Impending Storm 3/19/2025

With the impending blizzard conditions expected to impact our area tomorrow, 3/19/2025, we would like to inform the residents of Ida Grove that our City Crew will be operating with one less  plow truck and sander due to unforeseen mechanical issues that are unable to be resolved prior to the storm. We ask the residents to please be patient as our crews try and get streets open.


SRTS (Siouxland Regional Transit System) Information

2025 Seasonal Mowing Help Wanted


The City of Ida Grove is currently seeking an energetic and highly motivated individual to join our team for a seasonal, part-time mowing position.  Working hours will be determined by the Park’s Superintendent, up to 25 hours/week, with all equipment provided by the City.  Current driver’s license is required.  Experience in mowing, lawn clean-up, and trimming is preferred, but willing to train the right person.  Seasonal work will run from approximately April through September.  Must be 18 years of age or older to apply.

Application and job description may be obtained at City Hall, 403 3rd Street, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Position is open until filled.  E.O.E.


***UPDATE***Please Conserve Water 3-4-25


Well repairs were successfully completed. In order to reduce stress on the pump, we will be refilling the water tower slowly. Please continue to conserve and reduce water usage throughout the evening. Wednesday, March 5, 2025 citizens may resume normal water use, unless otherwise notified.


The City of Ida Grove is  asking residents to please conserve water as we are dealing with a mechanical issue at our well site. We are addressing the situation as quickly as possible, as repair parts are on the way. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We will keep you informed as repairs are made.

Want To Stay In The Know?

Did you know? You can sign up to receive important alerts delivered directly to you via call, text and/or email.

The City of Ida Grove has partnered with Ida County to utilize Alert Iowa’s messaging system. Visit Iowa’s Homeland Security & Emergency Management website, linked below, and choose from one of three ways to register for an account today! You may opt into receiving alerts that are pertinent to you for the town you reside in or all towns within Ida County. The alerts may include notifications such as boil advisories & severe weather warnings. Click the link to sign up!

You can also get up to date emails when you subscribe to our website at  and scroll to the bottom of our home page, enter your email, and click subscribe! It’s that easy!

Anything we post on our website will automatically send you an email!

Like and follow us on our Facebook page at City of Ida Grove, Iowa. We share all of our website postings to our page!

1-24-25 UPDATE Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th, E. 7th from Circle to Barnes

We have just been notified that the water samples have passed all requirements.


The boil advisory that was in effect for Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th, and E. 7th from Circle Drive to Barnes Street has been lifted.


You do not need to boil the water before consuming. Thank you for your patience.

Update Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th & E. 7th From Circle to Barnes

Water main repairs took longer than anticipated and water should be restored this afternoon/evening. Regarding the boil advisory WHICH IS STILL IN EFFECT, for this area only, the precautionary test may take 18 hours to obtain results. We will keep everyone updated with information as we receive it.

Residents of Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th, and E. 7th from Circle Drive to Barnes Street

Due to water main repair, the following area of town will be without water this morning through early afternoon or as soon as repair is complete. Repair of a water main requires a BOIL ADVISORY for the affected area only. 

Affected area: Circle Drive, Fairlane Street, E. 6th Street, and  E. 7th Street from Circle Drive to Barnes Street.




If you were not notified via door hangar,  this notice does not pertain to you.




Simpco Owner-Occupied Housing Repair Program

For more information, please visit Simpco’s website at

Click Here For Application 


Downtown Holiday Open House 11-24-24



G0! G0! G0!





Partial Trail Closure

A portion of the Pleasant Valley Trail will be closed for pipe replacement work that has begun on the western side of town.  We anticipate this closure to last over the next 2 – 4 weeks. The pedestrian/bike bridge will still be accessible to cross. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to get this opened back up as soon as possible. The pink highlighted portion of the map below is where the closure of the trail will approximately be located.


Congratulations On Your Retirement!

On August 18, 2024, the Ida Grove Fire Department held a celebration of retirement for 3 of their long term firefighters. Don Wunschel 50 years, Terry Lovett 47.5 years, and Rick Wonder 34 years. Thank you for all of your dedication and service! Congratulations on your retirement!

Pictured from left to right are as follows: Scott Vandusen-Fire Chief, Terry Lovett, Rick Wonder, Don Wunschel, and Lonnie Newhall from the Iowa Firefighters Association. 

***UPDATE**** Lost Dog 8/15/2024


The City of Ida Grove has picked up a dog that was running at large near the 7th Street Bridge. This is a female and appears to be a Lab/Great Dane mix. If you have any information on this friendly gal, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 during normal business hours. If outside of business hours, please contact the Ida County Sheriffs Office at 364-3146.


Looking For A Home

On the evening of June 20, 2024, the Sheriff’s Office picked up a dog running at large. This animal has not been claimed as of today, June 27, 2024. The city is allowed to keep animals for a maximum of seven days. The city has made numerous attempts to contact animal shelters and find a new home for this handsome boy to no avail. This is our final effort to find a wonderful home for this guy. Please share and help us save this dog!

Click Here To View City Code




Heritage Days Kick Off 2024

Heritage Days officially begins today, June 27, 2024! The afternoon looks to be amazing, so come on down to Godbersen Park and check out all of the local Farmer’s Market vendors, AND to take a night off from cooking! The Pork Producers will be grilling burgers and hot dogs with the City of Ida Grove serving!

Click Here To View Menu



Heritage Days Schedule of Events 2024

***UPDATE*** OWNER FOUND** Lost Dogs 6-18-24

On 6/18/2024, the City of Ida Grove picked up 2 lost dogs found along 2nd Street, near Horn Physicians Clinic. The black and white one is a male, and the beagle mix is female. If anyone has any  information on the owner(s), please contact City Hall at 364-2428.


Still Looking For Owner 5/29/2024 Lost Dog

On 5/24/2024, the City of Ida Grove picked up a lost dog along First Street. We are trying to locate the owner of this sweet animal. If you have any information please contact City Hall at 364-2428.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

**UPDATE*** Lost Dog


This dog was found along Washington Street. Please help us find her owner. If you have any information, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact the Ida County Sheriff’s Office at 364-3146.


2024 Outdoor Pool Season

2,705 Cool Sunglasses Clipart Royalty-Free Photos and Stock Images | Shutterstock THERE’S NO LIFE LIKE POOL LIFE!  Pool Float Clipart Png, Transparent Png - kindpng

Tomorrow, May 24th, 2024, the outdoor pool will officially be open for the season!

Hours of operation are as follows:

Monday – Saturday 1PM – 5PM and 7PM – 9PM

Sunday 1PM – 6PM

Lap Swim/Water Walking Monday – Friday 12pm – 1pm & 6pm – 7pm

Shout out to the Ida Grove Public Works Department for their hard work in getting the pool ready for the season!

Click Here To View Outdoor Pool Admission Fees

2024 Grass Clipping Notice

Grass Clipping Notice

The City of Ida Grove reminds residents not to blow grass clippings into city streets or alleys to prevent clogging of city storm drains. Leaving grass clippings in any street or alley is considered a “nuisance” and also includes debris such as leaves, brush, nails, glass, or rubbish of any kind. The placing of debris, including grass clippings, on streets and alleys could lead to violators being charged for clean-up per City Code 12.30.030. Placing Debris on Streets, Violation and Abatement.

Lost Dog

An older female dog (shepherd breed) was found near Harold Godbersen Drive today. She is very calm and friendly. If anyone has any information regarding this lost dog, please contact City Hall at 364-2428.


Fireworks Update Battle Creek Fire Department

The update everyone has been waiting for. Battle Creek Fireworks are scheduled for August 19th at dusk! See you all there.


happy family sitting on floor and watching the fireworks

Dog At Large

**This animal is still looking for her owner***

The City of Ida Grove has picked up a lost black, female dog with a green collar. She was picked up in the Dawn and Sunset area of town. If anyone has any information, please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428. We would like to see this animal get home to his owner.


Statewide Tornado Drill

Emergency Management will be testing the emergency sirens today at 10:00 a.m. as part of the Statewide Tornado Drill.

Recreation Director Position Opening

The City of Ida Grove (population 2,051) has an immediate opening for Recreation Director. Responsibilities would include management of a 20,000 square foot recreation center with the following amenities: weight room, aerobic room, gymnasium/walking track, two racquetball courts, indoor pool, spa, wading pool, sauna, golf room/golf simulator, card room, and community room with full kitchen. Membership totals are over 350 and draws from surrounding communities. Additional duties would include oversight of scheduling of events and programs at the ball fields, management of an aquatic center which is located next door to the recreation center and recreational programming such as youth tackle football, volleyball, basketball, and middle school softball and baseball as well as exercise classes and special events. For more information on the Ida Grove Community Recreation Center go to Job applications and complete job description may be obtained at City Hall (temporarily located inside the Rec Center), 311 Barnes Street, by visiting or by emailing [email protected].

A degree in Parks and Recreation, Leisure Services, or related field is desired, but not required. Previous professional experience in recreation centers or swimming pools is preferred. Residency requirement within six months. Starting salary is negotiable.

Job Application

Recreation Director Job Description

Send cover letter, resume, and references to:

City of Ida Grove, Attn:  City Clerk, PO Box 236, Ida Grove, IA 51445

The City of Ida Grove is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Position open until filled.

Disaster Proclamation

Governor Kim Reynolds ★ Lt. Governor Adam Gregg
Gov. Reynolds issues disaster proclamation for six counties

DES MOINES – Gov. Kim Reynolds has issued a disaster proclamation for six counties in response to recent severe weather. The governor’s proclamation allows state resources to be utilized to respond to, and recover from, the effects of this severe weather in Boone, Des Moines, Hamilton, Ida, Lyon and Webster counties.

In addition, the proclamation activates the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program for qualifying residents, along with the Disaster Case Management Program, for the six counties. The Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program provides grants of up to $5,000 for households with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level for a family of three. Grants are available for home or car repairs, replacement of clothing or food, and temporary housing expenses. Original receipts are required for those seeking reimbursement for actual expenses related to storm recovery. The grant application and instructions are available on the Iowa Department of Human Services website at Potential applicants have 45 days from the date of the proclamation to submit a claim.

The Disaster Case Management Program addresses serious needs related to disaster-related hardship, injury, or adverse conditions. Disaster case managers work with clients to create a disaster recovery plan and provide guidance, advice, and referral to obtain a service or resource. There are no income eligibility requirements for this program; it closes 180 days from the date of the governor’s proclamation. For information on the Disaster Case Management Program, contact your local community action association or visit


There is an application for the grant that needs to be submitted to our local community action agency, Mid-Sioux Opportunity, located in Remsen. Applications must be submitted by 7/15.

There is an income qualification piece to this process as well. The grant maximum is $5,000.

Federal Poverty Level x 200%

Persons in Household :        1          $13,590           $27,180

                                               2          $18,310           $36,620

                                               3          $23,030           $46,060

                                               4          $27,750           $55,500

                                               5          $32,470           $64,940

Lost Dog

The City has picked up a lost Australian Shepherd. If anyone has any information on getting this dog back to its rightful owner please contact City Hall at 364-2428.

Human Trafficking Forum

Fight back against human trafficking. Learn what to look for and what to do when you see it. There will be a human trafficking forum on Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 6:45 p.m. at the Cobblestone Inn, Holstein Iowa. Guest speakers include Sheriff Wade Harriman and Sister Shirley Fineran.  This is free and open to the public. With parent approval, young people are encouraged to attend.

If you would like more information, please contact: [email protected]

New Welcome Signs!

The City of Ida Grove signs are officially up!  We were awarded $9,000 from the Siouxland Community Foundation and also MidAmerican for $500.00. They look amazing! Be sure to check them out as you travel from the east and west! 

Assistance Application

Iowa households experiencing a loss of income related to COVID-19 can apply for financial assistance if they are at risk due to any unpaid electric, natural gas, or water bills between March 17 and October 31, 2020.

The application deadline has been extended through December 4, 2020.

For more information, call 877-463-3269 or 515-348-8976 or click the link below to apply for assistance.

Click Here For Utility Assistance Application


Click Here for Proclamation

From the Mayor

Hello Ida Grove. First off this week I wanted to talk about COVID. I have gotten several messages about worries in our county. We are taking some additional steps in the city to keep our employees safe. We are encouraging rotating in city hall and working from home. Trying to keep our social distancing. We have moved all city council meetings and other city meetings back to electronic meetings. We did discuss at our council meeting last night that we would close city hall to the public, except by appointment only. The numbers have been getting high in our county. As of today Ida County has had 2055 tested, 353 positive, 170 recovered and 5 deaths. One death is too many. My thoughts and prayers go out to these families. Let us do our part to be a part of the solution and not add to the problem. We are our own first line of defense. Hospitals are at capacity, healthcare workers are depleted. I really encourage people to stay home if they are sick or if someone in their household tests positive. Social Distance when you can if you cannot wear a mask. Wash hands frequently and sanitize. Lets work together to beat this virus. Please be safe out there. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by COVID. Also praying for our country with this election going on. Praying for our leadership. No matter who is announced President; we are America and I feel we will all pull together and be stronger. Just wanted to give a shout out to the OABCIG Football Team. Congratulations on your trip to the dome in Cedar Falls. Bring home the Championship! The community is very proud of you guys!

Feel free to reach out to me with any concerns or questions.

[email protected]

Very Humble and Proud to Serve Ida Grove

Mayor Devlun Whiteing

Thank You Ida Grove Fire Department!

The City of Ida Grove would like to thank the Ida Grove Fire Department for their help in removing the beaver dam underneath the Rohwer Street bridge. We appreciate all that you do for our community! Keep up the great work!


Members Needed -Make A Difference In Your Community

The City of Ida Grove has an open seat with the Planning and Zoning Committee. This is a great opportunity to be involved with your community. Planning and Zoning is an advisory committee for City Council. Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of every month.  Anyone interested is encouraged to contact City Hall at 364-2428.

Thank you, Siouxland Community Foundation

The City of Ida Grove applied and has been awarded a grant from the Siouxland Community Foundation (Ida County Community Betterment Foundation) in the amount of $9,000.  The grant award will go towards the purchase of two “Welcome Signs” on the East and West entrance of Ida Grove!  The City is extremely grateful for this award and we cannot wait to get started on the project!  The Ida Grove Public Library and the Ida Grove Rec Center also applied and were awarded funding for their projects.  Follow their social media pages for additional information!

Pictured left to right:  Lisa Witten – Ida County Community Betterment Foundation Board Member, Heather Sweeden – City Clerk, Devlun Whiteing – Mayor

Message to the Citizens of Ida Grove

The City of Ida Grove has received several complaints about suspicious and/or illegal activity going on in Ida Grove.  These complaints have been shared to City Hall, Council Members, and the Mayor by concerned citizens.   The City met with the Sheriff’s Office this week.  We assure you we are working on this issue.  The one thing we all can do is report any illegal or suspicious activity directly to the Sheriff’s Office at 712-364-3146.  We need to get every call documented in real time, not the next day or a week after.  The City and the Sheriff’s Department are working together to resolve this.

Source Water Protection Plan



The City of Ida Grove is pleased to announce that we are in the process of developing a collaborative Source Water Protection effort between our city officials, community members, and members of our rural community. We would like to welcome you to a meeting regarding Source Water, our current protection efforts and how we can move forward together in developing a long term plan for keeping our drinking water clean!


April 24, 2018


Ida Grove Community Rec Center

Source Water Protection Plan




For more information, contact Bridget Durst:


[email protected]


Property Tax Credit

Who is Eligible?

Iowa residents, if your total household income is less than $22,855 and one of the following applies:

  • 65 years of age or older as of December 31, 2017
  • Totally disabled and age 18 to 64, as of December 31, 2017

For assistance contact:

Ida County Treasurer’s Office


Ask for Traci Riessen the Ida County Treasurer

Source Water Protection Plan


The City of Ida Grove is pleased to announce that we are in the beginning stages of a collaborative Source Water Protection effort between our city officials, community members, and members of our rural community.  We would like to welcome you to an open planning meeting regarding Source Water, our current protection efforts and how we can move forward together in developing a long term plan for keeping our drinking water clean.


March 13, 2018


Ida Grove Community Rec Center


For more information, contact Bridget Durst:


[email protected]

City of Ida Grove: 712-364-2428

Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program

The Western Iowa Community Improvement Regional Housing Trust Fund is working in partnership with SIMPCO to make available an Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program.  The mission of the program is to further the preservation and development of affordable housing and grow affordable housing opportunities for low-to-moderate income households in Ida County.

Eligible repairs include: repair or replacement of heating, electrical, and plumbing systems; roofs; windows; ADA accessibility and other repair work necessary to address substandard health or safety conditions.

Some program requirements are:

  • All households assisted shall have gross annual incomes under 80% of the county SHTF income limit.
  • The property must be a single family unit.
  • Applicants shall own and occupy the property to be assisted and shall be current on taxes, utilities, mortgage payments, and housing insurance.
  • The property must remain the principal residence of the homeowner for five years.

Funding is limited and will be distributed throughout the service area to the extent possible and approved on a “First Ready, First Served” basis.  Forms and additional program information is available by contacting Amanda Harper at SIMPCO (712)-279-6286 or by visiting

Ida Grove Economic Development Corporation

Ida Grove aspires to be a community defined by the creativity, diversity and innovation of its citizens and businesses. So if you or anyone you know enjoy economic development, have an undiscovered creative streak, love working with and interacting with equally committed people………  being on the Ida Grove Economic Development Corporation is definitely for YOU!

The Economic Development Corporation is created to advise the City of Ida Grove regarding local business retention and recruitment. The corporation is responsible for developing and recommending policies, procedures, organizations, and ordinances to the City Council for adoption that best suit the community for a healthy and diversified economy. The corporation provides businesses with an atmosphere to locate, innovate, grow, and prosper within our community.

The Economic Development Corporation’s areas of interest include developing plans and programs for the following:

  • Planning and Development
  • Support of projects and procedures that are in accordance with the purpose, spirit, and intent of the City Comprehensive Plan.
  • Promote redevelopment of business.
  • Take advantage of different local, state, and federal grant programs.
  • Work in conjunction with the Ida Grove Chamber of Commerce, the City of Ida Grove and Ida County Economic Development in the recruitment of new businesses to the area, as well as retaining established businesses.

Mayor and Business Leaders Meet with Governor


Mayor Whiteing recently met with Governor Reynolds and Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg in Ida Grove to discuss current and future employer needs as well as economic development. This event was coordinated by Ida County Economic Development.  The meeting included representatives from GOMACO, Midwest Industries, United Bank of Iowa, First State Bank, Horn Memorial Hospital, OABCIG Schools, and other professional organizations.  “It was great to have the Governor Reynold’s attention locally,” said Whiteing.  “Both the governor and lieutenant governor gave us examples of similar sized towns that are working with their schools and industry to keep their youth workforce local.  It is also nice to see that some of her suggestions, like applying for DNR grants and tourism awards, are things we are already doing to keep our community a great place to live.”  “It was a great experience for all involved.  It is not everyday that we have our governor in our own backyard.”

King Theatre Renovation Board’s 2nd Annual Garden Party & Art Walk

Enjoy a walk through the Harskamps’ Oasis…

Come walk the gardens and enjoy artwork by local artist Ken Harskamp – treats provided by Darts Harskamp! The weather is looking PERFECT for our second annual garden party and art walk hosted by the Harskamps. Enjoy a leisurely garden tour – self-guided or with our hosts – and then take a walk through Ken’s art gallery.

$15 per person or $25 for two – all proceeds go to our King Theatre Renovation. See you tomorrow, Saturday, July 8th, from 10 am to 2 pm, at the Harskamp residence, 609 Moorehead Street in Ida Grove.

Handicap accessibility at the alley behind the residence.

King Theatre Stabilized by Talented Local Team

Thanks to a team assembled by Ida Grove’s Dan Gosch, the King Theatre’s south side has been stabilized, allowing the theatre board to move forward with this important project. West Central Construction, owned and operated by Jim and Pat Redenius, was on hand at the building today to hoist a 10″ H-beam in place under the roof’s joists and supported by cribbing on both sides.

In addition to West Central Construction, the King Theatre Board thanks Kevin Nulle for the use of his forklift, Dan Roeder for the use of his forklift and payloader; the City of Ida Grove for the use of the city’s payloader; and Godbersen-Smith for the use of the 10″ H-beam. If it was not for this team of talented people, the project would not advance as it now most certainly, and passionately, will. Long live the King.


King Theatre Alley Wall Collapses

Theatre alley wall collapse

Last night, the back of the theater collapsed at approximately 6:20 p.m. No one was in the building when it happened. Volunteers left early due to the storms moving through the area. Volunteer Fire and Ambulance departments were on hand to secure the area.

Doug Clough, King Theatre Board Chair, said, “We thank the firemen and ambulance crews for their quick action. We are beyond blessed to have had no volunteers hurt during this incident; if someone would have been hurt, this would be far more tragic than a delay in opening our theater. God is good.”

The board’s project coordinator is coordinating efforts to shore up the back of the roof to make the building structurally safe. The group will then put up some kind of screening to keep people, animals and rain out until the wall is repaired.

“This is just one hurdle out of many that that our King Theatre Renovation Board has faced for this important Ida Grove landmark.” said Clough. “Our board would like to assure citizens that when the King is up and running and people comment how great it is, we will affirm their faithful support by saying, LONG LIVE THE KING.”


Heritage Days’ Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s Market TODAY downtown at 2nd and Main.

IT’S HERITAGE DAYS!! Start your celebration by visiting the Farmers’ Market on 2nd Street in downtown Ida Grove. We have four produce vendors, a fresh flower vendor, wine and wine tasting, an organic meat vendor, a baked goods vendor, and a vendor who sells brown, blue, green, and buff eggs! Rita Pierson will be available with her artisan chocolates.

And grilling to raise funds for the King Theater Renovation will feature beef ribeye sandwich meals for $5 and shirts for a $20 donation.

So get in on the action and join your friends and neighbors from 4:30 to 6:30 PM on Thursday.