Happy Census Day!

Did you know today is Census Day?  Do your part by responding to the Census TODAY.  Keep in mind, April 1 is the designated date used to answer the many expected questions for various living situations.  For example, children born or before April 1, 2020 should be counted during this census.  If you move during 2020, where you slept on the evening of April 1, 2020 is the address you should use when completing the census.

Census workers have delayed door-to-door approaches at this time due to COVID-19, however, in the future, if you don’t want a knock at your door, you can respond to the Census Bureau soon by one of the following options:  visiting: my2020census.gov.   Or by phone: 844-330-2020.  Or by returning your mailer that was sent out to all addresses.

Thank you for your cooperation and support of our community!