
Grass Clipping Notice

The City of Ida Grove reminds residents not to blow grass clippings into city streets or alleys to prevent clogging of city storm drains. Leaving grass clippings in any street or alley is considered a “nuisance” and also includes debris such as leaves, brush, nails, glass, or rubbish of any kind. The placing of debris, including grass clippings, on streets and alleys could lead to violators being charged for clean-up per City Code 12.30.030. Placing Debris on Streets, Violation and Abatement.

Tree Trimming Notice

Property owners are responsible for maintenance of trees on their property and on the city parking adjacent to their property as stated in City Ordinance 12.05.040. All branches are to be at least 15 feet above the street surface and 8 feet above sidewalks. Trees, bushes, shrubs, etc. are to be trimmed so they do not obstruct pedestrians, vision of traffic signs, or the view of any street or alley intersection. Alleys also need to be cleared to allow truck passage.


Snow predicted for this weekend – Reminder of Parking Ordinance

With the likelihood of snow amounting to more than 1/2″ this weekend, please follow the ordinance regarding prohibited parking on public streets, alleys, or city-owned off-street parking areas. This ordinance is in effect if a. new snow fall has accumulated to a depth of one-half inch or more; or b. if snow removal operations have been commenced by the City of Ida Grove.

If the snow has been removed or plowed from a street, alley or parking area and the snow has ceased to fall, the prohibition on parking no longer applies. Fines are $15 for not following the ordinance. Thank you for helping our city crews to do their job as best possible.