Boil Advisory
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Health and Fitness, Organization, Types/by Heather SweedenDue to the extent of a water main break, a drinking water advisory is now in effect for the following addresses:
- West side of Moorehead Avenue from Ash Drive to Highway 175
- Both sides of Moorehead Avenue from The Brew to the intersection of N. First Street/Washington Street, with the exception of Cenex
- Susan Lawrence Drive
- Highway 175 from the Western corporate limits to the intersection of Highway 175/Moorehead Avenue
Physical door hangers will be placed on all properties effected. Due to sampling requirements, the City expects the advisory to be in effect for approximately 48 hours and will update as more information is received.
Pickleball/Tennis Court Nets
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Health and Fitness, Parks and Rec, Senior Activities, Youth Activities/by Tonya RehsePosition Opening: Recreation Center Director
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, Front Page, Health and Fitness, Organization, Parks and Rec/by Heather SweedenThe City of Ida Grove (population 2,051) has an immediate opening for Recreation Director. Responsibilities would include management of a 20,000 square foot recreation center with the following amenities: weight room, aerobic room, gymnasium/walking track, two racquetball courts, indoor pool, spa, wading pool, sauna, golf room/golf simulator, card room, and community room with full kitchen. Membership totals are over 350 and draws from surrounding communities. Additional duties would include oversight of scheduling of events and programs at the ball fields, management of an aquatic center which is located next door to the recreation center and recreational programming such as youth tackle football, volleyball, basketball, and middle school softball and baseball as well as exercise classes and special events. For more information on the Ida Grove Community Recreation Center go to Job applications and complete job description may be obtained at City Hall (temporarily located inside the Rec Center), 311 Barnes Street, by visiting or by emailing [email protected].
A degree in Parks and Recreation, Leisure Services, or related field is desired, but not required. Previous professional experience in recreation centers or swimming pools is preferred. Residency requirement within six months. Starting salary is negotiable.
Recreation Director Job Description
Send cover letter, resume, and references to:
City of Ida Grove, Attn: City Clerk, PO Box 236, Ida Grove, IA 51445
The City of Ida Grove is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Position open until filled.
Recreation Center Director Job Opening
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Front Page, Health and Fitness, Organization, Parks and Rec/by Heather SweedenThe City of Ida Grove (population 2,142) has an immediate opening for Recreation Director. Responsibilities would include management of a 20,000 square foot recreation center with the following amenities: weight room, aerobic room, gymnasium/walking track, two racquetball courts, indoor pool, spa, wading pool, sauna, golf room/golf simulator, card room, and community room with full kitchen. Membership totals are over 350 and draws from surrounding communities. Additional duties would include oversight of scheduling of events and programs at the ball fields, management of an aquatic center which is located next door to the recreation center and recreational programming such as youth tackle football, volleyball, basketball, and middle school softball and baseball as well as exercise classes and special events. For more information on the Ida Grove Community Recreation Center go to Job applications and complete job description may be obtained at City Hall, 403 3rd Street, by visiting or by emailing [email protected].
A degree in Parks and Recreation, Leisure Services, or related field is desired, but not required. Previous professional experience in recreation centers or swimming pools is preferred. Residency requirement within six months. Depending upon qualifications, starting salary range is $35,000-$45,000.
Send cover letter, resume, and references to:
City of Ida Grove
Attn. Recreation Director
PO Box 236
Ida Grove, IA 51445
Position open until filled.
City Owned Parks Opening
/in Activities by Age, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Health and Fitness, Organization, Parks and Rec/by Heather SweedenCouncil voted during their regular city council meeting on Monday, May 4, 2020 to open some portions of City owned parks and allow for recreational use as follows:
The City of Ida Grove Parks and Trails will be open to the public for recreation, but due to COVID-19 concerns playground equipment, restrooms, and picnic shelters will remained closed until further notice. All drinking fountains will be turned off. Tennis courts are closed due to the overhaul. Basketball courts will be open to shoot baskets for members of the same household. Team sports, pick up games and contact play are prohibited.
The city has installed caution tape around playground equipment; please stay off of it. We are asking residents to do their part to keep family, friends, neighbors, and the community safe. Signage will be posted at each park regarding the closures. The City’s priority is protecting the health and safety of our residents and continue to serve the public.
When visiting a public space, use your best judgement and act responsibly. Bring your own sanitation supplies with you and adhere to recommended guidelines of keeping social gatherings to less than 10 people, with members of the same household, and observing social distancing standards of staying at least 6’ from others. If you do not feel well or have been sick stay home.
Upgrading Ida Grove
/in City, Family Activities, Front Page, Health and Fitness, Parks and Rec/by Heather SweedenWe thought we would spread some cheer today and share with you all the new and exciting things happening in town. This week, Godbersen-Smith Construction began work on the tennis courts located in City Park. The finished project will feature 1 tennis court and 2 pickle ball courts. The upgrade is from a very generous donation from the Godbersen Foundation!
Also happening this week is the beginning of construction work to install the last set of lights at the ball complex by the High School. A big Thank You to the Ida Grove Kiwanis for their hard work and dedication to get this upgrade completed!
Ida Grove Community Blood Drives
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, Family Activities, Front Page, Health and Fitness, Senior Activities, Types, Youth Activities/by City of Ida GroveSt. Paul Lutheran Church in Ida Grove and LifeServe Blood Center partner together every other month to put on a community blood drive in order to save local lives in our community. LifeServe Blood Center is the local provider of blood and blood products to Horn Memorial Hospital and several other surrounding hospitals. They rely on volunteer blood donors to keep the blood supply stead for local patients. The drive is open to the public, and you can walk in the day of or schedule an appointment online at
Upcoming Drives
All drives occur at St. Paul Lutheran Church on 100 7th St.
December 5th 2018, 10:30 am – 4:00 pm
February 6th 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
April 3rd 2019, 10 :30 am – 4:30 pm
June 5th 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
August 7th 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
October 2nd 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
December 4th 2019, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Outdoor Pool Survey
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Health and Fitness, Organization, Parks and Rec, Senior Activities, Types, Youth Activities/by City of Ida GroveHere at the City of Ida Grove we strive to provide our community with quality service and amenities. Please let us know your thoughts and opinions on our outdoor pool by taking part in a brief, anonymous survey found here: . We want to provide the best experience possible to all of our pool-goers so your input is much appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Relay Iowa
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, Family Activities, Health and Fitness, Organization/by Heather SweedenRelay Iowa, the world’s longest relay run of 339 miles, will be making its way through Ida Grove this year! This year marks the 9th year for Relay Iowa; you can expect to see runner’s coming through Ida Grove on Friday, June 8, 2018. The PEO group will be grilling pork burgers and bratwurst at Food Pride from 11am to 1pm.
For more information on Relay Iowa, you can visit
Meals on Wheels
/in Front Page, Health and Fitness, Senior Activities/by Heather SweedenMeals on Wheels America is the oldest and largest national organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based senior nutrition programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger – this program is available right here in Ida Grove, IA!
Ever wondered how to make sure your loved ones are eating a nutritious meal but still letting them keep their independence by living at home? Please see the attached documents with information on the Meals on Wheels program.
If you have any questions, you may access the website located on the documents or call City Hall at 712-364-2428.
/in Family Activities, Health and Fitness, Parks and Rec/by Heather SweedenDue to the weather, the Ida Grove Recreation Center will be closed today.
“The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.” – Mark Twain
/in Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Health and Fitness, Senior Activities, Youth Activities/by spireworksLike Twain, we are dog lovers in Ida Grove. We want you to keep your dog safe by keeping him or her from running at large If you love your dog as much as we think you do, license him or her with our city. If your animal is picked up, we can easily track down the owner if licensed.
Fines are assessed for dogs at large. The first fine is $20.00 with a daily boarding fee added. The second offense doubles and the third offense triples.
Be considerate of your neighbors as well; man’s best friend is known to poop on walks, so bring a scoop and a bag to clean up the ‘business.’
OABCIG FFA Members Beautify Downtown
/in Adult Activities, Arts Council, Business History, Chamber of Commerce, Front Page, Health and Fitness, Youth Activities/by City of Ida GroveThe City of Ida Grove would like to thank the members of the OABCIG Future Farmers of America (FFA) for taking the time to beautify the downtown area of Ida Grove. The group, under the tutelage of Dan Remer, Shelley Malcom and Byron Peters, planted flowers in the pots along 2nd and Main Streets. The City of Ida Grove would also like to thank the Chamber of Commerce for their generous donation of time and materials to this wonderful project. If you know of or see a member of the FFA, please thank them for a job well done. Thanks to everyone involved!

Byron Peters and Shelley Malcom plan out the location of the flowers

OABCIG Future Farmers of America recently spent time beautifying our downtown area
Rec Center Schedules Spring Classes
/in Health and Fitness, Uncategorized/by Michael KellyJusto ultrices eu. Nam pellentesque aliquet imperdiet elementum placerat. Malesuada facilisis eu. Ante imperdiet sit. Arcu erat ligula. Dui nam sodales. Pellentesque class nascetur quisque suspendisse quis.
Nisl velit nec massa mauris mi aliquam libero mauris mi magna purus. Leo fusce non. Sociosqu aenean eu. Phasellus ultricies elementum maecenas qui natoque wisi sed vel. Lectus nisl curabitur. Leo duis ultricies. A proin congue vivamus curae libero a venenatis vestibulum magna scelerisque faucibus. Enim lobortis urna. Feugiat pede duis. Eget fusce nulla sodales eu luctus orci imperdiet orci.

403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
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Trash / Recycling: 800-572-9867
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N.E.T. Broadband: 877-383-7835