City Park Basketball Court Lights

A big thank you goes out to the Harold and Leone Godbersen Family Foundation, Gary and Sharon Godbersen, and Godbersen-Smith Construction Co. for getting the lights for the basketball courts operational. The lights are on a 60 minute max timer without having to reset it. 

Simpco Housing Updates

Please use the link below to view details. If you have any questions, please contact Simpco’s Housing Manager, Amanda Harper, at 712-279-6286.

Click Here to View Simpco Housing Updates January 2022

Lost Dog

The City of Ida Grove has picked up a lost male dog. If you have any information, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 as soon as possible. We would like to see this playful guy get back to his owners.

Reminder~ City Hall Holiday Hours

City Hall

Thursday, 12-30-2021  8 a.m. – Noon

Friday, 12-31-2021 Closed

We will resume normal business hours on Monday, January 3, 2022

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!


Business Spotlight ~Ida Grove Rec Center~

The Ida Grove Rec Center Committee was developed in 1998 after residents completed a survey expressing the need for more quality of life outlets in the community. After a lot of fund-raising, generous donations, and grants received, the groundbreaking ceremony was held in 2002. With the help of local businesses and more than 100 volunteers, the Ida Grove Community Recreation Center opened in December of 2003 to its members, and the Grand Opening was held in June of 2004.

The Ida Grove Recreation Center Team:

Director – Chancey Wilcke

Deputy Director – Melissa Ausborn


Mary Clough, Kris Salmon, Holly Conover, Karen Petersen, Misty Johnson, Scott Clark, Michelle Schmidt and Seth Wheeler.

Ida Grove Recreation Board:

Kristy Gilbert – President

Dan Skirvin, Dan Remer, Denise Redenius, Kelly Krueger, and Chancey Wilcke

The rec center facility includes a weight room with cardio equipment, an aerobics room, a community room (temporarily occupied by the City Hall Office), gymnasium with a walking track, raquetball court, an interactive golf simulator and putting practice, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, hot tub, children’s pool, sauna, and a children’s playroom.



Fitness classes are free with an IGRC membership, an IGRC punch card, or can be paid at the front desk as a daily admission fee. There are many fitness classes offered such as: spinning, yoga, hot yoga, step and water aerobics, pilates, aqua board yoga/pilates, and an after-school program for school aged children.

Fitness Class Instructors:

Tabitha Bockleman, Melissa Ausborn, Brooke Skirvin, and Lauri Hummelgard


The Ida Grove Rec Center is in charge of youth activities such as: football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, and teeball. Many other activities are put on by the IGRC including the annual Turkey Trot, Glow Walk/Run, Ironman Challenge, Whitewall Raquetball Tournament, potentially a Pickleball Tournament this summer, Little Bubblers, and Coffee/Hot Chocolate in the Park.



Please use the link below to visit the IGRC website, find them on Facebook, or call 712-364-3716 for additional information.

Ida Grove Rec Center Website

Water Boil Advisory Lifted

Good morning, Ida Grove!  We have just been notified that the water results came back this morning within normal range so the boil advisory is lifted.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Deputy Clerk Awarded

Kelly Young, Deputy Clerk for the City of Ida Grove, was the project manager for a recent Land Water Conservation conversion effort that balanced a commercial expansion with improved access to public greenspace for residents. Kelly’s efforts and constant communication over what was ultimately a year and a half of data collection, submissions, and responses demonstrates commitment to her community’s overall well-being including economic development, appropriate land use, and quality of life. SIMPCO and the City of Ida Grove appreciates Kelly’s dedication and mutual support for regional growth. SIMPCO recognizes Kelly Young as a Community Leader.

Congratulations Kelly!




The Ida Grove Water Supply is recommending to boil the water before using for drinking or to use an alternative source


The Ida Grove Water Supply had a power outage due to storms on December 15, 2021, and was unable to disinfect the water supply for a period of time. Due to the potential for bacterial contamination, it is being recommended that the water be boiled before using for drinking or cooking or that an alternative source be used.


IT IS RECOMMENDED NOT TO DRINK THE WATER WITHOUT BOILING IT FIRST.  Bring all water to a boil, let it boil for one minute, and let it cool before using, or use bottled water. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, and food preparation until further notice. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water.  The water may be used for bathing and other similar purposes.


For more information, please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428. General guidelines on ways to lessen the risk of infection by microbes are available from the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1(800) 426-4791.


Disinfection is occurring now. Hydrants will be flushed to rid the system of unchlorinated water, and once the system is stable, bacteria samples will be collected. This advisory is a precaution until bacterial sample results are available. You will be notified when the results are available and the advisory is lifted.


The system is working with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to resolve the situation.


This notice is being sent to you by the Ida Grove Water Supply.

PWSID#: 4728067

Date distributed:  December 16, 2021


Lost Dog

The City has picked up a lost Australian Shepherd. If anyone has any information on getting this dog back to its rightful owner please contact City Hall at 364-2428.

City Hall Closed 11/25 & 11/26

City Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 25, 2021 and Friday, November 26, 2021 to observe Thanksgiving.

Normal business hours will resume on Monday, November 29, 2021.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday!


Tis The Season

With the warm weather we have had the last couple of days, the Ida Grove Public Works Crew took advantage and started to hang the holiday lights. May the beauty of the holidays warm your spirit!

Please remember to join us on Sunday, November 21st, as the Ida Grove Chamber of Commerce presents a Christmas Holiday Open House!




Can you believe that our Ida Grove Public Library has been in business since 1908!? That is an amazing 113 years of service to our citizens!

The library offers a variety of amenities for the citizens of Ida Grove. There are designated areas for children to do activities and read. The Children’s Library was a recent add to the library as of May 30, 2009. There is plenty of space for teenagers/adults as well to enjoy.

A grant was received from the ICCBF (Ida County Community Betterment Foundation) along with generous local donations to update the Heritage room (meeting room). Iversen TV installed a brand new ceiling mounted projector, new motorized projection screen, and audio system with microphones for the library. Included in the funding was to replace all current lights and fixtures with LED bulbs to help reduce energy costs.

Library Board of Trustees:

Larry Albrecht President

Jackie Netherton Vice President

Shirley Hayes, Secretary

Tom Grell, Trustee

Dave Larson, Trustee

Luann Benge, Trustee

Roger Rector, Trustee

Library Staff:

Angela Scales, Director

Lisa Hopkins, Assistant

Jane Petersen, Assistant

The library continues to offer no contact pick up during library open hours. To see all services offered by the library, please click the link below to “check out” the new website.

Click Here To View Website



Invitation To Bid On Approximately 60 Tillable Acres

The City of Ida Grove invites the submission of sealed bids from qualified farmers for a 1-year lease on approximately 60 tillable acres located just west of Ida Grove along Hwy 175. Blank lease, fact and bid sheets can be obtained at the temporary City Hall location, 311 Barnes Street, Ida Grove, IA or by request through the mail by calling City Hall at 712-364-2428.

Sealed bids must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on Monday, December 6, 2021. Bids must clearly be labeled as ‘Farm Bid’ and may be delivered to 311 Barnes Street or mailed to PO Box 236, Ida Grove, IA 51445. Bids will be opened and awarded at the regular city council meeting on Monday, December 6, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the location listed above. The City of Ida Grove reserves the right to refuse all bids.

Pumpkin Parade & Trick or Treating

Sunday, October 31st at 5:30 p.m. located at Godbersen Park there will be a Pumpkin Parade put on by the Ida Grove Chamber. Bring the kids in their costumes as prizes will be awarded. Every child who participates will receive a goodie bag and glow stick.

The Ida Grove Farm Bureau and King Theatre will be serving free popcorn from 5-6 p.m. at the King Theatre.

Trick or Treating to follow from 6-8 p.m. 


3rd Graders Tour City Hall

Third grade students from OABCIG visited the temporary City Hall on Friday. The students were able to speak to the Mayor, City Clerk, and two of the Council members and learn about local government. 

Portable Pickleball Nets

The portable pickleball nets are all set up at City Park! Thank you to the Godbersen Foundation for the donation of these nets!

Greetings From Iowa

On Monday, October 11, 2021,  a gentleman from Iowa Public Television came to town to film a segment in Greetings from Iowa, which tells of peoples lifestyles, cultures, art, and diversities in the community. They filmed at the Ida Grove King Theatre, the Skate Palace, and the GOMACO Car Museum.

Click Here for Greetings from Iowa link



City Park Playground

The playground equipment at City Park, or better known as “purple park”, continues to be off limits due to being damaged from a fallen tree. Immediately following the storm event, the cities insurance was contacted and we are waiting to hear back regarding equipment replacement. Please be patient, as we are just as anxious as you to get it open. Thank you again for your patience.


Don’t Let Your Pets “Poo”llute

Just a friendly reminder to the citizens of Ida Grove, that it is your “doody” as a responsible pet owner to clean up after your animal. Please be kind and courteous to other citizens by cleaning up what your pet leaves behind.

Other than being unsightly and smelly, animal waste can be hazardous to small children playing in the community and to other animals. When walking your animal, please remember that it needs to be on a leash. Take a baggie along with you so when your animal does its “business”, it can be picked up immediately. Dispose of the baggies properly. By taking simple steps, we can help beautify our community.

Ida Grove does have city ordinances in place for such violations.

To View City Code Click Here

Cy Hawk Game




Godbersen Foundation

Head on down to the City Park and check out the newest additions! The community of Ida Grove is extremely grateful to the Godbersen Foundation for the donation of these amenities!

Basketball Courts at City Park

While we’re all very excited to get out and use the new courts at City Park, please refrain for the remainder of the day today and all day tomorrow to allow the coating to dry properly.  The courts should be ready for full use on Wednesday, August 4th.

Jacket Found

City Hall recently received a child’s jacket that was found from the events during Heritage Days. Please contact City Hall at 364-2428 to describe and claim this jacket.

Community Watch

Please share with those on your friends list…

The Blocks for our Community have been established. There are 5 blocks. We have a volunteer for Block 4. We are in need of captains for Blocks 1, 2, 3, & 5. If you are willing to visit your neighbors and share information with them, please consider being a Block Captain. The map is attached for you to review. The next meeting will be held in the Heritage Room at the Ida Grove Public Library.

Click Here to View Map

Fireworks Permitted Hours

With the 4th of July only being a couple weeks away, we want to remind citizens of Ida Grove that certain fireworks are permitted only during the following times, and to please be cautious and courteous of neighboring property owners.

(1) From the Saturday before July 4th until the Sunday after July 4th.

(2) Between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. with the exception of July 4th or any Saturday within the permitted days, the hours are expanded to be between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.

(3) Noon on December 31st until 1:00 a.m. on January 1st.

(4) The mayor, in consultation with the fire chief or any other persons, has the authority to suspend the use of fireworks during the above hours, when the mayor determines it is in the public interest to suspend the use of fireworks. A person shall not be convicted of a violation, for use during such suspension, unless it is proven that such person had actual knowledge of the suspension. Actual knowledge may be proven by testimony that the person was given a verbal warning. City Code 8.40.030

Fireworks Ordinance

Heritage Days ~Honoring Our Hometown Heroes~ Schedule of Events

Heritage Days will officially kick off this Thursday, June 24th! Come on out to enjoy the events that are taking place for this years celebration!

Click here for the schedule of events



Ida Grove Library plans two Heritage Days Events

The Ida Grove Library is pleased to announce two special events to add to this year’s Heritage Days festivities. First, stop by the city park for a FREE, fun, family event with the Iowa PBS STEAM trailer.  All ages are invited to join us for exploration and play as we host the STEAM Trailer filled with activities centered around science, technology, engineering, art, and math. The Iowa PBS STEAM trailer will be located in the city park from 12 pm -4 pm on Saturday, June 26th.

Then, stop by the King Theater where we will be hosting special guest speaker, Dr. John Chase.  Dr. Chase will share memories and stories from his book “You What!? Humorous stories, cautionary tales, and unexpected insights about a career in medicine”. Dr. Chase will speak at 3:30 pm and a book signing will follow the presentation. Books will be available to purchase at the event for $15 each.

We hope you’ll make time to join in these festivities and more to celebrate Ida Grove!

Missing Dog

The City of Ida Grove has picked up a lost female blue heeler dog. If anyone has any information regarding her, please contact City Hall at 364-2428.

Pleasant Valley Trail

The Pleasant Valley Trail repairs have been completed. The trail is now open for the public to use and enjoy.

Welcome Signs

If you have been on the east or west side of town, you will notice that we have begun placing new welcome signs! Keep an eye out for the finished product!

Pleasant Valley Trail

With warmer weather just around the corner, everyone will be itching to get outdoors.  The trail will be undergoing some maintenance for repair and improvements. Reminder to citizens that under the mayor’s proclamation, the trail is currently closed until May 1st.

Happy New Year!

Lost Dog

The City has picked up a lost dog. If you have any information please contact City Hall at 364-2428 as soon as possible. We would like to see this dog back home with its owner before the weekend!

Congratulations OABCIG Dance Team

We would like to congratulate our OABCIG Girls Dance Team on their State Championship in Class 1 Contemporary and their 4th place finish in Class IV Hip Hop! Congratulations also to the 5 soloist performers that earned the Division 1 rating in Class IV solos! Way to Go! OABCIG Proud!

Lost Dog

The City has this fella in custody.  If he belongs to you or you have any information on his owner, please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428.


Click Here for Proclamation

From the Mayor

Hello Ida Grove. First off this week I wanted to talk about COVID. I have gotten several messages about worries in our county. We are taking some additional steps in the city to keep our employees safe. We are encouraging rotating in city hall and working from home. Trying to keep our social distancing. We have moved all city council meetings and other city meetings back to electronic meetings. We did discuss at our council meeting last night that we would close city hall to the public, except by appointment only. The numbers have been getting high in our county. As of today Ida County has had 2055 tested, 353 positive, 170 recovered and 5 deaths. One death is too many. My thoughts and prayers go out to these families. Let us do our part to be a part of the solution and not add to the problem. We are our own first line of defense. Hospitals are at capacity, healthcare workers are depleted. I really encourage people to stay home if they are sick or if someone in their household tests positive. Social Distance when you can if you cannot wear a mask. Wash hands frequently and sanitize. Lets work together to beat this virus. Please be safe out there. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by COVID. Also praying for our country with this election going on. Praying for our leadership. No matter who is announced President; we are America and I feel we will all pull together and be stronger. Just wanted to give a shout out to the OABCIG Football Team. Congratulations on your trip to the dome in Cedar Falls. Bring home the Championship! The community is very proud of you guys!

Feel free to reach out to me with any concerns or questions.

[email protected]

Very Humble and Proud to Serve Ida Grove

Mayor Devlun Whiteing


We would like to congratulate the OABCIG Falcon Football Boys on their advancement to play in the championship game against Van Meter this Friday 11/20/2020.


Trick or Treating

To all the Ghosts and Ghouls,

Unfortunately, the Annual Pumpkin Parade has been cancelled this year due to COVID.

However, Mask it up as Trick or Treating is still on and will be held on Saturday, October 31st from 6-8p.m.

For the safety of yourself and others, please stay within your group and maintain social distancing from other groups as much as possible.


Trees Please!

Yesterday, Parks Superintendent Bob Lorenzen, picked up 11 autumn blaze maple trees that will be planted in the City Park.  The trees were purchased as part the Trees Please! grant the City received from MidAmerican Energy earlier this year.

Outdoor Pool Rules/Guidelines as Approved by Council Friday, June 12, 2020

Plan for operation of Ida Gove Outdoor Pool

Target opening date: Monday, June 22, 2020

Target close date: TBD

This will allow time to get staff hired and paperwork completed for them, plus pre-season meetings completed with extra training needed for new rules and regulations.

Cleaning and disinfection will be enhanced.  In addition to the regular lifeguard positions, there will be a guard on each shift with the role of being “deck monitor.”  They will be responsible for keeping people socially distanced.  They will also clean handrails and high touch points often.  Managers will be there as much as possible to help with those duties and to field questions/concerns.

Boxes around guard stations will be extended so that they do not have to wear a mask.

Hand sanitizer will be available at the front counter.

Social distancing is required IN AND OUT OF THE WATER.

When patrons enter the facility, they will state their name and a contact number.  The lifeguard working in the bath house will write it down in case contact tracing has to be done.

Spots 6 feet apart will be marked on the sidewalk for forming a line.

Once a patron leaves the facility, they will not be allowed back in during that time slot.

Deck chairs will not be available.  Patrons will have to bring their own, if they choose.  Spots will be marked on the deck to space everyone out at least 6 ft.  This will also be where patrons should go if the pool has to be cleared for a rescue or during a break.

There will be increased signage stating the risks of covid-19 and how to prevent it.

If a staff person becomes ill, they must report it immediately to managers and recreation director.

Patrons shall not gather in the changing rooms.

The following amenities will be closed: baby pool, slides

This is due to the inability to keep them sanitized effectively.  The baby pool is a fill and drain type of pool and it is difficult to keep between 2-4 ppm of chlorine throughout the day.  The slide has touch points all the way up and all the way down.  Plus, the slides were not inspected this year.  Not running the slides eliminates two guard positions.  Additionally, whoever is at the bottom catching is not able to socially distance and gets a face full of water and possibly spit on.

Diving board use will be limited.

There will be a limited number of 40 swimmers allowed for each session; first come, first served. We added an extra session to help spread out the crowds.  If we find that restrictions are required, we reserve the right to adjust accordingly, which may include limiting patrons to County or School District residence.

Due to a very limited season and there being a limit of swimmers in each session, passes will not be sold.  Daily admission will be per person and session and will be determined prior to opening for the season.


Lap Swim/Water Walking 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (12:00 PM-12:30 PM clean)

Limited swimming 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM (2:30 PM -3:00 PM clean)

Limited swimming 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM (5:00 PM-5:30 PM clean)

Limited swimming 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM (final cleaning after 7:30 PM)


Saturday & Sunday

Limited swimming 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (3:00 PM -3:30 PM clean)

Limited swimming 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM (final cleaning after 5:30 PM)

Masks must be worn by staff when they are in the bath house.  Patrons shall wear a mask when social distancing cannot be accomplished.

Patrons shall not enter the facility if they have any of the covid-19 symptoms.

Nobody under the age of 12 will be admitted without an adult.  Those who are considered “babysitters” must be at least 16 years old.   Waivers may be required and will be determined prior to the opening date.

Lifeguards in the stand shall NEVER be responsible for policing social distancing and other covid-19 rules.

There will be no concessions or drinking fountain.  Water bottles with a closable lid will be allowed.  No glass water bottles will be allowed.

There will be no private parties.

There shall be no goggle sharing.

There will be no group swimming lessons.  Private lessons will be allowed if guards provide a plan to managers about how they will follow covid-19 guidelines.

Patrons will be removed if they are found spitting water or are found in violation of any pool guidelines, including but not limited to the updated guidelines for the 2020 season.

If we are notified that a staff person or patron has tested positive for covid-19, we reserve the right to close for no less than three days.

These rules, regulations and hours of operation may be modified at any time.

Fireworks Ordinance Reminder***

The 4th of July will be here before we know it!  Please see the below information regarding the City of Ida Grove’s ordinance on fireworks.


Fireworks are allowed only during the following times:

(1) From the Saturday before July 4th until the Sunday after July 4th.

(2) Between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. with the exception of July 4th or any Saturday within the permitted days, the hours are expanded to be between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.

(3) Noon on December 31st until 1:00 a.m. on January 1st.

(4) The mayor, in consultation with the fire chief or any other persons, has the authority to suspend the use of fireworks during the above hours, when the mayor determines it is in the public interest to suspend the use of fireworks. A person shall not be convicted of a violation, for use during such suspension, unless it is proven that such person had actual knowledge of the suspension. Actual knowledge may be proven by testimony that the person was given a verbal warning. [Ord. 558 § 1, 2018; Code 1975 § 3-1.0403, 1975.]

A violation of this section is a simple misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $250.00. The city also may enforce a violation of this section by any other lawful means including injunctive relief. [Ord. 558 § 1, 2018; Code 1975 § 3-1.0405, 1975.

For the full ordinance, please see the online city code here Online City Code or contact City Hall.

Ball Field Rules/Guidelines

The City of Ida Grove Youth Ball Fields will be open on June 2nd for use of our Rec Center Summer League softball and baseball teams to practice only if they meet the following guidelines:

  • The coach of the team needs to submit a plan and get it approved by our Rec Center Director, Chelsea Gross, to start practicing. The below guidelines must be met to get your plan approved.
  • No Dugouts can be used for practice. Players equipment must be lined up along the fence 6’ apart.
  • Parents must remain in their cars or drop off and pick up players after practice.
  • Players should use their own gloves, helmets, and bats as much as possible.
  • Coaches are responsible for enduring social distancing is maintained between players as much as possible. This means additional spacing between players while playing catch changing drills, so that players remain spaced out.  No congregating of players while waiting to bat.
  • Players must bring their own water/beverage to consume during and after practice. No shared drinking fountains, or coolers can be used.
  • Coaches must sanitize shared equipment before and after each use.
  • Anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19 is not allowed to practice
  • Coaches should be knowledgeable of their player with preexisting health conditions and work with health officials to take additional precautions as needed.
  • Players will be encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer.
  • Coaches must ban the spitting of sunflower seeds.
  • Coaches are responsible for tracking absences for the purpose of noting possible COVID-19 cases.
  • Contact public health if a positive case of COVID-19 is reported.
  • Signs must be posted indicating no one should participate in practice or attend games if they currently have symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the last 14 days.


Right now, all leagues have cancelled their games.  There are no games scheduled at this time.  If we decide to do games this summer, there will be more guidelines for fans and concessions.   We are hoping to possibly play some local towns or split some in town teams to play each other.  Nothing is set up for games yet.

We are opening this to give the kids something to do outside and be a part of a team.  This must be done safely.    Teams will not be approved until they have a plan that meets the criteria above.

The Rec Center Director, Chelsea Gross, has the authority to remove individual players or teams that do not follow the COVID-19 rules set in place in this document.

This is also subject to change, depending on what happens in the future.

Ida Grove Mayor,

Devlun Whiteing

City Owned Parks Opening

Council voted during their regular city council meeting on Monday, May 4, 2020 to open some portions of City owned parks and allow for recreational use as follows:

The City of Ida Grove Parks and Trails will be open to the public for recreation, but due to COVID-19 concerns playground equipment, restrooms, and picnic shelters will remained closed until further notice.  All drinking fountains will be turned off.  Tennis courts are closed due to the overhaul.  Basketball courts will be open to shoot baskets for members of the same household.  Team sports, pick up games and contact play are prohibited.

The city has installed caution tape around playground equipment; please stay off of it.    We are asking residents to do their part to keep family, friends, neighbors, and the community safe.  Signage will be posted at each park regarding the closures.  The City’s priority is protecting the health and safety of our residents and continue to serve the public.

When visiting a public space, use your best judgement and act responsibly. Bring your own sanitation supplies with you and adhere to recommended guidelines of keeping social gatherings to less than 10 people, with members of the same household, and observing social distancing standards of staying at least 6’ from others.  If you do not feel well or have been sick stay home.

Ida Grove Library to offer No Contact Pickup

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ida Grove Library closed our building to the public on March 17, 2020. To minimize the impact that our closure is having on our community, we will begin offering an alternative way to check out materials for patrons who wish to utilize library service while maintaining a minimal risk of exposure for both staff and patrons.

Starting Friday, April 24, 2020, the Ida Grove Library will offer a No Contact Pickup of library materials following these guidelines:

  1. Pickup of items from the library will be held on Fridays from 9:20 am to 3:40 pm, in 20-minute intervals to ensure social distancing guidelines are met and allowing staff to clean and sanitize the pickup location.
  2. To find items, use the library’s online catalog by clicking on the ‘search catalog’ on the library website Please note the title of the item and author when requesting items.
  3. To request your items and schedule a pickup time, call the library at 364-2306 or email [email protected] to schedule a time and provide a list of your requested materials.
  4. Cut off time is 4 pm on Wednesday before the pickup day.
  5. At the scheduled pick up time, items will be located in our new book house at the back entrance of the library allowing you to pick up items without contact with staff or other patrons.
  6. Staff will not be present at the pickup location in order to maintain social distancing guidelines.
  7. Returns will not be accepted at the back door, returns should be placed in the regular book return located at the front entrance of the library to allow staff to follow sanitization guidelines already in place for returned items.

Since the length of our closure is undetermined at this time and we have had many requests from patrons for additional reading materials, implementing this service at this time will allow us to serve our community through these difficult times. Depending upon the future situation and the length of our closure, we will re-evaluate at a later date to determine if we need to increase the number of days we offer the service or if any changes need to be made.

We thank you for your understanding and patience as we try to navigate through the current situation and determine additional ways to serve our community until we can re-open our doors and see you @ your library.

Iowa Foundation for Parks and Recreation

The City of Ida Grove was recently notified of receipt of the 2020 Mini Grant through the Iowa Parks and Recreation Foundation.  The City was awarded $500 to go towards sprucing up the shelter house located at City Park.  The chimney has already been removed and the roof has been patched.  Next steps in the project are to replace rotting boards and re-paint the shelter house.  We look forward to seeing the finished project by late Summer and are grateful for the generosity of the Foundation for the funding assistance.

Trees Please!

As most of you know, the Ida Grove City Park is full of ash trees, which are subject to the Emerald Ash Borer.  Knowing this, the City applied for the Trees Please! grant through MidAmerican Energy and was recently informed of grant award!  The typical award amount for this grant is $1,000; however, the City of Ida Grove was awarded $2,000 in funding towards the project!  Thank you to MidAmerican Energy and the Trees Please! grant for this wonderful opportunity to plant some new tree species in the City Park!  We look forward to beginning this project!

Paint Iowa Beautiful

The City of Ida Grove recently applied for a paint grant in order to spruce up the City’s pump house located on Iowa Street.  We are proud to announce that the Paint Iowa Beautiful Foundation has notified the City of award of 6 gallons of paint for the beautification project!  We look forward to getting the project underway as the weather warms up!