Update ~ Boil Advisory

The current boil advisory for Badger Creek Drive and all of Zobel’s Addition is still in effect.

In order to lift the boil advisory, the city is required by the Iowa DNR to submit and pass two individual water samples. As of today, 9/7/2023, our first 18 hour test sample passed the requirements.  We will be delivering the second sample to the lab this morning.

We will post an update tomorrow morning, once the final test has been received.

City Hall Closed Labor Day

City Hall will be closed on Monday, September 4, 2023 in observance of Labor Day. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday.

2nd & Main Farmers Market 8/24/2023


We are sorry to announce that we are canceling tomorrow’s market due to the heat. This heat advisory is now continuing through tomorrow and we just want all of our vendors and grillers (and market-goers!) to be safe. PTP will potentially be grilling and serving food at a future market, more on that to come. And next week’s market will be scheduled as normal. Thank you to everyone for understanding!

Fireworks Update Battle Creek Fire Department

The update everyone has been waiting for. Battle Creek Fireworks are scheduled for August 19th at dusk! See you all there.


happy family sitting on floor and watching the fireworks

Dog At Large

**This animal is still looking for her owner***

The City of Ida Grove has picked up a lost black, female dog with a green collar. She was picked up in the Dawn and Sunset area of town. If anyone has any information, please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428. We would like to see this animal get home to his owner.


Fireworks Reminder

With the 4th of July quickly approaching, we want to remind citizens of Ida Grove that certain fireworks are permitted only during the following times, and to please be cautious and courteous of neighboring property owners.

(1) From the Saturday before July 4th until the Sunday after July 4th.

(2) Between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. with the exception of July 4th or any Saturday within the permitted days, the hours are expanded to be between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.

(3) Noon on December 31st until 1:00 a.m. on January 1st.

(4) The mayor, in consultation with the fire chief or any other persons, has the authority to suspend the use of fireworks during the above hours, when the mayor determines it is in the public interest to suspend the use of fireworks. A person shall not be convicted of a violation, for use during such suspension, unless it is proven that such person had actual knowledge of the suspension. Actual knowledge may be proven by testimony that the person was given a verbal warning. City Code 8.40.030

Click Here To View Fireworks Ordinance

Ida Grove Heritage Days Schedule Of Events 2023

Control Burn

Weather permitting, the Ida Grove Fire Department will be conducting a controlled burn at the city brush pile this week. The brush pile will be closed to the public at the time of the burn.

City Hall Closed Memorial Day

City Hall will be closed on Monday, May 29, 2023, in observance of Memorial Day.

We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, May 30, 2023.

We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday.


Friday, May 26th, 2023, the outdoor pool will officially be open for the season!

Hours of operation are as follows:

Monday – Saturday 1PM – 5PM and 7PM – 9PM

Sunday 1PM – 6PM

Lap Swim/Water Walking Monday – Friday 12pm – 1pm & 6pm – 7pm

Shout out to the Ida Grove Public Works Department for their hard work in getting the pool this cool!

Click Here For 2023 Admission Fees 

**UPDATE** Lost Dog

***UPDATE**** This dog has been reunited with his owner.

The City of Ida Grove currently has a male dog. If anyone has any information on getting this dog back to its rightful owner please contact City Hall at 364-2428.

May be an image of dog May be an image of dog


Pleasant Valley Trail

A portion of the Pleasant Valley Trail in front of Horn Memorial Hospital will be closed until further notice due to construction. We will keep everyone updated when that portion will reopen. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Find Your Voice! at Ida Grove Library’s Summer Programs



The Ida Grove Library will launch the Find Your Voice! summer reading program on June 8. During June and July, the library will host a range of free activities for children to encourage and support a love of reading.

Programs will be held on Thursdays at 10:30 am, starting June 8th and running through July 13th.  The summer line-up includes a much-loved storyteller, Darrin Crow; Circus Pop! The Bubble Show with Logan Jimenez; Mimes, Masks & Magic with Fax Gilbert; Pint Size Polkas with Mike Schneider, and a fun-filled program with Laura from the ISU Extension office. The last program on July 13th will be a summer reading pool party and picnic!

Registration continues through June 16. To learn more about the summer reading adventure at the library, please call 364-2306 or check out the library’s website at  www.idagrove.lib.ia.us/services/programs

Pleasant Valley Trail

As of today, May 1, 2023, the Pleasant Valley Trail is officially open for the season.

Hydrant Flushing May 1st – May 20th

The City of Ida Grove will be flushing hydrants starting May 1st thru May 20th. During this time water users may experience low water pressure, discolored water, and air in water lines. Washing light colored or white laundry is not recommended during this time. If laundry becomes stained, do not dry the laundry, but add an iron removal product (Iron Out) in the wash machine and rewash the laundry. Running an outside faucet can eliminate any discolored water or air in water lines. Do not run hot water until the water is clear so that the water heater doesn’t collect sediment.

Thank you, for your understanding during the hydrant flushing exercise. If you have any questions, please contact City Hall at (712) 364-2428.


Compost & Brush Piles


8.35.010 The city of Ida Grove, from time to time, as designated by the city council at a regular meeting, may open, operate and maintain a compost and/or brush pile on city property for the use and convenience of citizens residing in the corporate limits for disposal of yard waste, trees, branches and bark during designated hours of operation.

8.35.020 During the periods of time the city compost pile or brush piles are open, citizens of Ida Grove may deposit in the compost pile yard wastes defined for purposes of this section as grass clippings, leaves, flowers, etc.; produced as part of yard and garden development and maintenance and deposit in the brush pile, bark, tree limbs and branches not exceeding six inches in diameter and eight feet in length.

8.35.030 It shall be unlawful and a municipal infraction to:

(1) Deposit in the compost or brush pile compost or other brush originating from outside the city limits.

(2) To deposit in the brush or compost piles any matter or items not designated in this chapter (e.g., plastic bags or other containers, tree limbs exceeding maximum size, garbage and building materials).

(3) To remove compost or brush without specific authorization from the city clerk.

(4) Deposit compost or brush other than during times or hours of operation.

8.35.040 The municipal offense fine for violation of this chapter is $250.00 for first offense, $500.00 for second offense and $750.00 for third or subsequent offenses.

Pickleball/Tennis Court Nets

Two nets have been set up on the pickleball/tennis courts located at City Park. With warmer weather on the way, its a great time to get out there and play!


A small lantern was found and turned into city hall today. If you have lost an item similar to this recently, please contact City Hall and provide a description to claim.

Welcome Aboard, Mayor Weitl

We are excited to announce that yesterday, Nathan Weitl was appointed Mayor of the City of Ida Grove. Welcome aboard!

Pictured below from left to right: Nathan Weitl and Gregor Ernst.

Snow Removal

With the impending winter weather, we would like to remind citizens that parking is prohibited on city streets when snowfall has accumulated to a depth of one-half inch or more; or if snow removal operations have been commenced by the city. In order to avoid an infraction, any ice or snow accumulations need to be removed from sidewalks within 24 hours of the storm event. For more information, please follow the links below to view the online city code.

Click Here For Parking Prohibited Snow Removal

Click Here For Snow Removal Sidewalks


Lost & Found

A bracelet was found near the old City Hall lot on 3rd Street. If you or someone you know are looking for this, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 and provide a description to claim.

Holiday Ceramic Class at the Library

The library will be hosting a holiday ceramics class with D & L Ceramics out of Everly, Iowa. The class will be held on Tuesday, November 15th from 5pm – 8pm. Cost is dependent upon which ceramic you choose to paint, prices range from $5 to $60. Supplies and instruction are provided free of charge. To find out more about the class or sign up, please call the library at 364-2306.

Available ceramic options are viewable with this link: Holiday Ceramic Class (1)

Veterans Day

City Hall Offices will be closed on Friday, November 11, 2022, in honor of Veterans Day. 

We will resume normal business hours on Monday, November 14, 2022. 


2022 Veterans Day 1M 5K 10K 13.1 26.2-Save $2, AROUND THE WORLD, Philadelphia, November 11 to November 30 | AllEvents.in

Update 10/21/2022: 7th Street

Due to unforeseen circumstances with the paving machine, 7th Street will not be resurfaced today. The paving will now take place the first of next week.

7th Street Resurfacing Update

On Friday, October 21, 2022, we will be resurfacing the asphalt on 7th St. from Main to Barnes. This will take place the majority of the day. We ask residents to please plan accordingly.

Trick or Treating 2022

Monday, October 31st the Chamber will be having a Trick or Treat kickoff at Godbersen Park at 5:30 p.m. with trick or treating commencing at 6:00 p.m. Come on down to celebrate! It will be a “spooktacular” night!


7th Street Asphalt Mill and Overlay

Maintenance of 7th Street is commencing today from Main St to Barnes St. You may experience interruptions in your commute over the next couple of days. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Friday Siren Testing

On Friday, October 7, 2022, Public Works will be servicing the outdoor warning siren near 7th and Rohwer. If you hear the siren, do not be alarmed, it is only a test.



Lost Dog


Lost female dog found near the corner of 7th and Moorehead Street. If you have any information, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 as soon as possible.

Homecoming Parade

OABCIG’s Homecoming Parade is tonight at 6 p.m. with a pre-parade grill out starting at 5 p.m. Come on down and help cheer on our Falcons! Coronation begins at 7 p.m., followed by the Pep Rally and Super Class Night at 8 p.m. at the OABCIG High School.

Noon Siren

Due to the Labor Day holiday, Emergency Management will be testing the sirens at noon today, September 12, 2022.

City Park Playground


We have just received confirmation from Public Works that the new playground equipment at City Park is set up and ready to use!



City Park Playground Update

We know everyone is excited about the installation of the new playground equipment at City Park. Installation crews will be pouring concrete this afternoon and requires time to cure. Our public works crew will be putting the finishing touches on throughout the remainder of the week. It is important that children refrain from playing on the equipment until further notice.

City Park Playground Equipment

We are excited to announce that the new playground equipment for City Park is scheduled to arrive and be installed next week!


City Hall Closed on Monday, September 5, 2022

City Hall will be closed on Monday, September 5, 2022.

We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, September 6, 2022.

We wish everyone a safe and fun holiday.

Lost Dog

The city has picked up a lost male, black lab mix dog. He was found on Circle Drive yesterday. If you have any information regarding this friendly guy, please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428. 



Click Here To View Restaurants, Vendors, and Entertainment Information

Click Here To View Camping And Charter Map

Click Here To View Bike And Support Vehicle Routes In And Out Of Town

Click Here To View Parking And Street Closures 

View Detailed Parking And Street Closures

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who attended the Heritage Days festivities this year contributing to its huge success. If you see a committee member thank them for their countless hours of planning.

Volunteers left to right: Jess Bluml, Steph Mulstay, Amy Forbes, Heather Bogue, Geneva Miesner, Kelsey Brosius.

Not pictured: Sheila Redenius and Julie Schiernbeck.

Ribbon Cutting

The City of Ida Grove is excited to announce the opening of the Heffron-Dankert Bridge (also known as the Moorehead Avenue Bridge) on Friday, June 24, 2022 at 11:00 am. We would like to thank J.E.O. for their engineering services and Godbersen-Smith Construction Co. for the great work on the project and finishing 90+ days ahead of the deadline. This is a bridge that the community can be proud of for many years.


Relay Iowa

The 12th Annual Relay Iowa is coming through Ida Grove today and into this evening. They will be along Hwy 175 during this time. Please be aware of runners and support vehicles parked along the highway. 

Ida Grove Outdoor Pool

T-minus 10 days until good times, sunshine and tan lines!

Opening day is Memorial Day, May 30th! Hours of operation are as follows:

Monday – Saturday 1PM – 5PM and 7PM – 8:30PM

Sunday 1PM – 6PM

Shout out to the Ida Grove Public Works Department for their hard work in getting the pool this cool!

City Park

The City of Ida Grove would like to thank Gary & Sharon Godbersen, the Harold and Leone Godbersen Family Foundation, and Godbersen-Smith Construction Company for their amazing contributions to City Park. When visiting the park you will see improved parking, sidewalks, and a patio in between the courts for your enjoyment. If you haven’t checked it out yet, we encourage you to do so. We hope everyone has a ball ya’ll!

Lost Dog

The City of Ida Grove has picked up a lost male lab. He was found in the 400 block of Zobel Lane. If you have any information, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 as soon as possible. We would like to see him returned to his rightful owner.

Ida Grove site icon

Main Street Is Open

The 400 block of Main Street is opened back up.

Portable Pickleball Nets

Spring has finally arrived!

Public Works crew members, Bob Lorenzen and Kris Taylor, set up the pickleball nets today. With the warmer weather ahead, get out there and utilize the courts!

Grass Clipping Notice

Grass Clipping Notice

The City of Ida Grove reminds residents not to blow grass clippings into city streets or alleys to prevent clogging of city storm drains. Leaving grass clippings in any street or alley is considered a “nuisance” and also includes debris such as leaves, brush, nails, glass, or rubbish of any kind. The placing of debris, including grass clippings, on streets and alleys could lead to violators being charged for clean-up per City Code 12.30.030. Placing Debris on Streets, Violation and Abatement.

No Water At Ballfields

Due to the temperatures dropping below the freezing mark this weekend, the water has been shut off at the ballfields.


New Sign

The City of Ida Grove and Community Partners have purchased a new sign for any type of organization, fundraiser, or event to advertise at the center of Main and Second Street. This sign holds up to 30 x 40 inch posters or plain paper with an easy front loading snap frame. If you would like to use this sign for your upcoming event, please stop into City Hall so we can get your name and date of event on the sign out sheet. Please keep in mind that starting June 23, the sign will be unavailable every Thursday for Farmers Market and will continue through the end of September.



Excitement is buzzing in the community with the announcement of Ida Grove being the overnight host town for day 2 of RAGBRAI, which is happening Sunday, July 24, 2022. Stay tuned for announcements regarding a town hall meeting with the community. This is where we will address questions, concerns, and ACCEPT NUMEROUS VOLUNTEERS to help make this day a huge success for Ida Grove!