
City Compost & Brush Piles

The City of Ida Grove, from time to time, as designated by the city council at a regular meeting, may open, operate and maintain a compost and/or brush pile on city property for the use and convenience of citizens residing in the corporate limits for disposal of yard waste, trees, branches and bark during the designated hours of operation. 8.35.010

During the periods of time the city compost pile or brush piles are open, citizens of Ida Grove may deposit in the compost pile yard wastes defined for purposes of this section as grass clippings, leaves, flowers, etc.; produced as part of yard and garden development and maintenance and deposit in the brush pile, bark, tree limbs, and branches not exceeding 6 inches in diameter and 8 feet in length. 8.35.020

8.35.030 It shall be unlawful and a municipal infraction to: (1) Deposit in the compost or brush pile compost or other brush originating from outside the city limits. (2) To deposit in the brush or compost piles any matter or items not designated in this chapter (e.g., plastic bags or other containers, tree limbs exceeding maximum size, garbage and building materials. (3) To remove compost or brush without specific authorization from the city clerk. (4) Deposit compost or brush other than during times or hours of operation.

The municipal offense fine for violation of this chapter is $250.00 for first offense, $500.00 for second offense, and $750.00 for third or subsequent offenses. 8.35.040

2024 Pet Licenses On Sale Now!

 City Code 6.10.020 – License Required

All dogs & cats over SIX months old must be licensed. 

Fees: January 1 – February 28, $10 if spayed or neutered.

$15 if not spayed or neutered.

For the remainder of the year (March 1 – December 31)

$20 if spayed or neutered, $25 if not spayed or neutered.

Dogs & Cats need to have their license tags on their collar for identification purposes; this allows the City to assist in reuniting a lost dog or cat with its owner.

By order of the City Council of Ida Grove. 

Election Day 2023!

Just a reminder that today, November 7, 2023, is Election Day for City Council, School Board, and EMS support.

Stop into the Ida Grove Recreation Center to vote! The polls are open until 8 p.m.

City Council Opportunities Deadline Today 9-21-23

Reminder that forms are due today, 9-21-23, by 5 p.m.

City Council Opportunities

Click Here To View Mayor Description

   Click Here To View Ward Description

Click Here To View At-Large Description 




*Open Mayor Position*

Mayor Whiteing has resigned due to being elected to the Ida County Board of Supervisors effective 1/1/2023. Council has the option to appoint a citizen to this position. Any citizen interested in filling the term through 2023 must reside within city limits. The Mayor seat will then be up for election on the 2023 ballot to fill the remaining 2 years of the term. If anyone is interested or has any questions, please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428.



Final Reminder

Final Reminder for City Council Opportunities!

Deadline to file forms is Thursday, September 16, 2021 by 5 p.m. 

4 year terms for Mayor, Ward 2, and 1 At-Large

Forms can be picked up and filed at City Hall

City Council Opportunity Reminder

City Council Opportunities!

4 Year Terms for: Mayor, Ward 2, And 1 At-Large

Forms can be picked up and filed at City Hall! 

Deadline to file completed forms is Thursday, September 16, 2021 by 5 p.m.


City Council Opportunities

Click Here To View Ward Description

Click Here To View Mayor Description

Click Here To View At Large Description

Click Here To View Ward Map 

City Election Results

Congratulations to the following 5 individuals on being elected to serve as Ida Grove City Councilmen!

Jason Schable – Councilman At-Large, 2 year term

Jared Bogue – Councilman At-Large, 4 year term

Gregor Ernst – Councilman Ward I, 4 year term

Ryan Jordan – Councilman Ward II, 2 year term

Reynold McLead – Councilman Ward III, 4 year term

We appreciate your commitment to serve our community.  Living Forward. Giving Back. 

City Council Election Deadline

The City of Ida Grove has 5 openings to fill within the City Council. The Ward I, II and III positions are up for election this November, as well as two City Council At Large Positions. At this time, there is no one running for the Ward II seat; we encourage citizens within Ward II to become involved. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in getting involved with local government and making a difference in their community. All interested parties are encouraged to contact Ida Grove City Hall at 712-364-2428 for more information or stop in to City Hall. Nomination paperwork can be picked up Monday through Friday 8 am-5 pm from Ida Grove City Hall. The deadline for returning nomination paperwork to City Hall is 5 pm on Thursday September 19, 2019. Don’t delay, make a positive impact in your community today!

Ida Grove Welcomes New Council Member

Mayor Devlun Whiteing welcomed the newest addition to the City Council Team on Wednesday August 21, 2019. Reynold McLead was appointed by the Ida Grove City Council to fill the Ward III Council vacancy created by former Council Member Scott Tomlinson moving out of the ward’s boundaries. McLead is not new to local government and comes to the Council after serving as the Chair of the City’s Planning and Zoning Commission. Because McLead’s appointment is to fill a vacancy, his seat will be up for election this coming November. McLead reports that he intends to run for the open office at that time and is excited to serve the City in this capacity.

City Council Openings

2019 will be an election year for the Ida Grove City Council Ward I, II and III positions, as well as a City Council At Large Position. All interested parties are encouraged to contact Ida Grove City Hall for more information. Nomination papers are currently available at Ida Grove City Hall and can be returned starting August 26th, 2019. All nomination paperwork must be turned in to City Hall before 5 pm on Thursday September 19, 2019. For questions or more information, please contact City Hall at 364-2428.


City Council Opening – Ward 3

The City of Ida Grove has an opening on the City Council for the Ward 3 position, due to a council member moving out of the ward. City Council positions are vital to the operations of local government. Anyone interested in the position is encourage to contact City Hall at 364-2428 or stop into the office in person, for more information. Thank you!

We’re Listening

The Ida Grove City Council will meet for their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday December 17th at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 403 3rd Street in Ida Grove. As always, the public is invited and encouraged to attend. With many community members having voiced interest on the recent topics of water fluoridation and Heritage Days, we would specifically like to invite anyone with an opinion on either issue to please attend. Our City Council and Mayor welcome citizen input and want the community to know their voice can be heard. The City of Ida Grove wants all citizens to be aware of the legislation and initiatives that affect their lives. Your City Officials are working diligently to promote equity in access to local government information and services, and are committed to transparency and inclusion. With your insight, the Council can discover ways to improve this City we all call home. Please keep your feedback coming to help ensure your needs are being met and your voice is being heard.

City Council Agenda

Please see the attached City Council Agenda for tonight’s meeting

04-16-2018 City Council Agenda


City Council Meetings

The Ida Grove City Council meets on the first and third Mondays of the month, except when the meetings are shifted to the following Tuesdays to avoid conflicts with holidays. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, at 403 Third Street.

Ward I Seat Discussion at Regular March 20th Council Meeting

Ida Grove’s Ward I is encompassed within the bold lines of this Ida Grove map

At our council’s regular Monday, March 20th meeting (6 pm at City Hall), council members will discuss the appointment of a citizen to take over the Ward I duties for exiting councilman Jeff Buehler. Ward I citizens who are interested in potential appointment are welcomed to attend this meeting to express their interest in filling this seat through the end of 2017. For an overview of Council Rights and Responsibilities, please go to This seat will be up for election in November of this year at which time the appointment individual may choose to run for a four-year term.


TIME CORRECTION: Special City Meeting to Discuss Appointment for Ward I Vacancy

Our Ida Grove City Council will hold a special meeting Thursday, March 2nd, at 5:00 pm to discuss the anticipated vacancy of the seat representing Ward I. Jeff Buehler, who currently holds the Ward I spot, is moving outside the city limits. The appointment will run through the end of the 2017 calendar year with this seat up for general election this November.


Special City Meeting to Discuss Appointment for Ward I Vacancy

Ward I Boundaries

Our Ida Grove City Council will hold a special meeting Thursday, March 2nd, at 5:15 pm to discuss the anticipated vacancy of the seat representing Ward I. Jeff Buehler, who currently holds the Ward I spot, is moving outside the city limits. The appointment will run through the end of the 2017 calendar year with this seat up for general election this November.



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