
City Operated Facilities Update

The Ida Grove City Council met last evening to discuss the reopening of City Operated Facilities. It was decided that the facilities shall remain closed to the public at this time. Council will re-evaluate mid-May to see where we stand case-wise to determine if it will be appropriate to open at that time. During the next couple weeks, the City will be working to finalize safety plans and securing PPE for staff prior to opening. On behalf of all City employees, elected officials and the Mayor: we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding while we work out the best plan possible while keeping the best interest of everyone in mind.

Important City Updates

The City Council held an emergency meeting this morning at 8:00 am to discuss proactive measures regarding COVID-19.  As a result of the meeting, the following decisions were made:

City Hall is closed to the public, effective immediately, until further notice.  If you need assistance, please call City Hall at 712-364-2428.  All payments/correspondence can be dropped off in the drop box located directly outside of City Hall.

The Rec Center is closed to the public as of close of business tonight

The Library is closed to the public as of close of business tonight


These were not easy decisions for the Council to make – but they did so with our community’s best interest at heart.  All events/meetings that were scheduled at the above places have also been cancelled or postponed.  Please follow the City’s website and Facebook page for further updates.  You may subscribe to receive updates at

We thank you all for your understanding during this uncertain time!


Brush Pile Closed through July 4th

City and volunteer fire fighting crews oversee the burning of the brush pile

Our brush pile is closed through July 4th. Our tree pile reached new heights with our latest round of removing dead or decaying trees on city property. Starting this morning, city crews – with the assistance of our volunteer fire department – began burning this pile. Over the course of the next few days, the city will monitor the progress and turn the pile to make sure all becomes ash which requires no special disposal.