Fireworks Use in the City Limits

The Battle Creek 4th of July Show is one of the best ways to enjoy fireworks

While fireworks are nothing new to Iowa small towns around the 4th of July holiday, capitol hill legislation has made sales and use of certain fireworks legal this year. Here are some tidbits of information for all Ida Grovians to consider this inaugural year:

– The legislated fireworks can only be displayed/set off on the user’s property or another private citizen’s property who has agreed to the use.

– Our city’s noise ordinance is still in effect and applies to fireworks use; no noise-oriented fireworks after 10pm per our noise ordinance.

– Fireworks cannot be used in city parks or other public areas unless allowed by city council decision.

Safety is also a key factor in using fireworks; local hospitals see a rise in burn victims during this time of year. Use common sense and caution.


Ida County Sanitation’s New Pick-up System Under Way

Ida County Sanitations New Trash Cans

All Ida Grovians should have received new garbage cans from Ida County Sanitation (ICS) during the past two weeks. The new system is designed to allow citizens to use one waste receptacle and to roll it to their curb for ICS to mechanically pick and dump the trash into their truck.

Recycling practices have not changed.

“We’ve had good reception to the change and a few bumps in the road,” said Justin Georg, ICS owner and operator. George has had a few questions from customers, and – in an effort to make the transition as easy as possible – offers the answers to all citizens in an FAQ here:

Q. Can I get a smaller can?

A. Yes! We had 50 smaller cans and they have all been used. New cans should be available in 2 – 3 weeks.

Q. Do I have to fill up the can before it will be picked up?

A. No. If you have any amount of trash in the can, it can be set out for collection.

Q. If I damage my can, do I have to buy a new one?

A. If you are responsible for damaging your can and it cannot be used as designed for pick up, then you must buy a can that can be picked up by our trucks. Our can cost $70 at this time. Some hardware stores do sell similar cans. Cans can also be rented through ICS… call Justin Georg at 369.1677. If you need more than one can, you may also buy another.

Q. If I have large items that need to be picked up, what do I do?

A. Call ICS at 369.1677 to schedule pickup; please give ICS a full day’s notice.

Q. If I have further questions about this service, who do I call?

A. Justin Georg, 369.1677. If you have a billing question, please call Ida Grove City Hall at 364.2428.


Ida Area Farmer’s Market – TONIGHT!

Farmer’s Market vendors are working for your enjoyment…

The Ida Area Farmers’ Market will be a 2nd & Main with its produce vendors, winemaker, fresh flower lady, organic meat producer, and baked goods vendors. Genevieve Voss and Rita Pierson will again be at the market with jewelry, home decor, artisan chocolates, and much more. Lori Loehr, a new vendor, will join us to sell brown and blue eggs! The After Prom Committee will be serving smoked turkey sandwiches, baked beans, chips, and a beverage for $6. Carryouts will be available. So join your friends and neighbors and support the kids and their parents. 4:30 to 6:30 pm in downtown Ida Grove.


Relay Iowa Is Coming to Ida Grove!

Relay Iowa Comes through Ida Grove

Runners and support staff participating in Relay Iowa will be in Ida Grove on Friday, June 9th, 2017.

Relay Iowa is the World’s Longest Relay Run! Teams of up to 12 participants run 339 miles to cross Iowa over a long weekend. Runners build their own team and then work together to break down the distance into segments of their choice.

There will be many people and extra vehicles in and around Ida Grove for this event. The route from Anthon to Ida Grove can be seen at The route from Ida Grove to Lake City is shown at Please watch for the runners and their support on your way to and from work to help keep them and yourselves safe.

Keep your eyes peeled for runners during this special event

Week two at our Ida Area Farmer’s Market

Verdean Kruse is a regular at the Ida Area Farmer’s Market

WEEK TWO at the market Thursday 4:30pm to 6:30pm in downtown Ida Grove. Genevieve Voss will be in attendance with her home decor, jewelry, and much more. Also Rita Pierson (Cocoa Bellissimo) will be offering her artisan chocolates. Some of our produce vendors will be available as well as our new vendor, Cherri Sloan, who will be selling baked goods. Cherri has been baking for the Farmers’ Market in Jefferson for 5 years. Come and check her out!! And Faith will be in the park with fresh flowers. The Junior Competition Dancers will be grilling burgers, and offering chips, beans, pop or water, and desserts for $6 to raise money for their future competitions. So join the your friends and neighbors for the fun!


King Theatre Renovation Board Meetings

The King Theatre Board meets the first and third Wednesday of every month. The public is welcome to attend board meetings. These occur at United Bank of Iowa’s main headquarters at Main and 2nd beginning at 5:15 pm. The board also has volunteer labor nights 5:15 – 7 pm on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings. The public is welcome to come help or just view the progress of this important community project.


Ida Area Farmer’s Market Makes 2017 Debut Thursday, June 1st!

It’s starting again this upcoming Thursday, June 1st! Come to the Ida Area Farmers’ Market, located east of our downtown Main and 2nd Street intersection. Fresh produce Thursdays from 4:30-6:30 p.m. June 1 through September 28, 2017. It’s local, it’s fresh, it supports our community members. Vendors and their wares include Cherri Sloan, baked goods; Cocoa Bellissimo, artisan chocolates (part time); K & S Produce (Kenny Tietsort & Doug VanHouten), produce; Lakefront Gardens & Gifts (Genevieve Voss), home decor, jewelry, misc.; Faith Johnson, fresh flowers; Shettler’s Gardens, produce; Old Town Vineyard & Winery (John & Lenee Sinnott), wine & wine tasting; Thankful Harvest (Tom & Grace German), organic meat, produce, & baked goods; Quimby Street Creations (Gloria Sykes), knitted items (part time); Susan Spotts, produce; and Golden Horizons will be there the last Thursday of every month selling handmade crafts. Some of the produce available the first day will be asparagus and rhubarb. The Heritage Days Board will also be on hand to grill out as a fundraiser for our hometown celebration occurring the final week of June.

It’s fresh. It’s local. It benefits our community!

Firemen, King Theatre Board among Ida County Betterment Grant recipients

Scott Van Dusen, Ida Grove Fire Department Fire Chief, and Devlun Whiteing, Assistant Fire Chief, accept their Ida County Betterment Grant Award

Fire Chief Scott Van Dusen and Assistant Chief Devlun Whiteing were on hand Sunday, May 7th, to accept an Ida County Betterment Grant at the Arthur Community Hall. The Ida Grove Fire Department received $10,000 dollars. “We will use these funds toward the replacement of 10+ year old bunker gear – coats and pants,” stated Whiteing. “The fire department itself will put $4000 towards the project which will replace seven sets of bunker gear.”

Traci Van Houten, Doug Clough, and Ryan Goodman of the King Theatre Renovation Board also attended the 2 pm event. The board also received the top dollar amount of $10,000 which will be used to bring the building rear door above alley level to prevent rain from entering the building. “We’re grateful for this monetary injection afforded to us by the Ida County Betterment Foundation,” said Goodman. “We will put it to good use for our community!”


King Theatre Progress

Showing a holiday movie during our 100th anniversary can happen with community involvement!

In this week’s edition of the Ida County Courier, King Theatre Renovation Board Chair Doug Clough updates our community on the progress of this project and the ambitious goal of showing a holiday movie in December. You can find his letter on page A5 and a special ad on the bottom right-hand corner of page A3 for those who are interested in contributing to the King’s longevity. If you’d like to put some gloves on and work, we have volunteer nights Tuesday and Thursday from 5:15pm to 7pm.


Daylight Savings Time Reminder

Spring forward one hour at 2 am Sunday, March 12th

Daylight savings is tomorrow Sunday, March 12th. Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before hitting the hay. This is also a good opportunity to replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide testers. Enjoy the rest of your weekend – and, remember – once the temps warm up again, you’re going to love that extra hour of sunlight!


Ida County Fair July 19-25

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