
Ball Field Rules/Guidelines

The City of Ida Grove Youth Ball Fields will be open on June 2nd for use of our Rec Center Summer League softball and baseball teams to practice only if they meet the following guidelines:

  • The coach of the team needs to submit a plan and get it approved by our Rec Center Director, Chelsea Gross, to start practicing. The below guidelines must be met to get your plan approved.
  • No Dugouts can be used for practice. Players equipment must be lined up along the fence 6’ apart.
  • Parents must remain in their cars or drop off and pick up players after practice.
  • Players should use their own gloves, helmets, and bats as much as possible.
  • Coaches are responsible for enduring social distancing is maintained between players as much as possible. This means additional spacing between players while playing catch changing drills, so that players remain spaced out.  No congregating of players while waiting to bat.
  • Players must bring their own water/beverage to consume during and after practice. No shared drinking fountains, or coolers can be used.
  • Coaches must sanitize shared equipment before and after each use.
  • Anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19 is not allowed to practice
  • Coaches should be knowledgeable of their player with preexisting health conditions and work with health officials to take additional precautions as needed.
  • Players will be encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer.
  • Coaches must ban the spitting of sunflower seeds.
  • Coaches are responsible for tracking absences for the purpose of noting possible COVID-19 cases.
  • Contact public health if a positive case of COVID-19 is reported.
  • Signs must be posted indicating no one should participate in practice or attend games if they currently have symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the last 14 days.


Right now, all leagues have cancelled their games.  There are no games scheduled at this time.  If we decide to do games this summer, there will be more guidelines for fans and concessions.   We are hoping to possibly play some local towns or split some in town teams to play each other.  Nothing is set up for games yet.

We are opening this to give the kids something to do outside and be a part of a team.  This must be done safely.    Teams will not be approved until they have a plan that meets the criteria above.

The Rec Center Director, Chelsea Gross, has the authority to remove individual players or teams that do not follow the COVID-19 rules set in place in this document.

This is also subject to change, depending on what happens in the future.

Ida Grove Mayor,

Devlun Whiteing