the Sheriff’s Department are working together to resolve this.

Upgrading Ida Grove

We thought we would spread some cheer today and share with you all the new and exciting things happening in town.  This week, Godbersen-Smith Construction began work on the tennis courts located in City Park.  The finished project will feature 1 tennis court and 2 pickle ball courts.  The upgrade is from a very generous donation from the Godbersen Foundation!

Also happening this week is the beginning of construction work to install the last set of lights at the ball complex by the High School.  A big Thank You to the Ida Grove Kiwanis for their hard work and dedication to get this upgrade completed!

Beat Nebraska!

As of the most current response rates, Iowa (51.8%) is leading over Nebraska (51.7%) in census responses; but not by much!  Responding to the 2020 census is the perfect way for all the Iowa, Iowa State and UNI fans to come together and BEAT NEBRASKA! visit to respond today!

As an additional fun fact, the national response rate is 46.2% with Iowa at 51.8% and Ida Grove at 58%  Thank you to all of our citizens who have responded already and are doing their part to help shape Ida Grove’s future!

Happy Census Day!

Did you know today is Census Day?  Do your part by responding to the Census TODAY.  Keep in mind, April 1 is the designated date used to answer the many expected questions for various living situations.  For example, children born or before April 1, 2020 should be counted during this census.  If you move during 2020, where you slept on the evening of April 1, 2020 is the address you should use when completing the census.

Census workers have delayed door-to-door approaches at this time due to COVID-19, however, in the future, if you don’t want a knock at your door, you can respond to the Census Bureau soon by one of the following options:  visiting:   Or by phone: 844-330-2020.  Or by returning your mailer that was sent out to all addresses.

Thank you for your cooperation and support of our community!


Electronic Meeting Instructions

As part of the City’s effort to keep all citizens safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, all meetings of the City Council, Board of Adjustment, Planning and Zoning Commission and any other sub committees or City Government boards/commission’s will be held electronically until further notice.  As usual, the agenda’s will continue to be posted on the website under Government –> City Council Minutes –> Agendas and also on the City’s Facebook page.  Attached are instructions you may use to call in or attend the meeting via cell phone, computer or tablet.  All person’s wanting to participate in the meeting by speaking must address the Mayor (or presiding officer) by stating their name and what they would like to speak on.  Once the Mayor has given permission to continue, all discussions are asked to be limited to 2 minutes per person.  Thank you!  Electronic Meeting Instructions

IG Library Offering Digital Library Cards

Starting Tuesday, March 24, the Ida Grove Library will be offering digital cards for residents of Ida Grove and Ida County who currently do not have a valid Ida Grove Library Card. This digital card will allow access to online resources available through the library, including access to eBooks, eAudiobooks, databases, and other resources during the time that the library is closed to the public.

A digital library card will work as a temporary, three-month card and will need to be renewed in person at the time the card expires. To renew the card in person when the library reopens, patrons will need to verify identity by providing a valid driver’s license or ID card and proof of address.

More information about this new service and the online application is available through the library website:

If you already have an Ida Grove Public Library card, you do not need a digital card to access digital materials. Please call 364-2306 or email [email protected] to request your current library card number.

Public Announcement

Mayor Whiteing made an announcement via Facebook Live at 6:00 pm on Sunday, March 22, 2020.  For a transcript of the announcement, click HERE.

Have you submitted your 2020 Census Questionnaire?

If you have not submitted your 2020 Census Questionnaire, now is the perfect time to do it!  It only requires about 10 minutes or less of your time.  The Census Bureau has made it easier than ever to respond; by phone, online or mail.  Visit to submit online – all you need is your Census ID which was provided to everyone by mail!  Your community is counting on YOU to respond as the information aides in funding numerous programs for your community such as grant opportunities, money for street repairs, money for schools/hospitals, etc.  As of today, the national census response rate is 16.7% with Iowa having a response rate of 21.6% – let’s keep those responses coming! 

Ida Grove Food Pride***

Message From Pat Phillips:  Ida Grove Food Pride will be doing a major restocking of products tomorrow morning, March 20, 2020.  The store will be closed from 7am-10am to allow staff to practice social distancing from one another while restocking shelves.  On behalf of Pat and the staff at Food Pride:  Thank you community members for your patience and understanding!

Flush This —–> Not That!

During this time of uncertainty, we would like to provide a little humor, all while being totally honest!  The struggle is real for some residents and families who have found they are running low and are in need of one very important (and very hard to find these days) product….TOILET PAPER!  With that said, we wanted to take a moment to remind everyone to protect City infrastructure as well as protecting your own home and investments.  Even if items say they are “flushable” please DO NOT put them down your toilet as they do not dissolve and disintegrate the way toilet paper does.  These other “flushable” products will eventually clog your pipes and could cause raw sewage to back up in your home!

Important City Updates

The City Council held an emergency meeting this morning at 8:00 am to discuss proactive measures regarding COVID-19.  As a result of the meeting, the following decisions were made:

City Hall is closed to the public, effective immediately, until further notice.  If you need assistance, please call City Hall at 712-364-2428.  All payments/correspondence can be dropped off in the drop box located directly outside of City Hall.

The Rec Center is closed to the public as of close of business tonight

The Library is closed to the public as of close of business tonight


These were not easy decisions for the Council to make – but they did so with our community’s best interest at heart.  All events/meetings that were scheduled at the above places have also been cancelled or postponed.  Please follow the City’s website and Facebook page for further updates.  You may subscribe to receive updates at

We thank you all for your understanding during this uncertain time!


Author Cheryl Mullenbach to visit Ida Grove Library

Author Cheryl Mullenbach will be visiting the Ida Grove Library at 6pm on March 26th for a special program highlighting Iowa’s Misbehaving Women.

It’s been said that well-behaved women seldom make history. Author Cheryl Mullenbach has uncovered the stories of Iowa’s intriguing women and invites you to meet these heroic, amusing, imaginative, nervy individuals. Learn about Iowa’s female riverboat captain, livery manager/cigar seller, and Cedar Rapids’ “girl in the trenches.” And, of course, there’s Iowa City’s “first woman executive,” who boasted, “I am 52 years old, don’t care who knows it; and I’m going to clean up this town and then run it properly.” And certainly the woman who spearheaded a drive to provide “vermin-proof underwear” to World War I soldiers in the trenches will capture the audience’s attention. Although history has forgotten these misbehaving women, we’ll take time to remember.

Cheryl Mullenbach is an award-winning Iowa author of non-fiction books. The American Library Association, International Literacy Association, and National Council for Social Studies have recognized her young people’s books about World War II, the Great Depression, the Industrial Revolution, and women in law enforcement. C-SPAN’s “Book TV” series broadcast her talk at the FDR Presidential Library and Museum at Hyde Park, NY, for the Roosevelt Reading Festival in 2014. Cheryl’s latest book for adults, Stagecoach Women, has just been released; and her Iowa history column appears in Iowa History Journal. Learn more at

We hope you will mark your calendars and join us at the library to find out more about the misbehaving women of Iowa!

Learn How the Census Helps Your Community!

Mark your calendars for April 1, 2020 and record your information for the 2020 Census!  Information about the 2020 Census will be mailed to most addresses beginning in mid-March 2020. People can respond online, by mail or by phone. If no response is received, a census taker will come to your home to follow up in person.  The 2020 Census is vital for communities across the world.  The results of the census help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding is distributed to states and communities every year.  For more information, please visit and find out how YOU can help your community!

Final day for pet licensing at discounted rate!

Stop into City Hall today and get your pet license at a discounted rate!

Any owner of a dog or cat within the city limits is required to license the animal the first of each year or when the animal has reached the age of six months. The owner must license the animal within 60 days of moving to town or within 60 days of obtaining a new pet at the January to February rates. The owner will need to provide the breed, sex, color, markings and name of each animal as well as the address and phone number of the owner. It is the responsibility of the owner to present proof the animal being licensed is incapable of breeding, if applicable. The owner must also provide proof of a current rabies vaccination in order to license the animal. The fees for licensing dogs and cats are as follows:

JANUARY 1 – FEBRUARY 28    $10.00 If Altered  $15.00 if Unaltered
MARCH 1-DECEMBER 31    $20.00 if Altered    $25.00 if Unaltered

St. Patty’s Day Celebration!

Come out and have some fun on Saturday, March 14, 2020!  Proceeds will support the annual Heritage Days event held the last weekend in June.  The Committee has a great evening planned for all ages. Grab some friends, make plans to attend and get your tickets today!!!

Firemen Bell

Photo Credit:  Amy Forbes

The Firemen Bell was officially hung in Godbersen Park this morning!  Thank you to all who have contributed to this project along the way!  Thanks to Ladwig Construction (Ross Ladwig) and John Tietsort for assisting Public Works hang the bell.  This project was one that could not have been completed without many hands from the community and we appreciate all of you!

Resolution 2020-9 Approving the Maximum Property Tax Dollars Requested for FY21


 Shown above is Resolution 2020-9 A Resolution Approving the Maximum Property Tax Dollars Requested for Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021

Annual Ida Grove Chamber Easter Party

The date has been set for the annual Easter Party sponsored by the Ida Grove Chamber!

Where: Ida Grove Skate Palace

Date: Saturday, April 11, 2020

Time: 10:00 am

Join the Chamber Members for a fun-filled morning to include an Easter egg hunt, games, door prizes, face painting, cupcake walk and a photo opp with the Easter Bunny!

Maximum Levy Hearing Notice

Per SF 634 – a public hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers on 2-18-2020 at 5:30 PM on the proposed maximum property tax dollars from certain levies.  Residents and taxpayers of the City may present to the City Council any objections or arguments in favor of the tax dollars before the budget is adopted and certified to the County Auditor.  The attached notice has been published in the Ida County Courier (2-5-2020) and on the City of Ida Grove Facebook page in addition to the website.

Max Levy Hearing Notice Attachment


Updated Utility Bills

The City of Ida Grove’s utility bills got a fresh, new look! Bills are heading to the Post Office today, so be on the lookout for the new RED color!

City Hall Closing

City Hall will be closing at 2:00 pm today due to the inclement weather.  Stay safe, Ida Grove.

Happy New Year – 2020

City Hall will be closing at 11:30 am on Tuesday, December 31st and will be closed Wednesday, January 1st for New Years.  We wish you all a healthy and Happy New Year.  We look forward to seeing you next year when we re-open on Thursday, January 2, 2020!

Merry Christmas

City Hall will be closing at 11:30 am today and will be closed all day December 25, 2019 for Christmas.  The Mayor, Elected Officials and City Staff would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!


Happy Thanksgiving, Ida Grove!

City Hall will be closed Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th.  We hope you all enjoy time with friends and family and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Ida Grove Library to host Holiday Open House & Raffle Fundraiser

The Ida Grove Library will be hosting a Holiday Open House on Saturday, December 7, from 9 am – 2 pm. Included in the open house is a bake & book sale in the Heritage Room and holiday raffle fundraiser. The holiday raffle fundraiser will run through December 14, and winners will be drawn on December 16. Chances for the raffle are $1 each or 6 for $5.

Wondering what we have on our holiday raffle table? Items on this year’s raffle table include:

Set of 5 LED Candles with Remote
Lego Creator set (Gingerbread House)
Magforce Magnets in Motion set
American Girl Wellie Wishers “Willa” Doll
Large Insulated Bag
Drone with a camera
Vera Bradley suitcase/travel set
Autographed Copy of Lisa Scottoline’s “Someone Knows”
Echo Dot & Smart Home Plug (4) set
Hat and Mitten set
Handmade Crochet Scarf
Nail Art set
Autographed set of Doug Clough’s “Colorful Characters” and Life, Love, and Laughter from My Backyard”
Set of 3 LED Candles with Remote
Set of 2 Children’s movie passes
“Pony Express” – Framed Pheasants Forever Print of the Year 2000-2001 by James A. Meger
“Storm Break” – Framed Pheasants Forever Print of the Year 2001-2002 by James A. Meger
Cozy Winter Nights Book Basket ( 5 books, blanket, mug, hot cocoa, and popcorn included)

Thanks to all of our donors for their generous donations to this year’s raffle table, we appreciate all of your support! All proceeds from the raffle fundraiser will support library programs and events throughout the year. We hope you’ll stop in to see us during the open house and take a chance on some of these great items!

Water and Sewer Rates

The final reading of Ordinance 576 – Water and Sewer Rate Increase was passed and approved at the regular city council meeting held Monday, November 18, 2019.  This is a courtesy notice that the new rates will go into effect for bills dated on or after January 1, 2020.  For the full ordinance change, please see attached link.  Ordinance 576

Holiday Spirit!

City Crew Members, Bob Lorenzen and Kris Taylor, taking advantage of this beautiful Fall day by getting Ida Grove ready for the holidays.

Billing Due Date Extension

City Council has met and voted to offer an extension on the due date for utility bills normally due November 15, 2019.  All City utility bills for this month will now be due by November 21, 2019.  A late fee will be applied to any and all bills that remain unpaid after the 21st.  Shut off notice dates will remain unchanged for any and all bills unpaid after November 30, 2019.

City Election Results

Congratulations to the following 5 individuals on being elected to serve as Ida Grove City Councilmen!

Jason Schable – Councilman At-Large, 2 year term

Jared Bogue – Councilman At-Large, 4 year term

Gregor Ernst – Councilman Ward I, 4 year term

Ryan Jordan – Councilman Ward II, 2 year term

Reynold McLead – Councilman Ward III, 4 year term

We appreciate your commitment to serve our community.  Living Forward. Giving Back. 

Delayed Delivery of Utility Bills

City Hall staff have been working with the United States Post Office in order to track down everyone’s utility bills.  Utility bills were mailed out on October 31st, but we confirmed yesterday that the bills were still in Des Moines.  USPS said today that citizens should receive their bill by the end of the week.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Savor Iowa’s Culinary History in Ida Grove on November 14

What comes to mind when you think of Iowa food? Everyone has an Iowa food story, and Lake City, Iowa, author Darcy Dougherty Maulsby will bring these stories to life on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019, at the Ida Grove Public Library in Ida Grove for a free Adventures in Iowa’s Culinary History program and book signing starting at 6:00 p.m.

“From Iowa originals like Maid-Rites to kolaches to homemade cinnamon rolls—served with chili, of course—there are many remarkable stories behind Iowa’s tastiest traditions,” said Maulsby, Iowa’s Storyteller, who has been featured in the Iowa History Journal, Our Iowa magazine, Iowa Public Radio and more. “Pull up a chair, and relish what you missed in history class.”

During her fun, interactive program, Maulsby serves up fascinating tidbits and cooking tips related to more than 150 years of Iowa cuisine and ethnic food traditions, from all corners of the state, with stories that include Iowa’s classic breaded pork tenderloins, church dinners, the historic Younkers Tea Room, Laura Ingalls Wilder and more. Discover how Iowa’s delectable cuisine is quintessentially Midwestern, grounded in its rich farming heritage and spiced with diverse ethnic influences.

Want to know where in Iowa you can dine at a James Beard award-winning steakhouse? Any idea where to find Iowa’s own distinctive style of potato chips, which might be the world’s best chips? What if you want to step back in time and enjoy a slice of homemade pie at an Iowa icon that first opened in 1852? You’ll pass the test with flying colors—and impress your friends—when you delve into Iowa’s culinary history.

“Even those who are well acquainted with Iowa food lore are sure to find something new and interesting,” said Julie Goodrich, who wrote a review of “A Culinary History of Iowa” in the Iowa History Journal. “Go on an adventure with this fun, fascinating and tasty tale of culinary traditions that weave through Iowa’s past and present.”

“I’m passionate about helping people make the farm-to-fork connection and reconnecting with Iowa history,” Maulsby said. “If you have an appetite for adventure, you can’t do better than Iowa when it comes to history, culture, and one-of-kind culinary experiences. ‘A Culinary History of Iowa’ offers a fun way to explore the world without leaving Iowa.”

Signed copies of “A Culinary History of Iowa” will be available during the event, along with Maulsby’s other non-fiction, illustrated Iowa history books (“Calhoun County” and “Dallas County”) and her postcard collections featuring rural Iowa images and postcards featuring favorite vintage photos from the Culinary History of Iowa book.

For more details, contact Angela Scales at the Ida Grove Public Library, 100 E 2nd St. (phone 712-364-2306), or Maulsby ([email protected]). You can also visit Maulsby online at

Ida Grove Library to host local author, Douglas Clough

The Ida Grove Library is honored to host guest speaker, Douglas Clough, on Thursday, November 7th at 6:30 pm. Clough, local author, and Ida Grove resident will speak about his newly published books, Colorful Characters from Our Backyard: 2009-2019 and Life, Love, and Laughter from My Backyard: 2009-2019.

Clough, a freelance writer since 2009, has been published in multiple local and regional publications, including the Ida County Courier, The Iowan, Farm News, Boating World, and Midwest Living magazine. Colorful Characters from Our Backyard is a compilation of Clough’s “From our backyard…” column, interspersed throughout with correspondences between Clough and Farm News. Life, Love, and Laughter from My Backyard is a collection of stories reflecting on his wonder years, married life, and life with his children and companion dogs.

Starting at 6:30 pm, Clough will share selections from his writing with the audience. Book sets will be available to purchase for $20; Clough will sign copies for those in attendance.

For more details, contact Angela Scales at the Ida Grove Public Library, 100 E 2nd St. (phone 712-364-2306). You can also visit Clough online at

Join Us For A Community Meeting!

When:  Monday, October 21, 2019 from 5-6 pm

Where:  Ida Grove City Council Chambers

The elected officials of the City of Ida Grove would like to invite citizens to attend an informational meeting on Monday, October 21, 2019 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  The meeting will provide insight and education on the proposed water and sewer projects and a review of the cost associated with the projects.

Mini-Mystery at Ida Grove Library


Reserve your time now! The library will be hosting a murder-free, family-friendly mini-mystery party on Friday, October 25th, from 11 am -3 pm.

Friendly monsters work together to solve a Halloween mystery. Every year, the monsters open their home on 213 Elm Street to the public on Halloween for a fright-filled haunted house tour. They use the proceeds from the haunted house to buy household supplies for the rest of the year, during which time the house stays boarded up and they stay inside. If the townspeople ever discovered the monsters in the haunted house were real, they would certainly drive them away – or worse.

Advertised for hundreds of miles on every billboard in every direction – “See The Thing!” “What is The Thing? See for Yourself!” – thrill-seekers and the merely curious come from distant cities to see The Thing, and it never disappoints. Those who have seen The Thing eagerly attest that it is the scariest sight they have witnessed in their entire lives. No one seems able to describe The Thing, and they all agree: you have to see it for yourself.

On the night before Halloween, the monsters just discovered that the key to the cellar where The Thing is kept is missing – someone has stolen it! Without The Thing, the haunted house will be a failure, the monsters’ reputations will be ruined, and they won’t have enough money to buy supplies for the rest of the year. How will they live and keep their identities secret? They have to find the key!

Are you ready to help them find the key? And figure out what The Thing in the cellar is? If you are adventurous and like a good mystery, sign up today! Your group must have 8 or more players. All ages are welcome to sign up, but independent reading skills are required to participate.  Call 364-2306 to reserve your spot!


Ida Grove Library to host Iowa Author Linda McCann

The Ida Grove Library will host Iowa author, Linda McCann, for a special program about POWs in Iowa on Wednesday, October 23rd at 2 pm.

From 1943-1946, Iowa housed approximately 25,000 German, Italian, and Japanese prisoners of war. While Algona and Clarinda were the main camps, and there were about 17 branches or short-term camps throughout Iowa; including a camp in Storm Lake. The POWs worked in farm fields and canning factories, often taking the place of young men off to war. Linda has spoken with people who worked directly with the POWs, gotten to know them, and will share their memories throughout the program.

Copies of McCann’s new book, POWs in Iowa, will be available to purchase after the program.

We Want You!

The Planning and Zoning Commission, an advisory body to the City Council, is in need of a volunteer to fill the vacant seat on their board.  This is a fantastic opportunity for citizens to become involved and give back to the community!  The commission meets the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.  We encourage citizens to consider this opportunity and contact City Hall for more information at 712-364-2428.

City Council Election Deadline

The City of Ida Grove has 5 openings to fill within the City Council. The Ward I, II and III positions are up for election this November, as well as two City Council At Large Positions. At this time, there is no one running for the Ward II seat; we encourage citizens within Ward II to become involved. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in getting involved with local government and making a difference in their community. All interested parties are encouraged to contact Ida Grove City Hall at 712-364-2428 for more information or stop in to City Hall. Nomination paperwork can be picked up Monday through Friday 8 am-5 pm from Ida Grove City Hall. The deadline for returning nomination paperwork to City Hall is 5 pm on Thursday September 19, 2019. Don’t delay, make a positive impact in your community today!

Caution: Chemical Spraying

Public Works crew members will be spraying for weeds over the next several weeks at City parks as well as other City property. These flags will be placed in all areas being sprayed, please refrain from walking through areas where this flag is present.


Ida Grove Library to host guest speaker, Barbara Lounsberry

The Ida Grove Library will host special guest speaker, Barbara Lounsberry, for “Nancy Drew: Iowa’s Heroine to the World” on Thursday September 19th at 6:30pm in the Heritage Room of the Ida Grove Library.

Nancy Drew is the most popular female detective in fiction. Today she even outsells Miss Marple, Agatha Christie’s venerable heroine. More than 200 million copies of Nancy Drew mysteries have been sold, and she has been translated into 17 different languages. Few know, however, that Nancy is an Iowa heroine and that her creator was Mildred Augustine of Ladora, Iowa. Augustine’s authorship of the first Nancy Drew mysteries—and single-handed creation of Nancy’s admirable character—were kept secret for more than 50 years. Equally distressing is the fact that as Nancy grew in popularity, her Iowa roots were disguised.

Nancy Drew and her creator are extraordinary role models for Iowa girls and boys, women and men. Augustine was herself an intrepid Nancy Drew-like figure. An academic pioneer (the first woman to earn a bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa’s School of Journalism), Augustine earned 6 airplane pilots licenses, including one for sea planing; wrote 130 books for young people; and continued her newspaper column “On the Go” through her 96th and last year of life. The presentation “Nancy Drew: Iowa’s Heroine to the World” is designed to fortify Iowans young and old.

Guest speaker, Barbara Lounsberry, was born and raised in Iowa and retired recently as a Professor of English at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls. She has written books on literature and writing, and had the fun of editing three mystery novels set in Iowa, with each chapter written by a different Iowa author. Lounsberry’s latest books are a trilogy on Virginia Woolf and diaries. Lounsberry was named UNI’s Distinguished Scholar in 1994 and Outstanding Teacher in 1998. Lounsberry is the president of the Ruth Suckow Memorial Association and believes Iowa culture, like its soil, is incredibly rich.

We hope you will mark your calendars and join us for this program!