Enjoy the Ultimate Iowa Road Trip on the Lincoln Highway – March 20 at 5:30 p.m.

Nothing says freedom like the great American road trip, especially when you cruise the historic Lincoln Highway in Iowa. Better known today as Highway 30, the Lincoln Highway revolutionized Iowa and America when the historic route was developed more than a century ago.

“If you’ve ever traveled on an interstate—or any paved road, for that matter—you owe a debt of gratitude to the visionaries who promoted the Lincoln Highway to connect the country,” said Darcy Dougherty Maulsby, a Lake City-area author who recently published the non-fiction book The Lincoln Highway in Iowa—a History with The History Press. “The development of the Lincoln Highway and its legacy today reflects a tremendous story of American innovation, community spirit, freedom, and an unshakable belief in a brighter future.”

Maulsby, known as Iowa’s Storyteller, will bring the stories from her new book to life during her fun, interactive program, “Adventures Along Iowa’s Historic Lincoln Highway—the Ultimate Iowa Road Trip,” which she will present on Thursday, March 20th, at 5:30 p.m. at the Ida Grove Public Library. The program is free and open to the public, and the event will include a book signing.

In 1913, the Lincoln Highway became the first coast-to-coast highway, connecting New York City to San Francisco. It passed right through Iowa, from Clinton to Council Bluffs. As much as 85% of the original highway is still drivable in Iowa, according to the Lincoln Highway Association (LHA).

“I’ve traveled the Lincoln Highway countless times during my 20+ years as an ag journalist,” said Maulsby, who has published six other non-fiction books on Iowa history. “The more I learned about this storied route, the more I knew this history needed to be preserved.”

While it’s hard to imagine now, there were almost no good roads to speak of in the United States, especially in Iowa, as late as 1912. Most roads were just dirt: bumpy and dusty in dry weather, muddy and impassable in wet weather. It was much easier to take the train—or just stay home.

Still, Iowans were restless, especially after Henry Ford introduced the Model T in 1908. As automobile fever spread, an entrepreneur named Carl Fisher took note. His Indianapolis Motor Speedway proved successful, especially after he paved it with brick. By 1912, Fisher dreamed of another grand idea: a highway spanning the continent.

It was a long, hard journey to make this dream a reality, but by Oct. 31, 1913, the LHA dedicated the route of the Lincoln Highway.

“I’m convinced no state today can compare to Iowa when it comes to getting a sense of what it might have been like for earlier generations of motorists on the Lincoln Highway,” Maulsby said. “We can check into some of the same places travelers did decades ago, like the Lincoln Hotel in Lowden. We can eat in the same restaurants, like the Lincoln Café in Belle Plaine, Taylor’s Maid-Rite in Marshalltown, or the Pink Poodle Steakhouse in Crescent.”

Curious about the story behind the mysterious Moss markers north of Scranton? Do you know what supper club near the Lincoln Highway served gangsters like John Dillinger and Al Capone—and you can still eat there today? Wondering why an old grain elevator in Woodbine showcases a massive art installation? You’ll pass the test with flying colors—and impress your friends—when you delve into Iowa’s amazing Lincoln Highway history.

“There are countless pieces of the past just waiting to be re-discovered along the Lincoln Highway in Iowa,” Maulsby said. “Along the way, you can still find inspiring stories of dynamic entrepreneurs, people who care about their community, and rural revitalization, mixed with historic preservation, along the Lincoln Highway. This is the ultimate Iowa road trip, especially if you want to experience the real America.”

Signed copies of the 208-page, illustrated book The Lincoln Highway in Iowa—a History will be available during the event, along with Maulsby’s other non-fiction, illustrated Iowa history books (including A Culinary History of Iowa; Iowa Agriculture: A History of Farming, Family, and Food; Calhoun County; Dallas County; Classic Restaurants of Des Moines; and Madison County).

For more details, contact the Ida Grove Public Library at (712) 364-2306 or Maulsby at [email protected]. You can also visit Maulsby online at www.darcymaulsby.com.

City Hall Demolition

The demolition of City Hall will begin on Monday, March 7, 2022.



Can you believe that our Ida Grove Public Library has been in business since 1908!? That is an amazing 113 years of service to our citizens!

The library offers a variety of amenities for the citizens of Ida Grove. There are designated areas for children to do activities and read. The Children’s Library was a recent add to the library as of May 30, 2009. There is plenty of space for teenagers/adults as well to enjoy.

A grant was received from the ICCBF (Ida County Community Betterment Foundation) along with generous local donations to update the Heritage room (meeting room). Iversen TV installed a brand new ceiling mounted projector, new motorized projection screen, and audio system with microphones for the library. Included in the funding was to replace all current lights and fixtures with LED bulbs to help reduce energy costs.

Library Board of Trustees:

Larry Albrecht President

Jackie Netherton Vice President

Shirley Hayes, Secretary

Tom Grell, Trustee

Dave Larson, Trustee

Luann Benge, Trustee

Roger Rector, Trustee

Library Staff:

Angela Scales, Director

Lisa Hopkins, Assistant

Jane Petersen, Assistant

The library continues to offer no contact pick up during library open hours. To see all services offered by the library, please click the link below to “check out” the new website.

Click Here To View Website



Members Needed -Make A Difference In Your Community

The City of Ida Grove has an open seat with the Planning and Zoning Committee. This is a great opportunity to be involved with your community. Planning and Zoning is an advisory committee for City Council. Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of every month.  Anyone interested is encouraged to contact City Hall at 364-2428.

Moorehead Avenue Bridge Presentation

For anyone who would like to view the power point presentation that was provided on Monday, August 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. during a special council meeting, you may click the attachment. Moorehead Ave Bridge PPP

Thank you, Siouxland Community Foundation

The City of Ida Grove applied and has been awarded a grant from the Siouxland Community Foundation (Ida County Community Betterment Foundation) in the amount of $9,000.  The grant award will go towards the purchase of two “Welcome Signs” on the East and West entrance of Ida Grove!  The City is extremely grateful for this award and we cannot wait to get started on the project!  The Ida Grove Public Library and the Ida Grove Rec Center also applied and were awarded funding for their projects.  Follow their social media pages for additional information!

Pictured left to right:  Lisa Witten – Ida County Community Betterment Foundation Board Member, Heather Sweeden – City Clerk, Devlun Whiteing – Mayor

Have you submitted your 2020 Census Questionnaire?

If you have not submitted your 2020 Census Questionnaire, now is the perfect time to do it!  It only requires about 10 minutes or less of your time.  The Census Bureau has made it easier than ever to respond; by phone, online or mail.  Visit 2020census.gov to submit online – all you need is your Census ID which was provided to everyone by mail!  Your community is counting on YOU to respond as the information aides in funding numerous programs for your community such as grant opportunities, money for street repairs, money for schools/hospitals, etc.  As of today, the national census response rate is 16.7% with Iowa having a response rate of 21.6% – let’s keep those responses coming! 

Senator Joni Ernst Visits Ida Grove’s Midwest Industries

Ida Grove was pleased to have Senator Joni Ernst visit Midwest Industries Tuesday January 22, 2019. Midwest Staff, including Ida Grove Mayor Devlun Whiteing, are pictured here with Ernst, touring the facility. Ida Grove is proud to be the home of Midwest Industries and looks forward to more great things to come from this top-notch organization. 




Ida County Sanitation’s New Pick-up System Under Way

Ida County Sanitations New Trash Cans

All Ida Grovians should have received new garbage cans from Ida County Sanitation (ICS) during the past two weeks. The new system is designed to allow citizens to use one waste receptacle and to roll it to their curb for ICS to mechanically pick and dump the trash into their truck.

Recycling practices have not changed.

“We’ve had good reception to the change and a few bumps in the road,” said Justin Georg, ICS owner and operator. George has had a few questions from customers, and – in an effort to make the transition as easy as possible – offers the answers to all citizens in an FAQ here:

Q. Can I get a smaller can?

A. Yes! We had 50 smaller cans and they have all been used. New cans should be available in 2 – 3 weeks.

Q. Do I have to fill up the can before it will be picked up?

A. No. If you have any amount of trash in the can, it can be set out for collection.

Q. If I damage my can, do I have to buy a new one?

A. If you are responsible for damaging your can and it cannot be used as designed for pick up, then you must buy a can that can be picked up by our trucks. Our can cost $70 at this time. Some hardware stores do sell similar cans. Cans can also be rented through ICS… call Justin Georg at 369.1677. If you need more than one can, you may also buy another.

Q. If I have large items that need to be picked up, what do I do?

A. Call ICS at 369.1677 to schedule pickup; please give ICS a full day’s notice.

Q. If I have further questions about this service, who do I call?

A. Justin Georg, 369.1677. If you have a billing question, please call Ida Grove City Hall at 364.2428.


Relay Iowa Is Coming to Ida Grove!

Relay Iowa Comes through Ida Grove

Runners and support staff participating in Relay Iowa will be in Ida Grove on Friday, June 9th, 2017.

Relay Iowa is the World’s Longest Relay Run! Teams of up to 12 participants run 339 miles to cross Iowa over a long weekend. Runners build their own team and then work together to break down the distance into segments of their choice.

There will be many people and extra vehicles in and around Ida Grove for this event. The route from Anthon to Ida Grove can be seen at http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/859820157. The route from Ida Grove to Lake City is shown at http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/859995567. Please watch for the runners and their support on your way to and from work to help keep them and yourselves safe.

Keep your eyes peeled for runners during this special event

King Theatre Renovation Board Meetings

The King Theatre Board meets the first and third Wednesday of every month. The public is welcome to attend board meetings. These occur at United Bank of Iowa’s main headquarters at Main and 2nd beginning at 5:15 pm. The board also has volunteer labor nights 5:15 – 7 pm on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings. The public is welcome to come help or just view the progress of this important community project.


OABCIG FFA Members Beautify Downtown

The City of Ida Grove would like to thank the members of the OABCIG Future Farmers of America (FFA) for taking the time to beautify the downtown area of Ida Grove. The group, under the tutelage of Dan Remer, Shelley Malcom and Byron Peters, planted flowers in the pots along 2nd and Main Streets. The City of Ida Grove would also like to thank the Chamber of Commerce for their generous donation of time and materials to this wonderful project. If you know of or see a member of the FFA, please thank them for a job well done. Thanks to everyone involved!

Byron Peters and Shelley Malcom plan out the location of the flowers

OABCIG Future Farmers of America recently spent time beautifying our downtown area

Scheduled Longlines Internet Outage

Longlines Announces Service Interuption

Longlines Internet has a scheduled cable outage beginning tonight at midnight through 3 am. Longlines will issue any updates to this outage that may occur. Longlines appreciates your understanding of this important time to upgrade their system.


Longlines Cable

Longlines Announces Service Interruption

Longlines has notified Ida Grove City Hall that cable service will be disrupted beginning at 12:01 AM on May 3rd. It will be a 3 hour routine update that will be completed within the three hour period and service should be restored by 3:00 a.m.


King Theatre Progress

Showing a holiday movie during our 100th anniversary can happen with community involvement!

In this week’s edition of the Ida County Courier, King Theatre Renovation Board Chair Doug Clough updates our community on the progress of this project and the ambitious goal of showing a holiday movie in December. You can find his letter on page A5 and a special ad on the bottom right-hand corner of page A3 for those who are interested in contributing to the King’s longevity. If you’d like to put some gloves on and work, we have volunteer nights Tuesday and Thursday from 5:15pm to 7pm.


King Theatre Community Input Meeting TONIGHT

Our King Theatre Board, with our architect, is holding a community input meeting this evening, February 7th, at 6 pm at our Ida Grove Recreation Center. We will cover the project progress to date and seek input on the two final designs (interior & exterior), our operations model (volunteer needs), an aggressive timeline, and our fundraising plan (grants, donations, community events). When you enter the rec center, just follow the smell of popcorn and the promise of a King-sized movie experience!


Start-up in the Mid-Sixties

GOMACO Corporation was established in 1965, and since that time, the company has successfully marketed products in the United States, with expansion into Canada in 1969 and further expansion into other foreign markets in the years following.

Since the start of GOMACO, the company’s designs and concepts have pioneered many aspects of slipforming concrete construction. GOMACO was instrumental in the development and marketing of the concrete slipforming concept, which has had significant impact on the economics of concrete construction. The slipform concept has provided higher productivity per man-hour, greater efficiencies in materials usage, less traffic congestion per job, and a more appealing finished product per dollar invested by the public.

Merger in 1965

April, 1961: The Ida County State Bank and the Arthur Trust and Savings Bank merged. Assets as of December 31, 1960 were $3,636,036.00 for Ida County State Bank and $2,549,557.00 for Arthur Trust and Savings Bank.

1954 Marks First Patent

Midwest founder Byron L. Godbersen grew up as a hardworking Iowa farm boy with a passion for inventing. In 1954 Byron was issued his first patent for the Bolster Hoist, an under-body wagon hoist used to tilt a grain box and empty its contents. The Bolster Hoist was a hit with farmers across America and Midwest Industries was born.

Hospital Founded in 1905

Horn Memorial Hospital’s history began in 1905 when Dr. J.E. Conn came to Ida County and opened a hospital in conjunction with his brother Dr. Carl Conn. The Conn Brothers Hospital was located in a house referred to as the “Spaulding Place”. It had 1 operating room and 11 patient rooms. Single rooms were priced between $12-$20 per week, depending on the attention the patient needed. Dr. J.E. Conn died in March, 1918 and his office and practice were bought by Dr. E.W. Bookhart in 1919. Today, the building is still standing and is now an apartment house located just south of the community hall.