
Tree Removal Bid Invitation

Tree Bid Invitation Announcement

The City of Ida Grove invites the submission of sealed bids from qualified contractors for tree removal from city right-of-way.  The job entails removing 29 marked trees in various locations in the city.  Bid specifications can be obtained at City Hall, 403 3rd Street Ida Grove, IA, by request through mail or email, or you may view the link below.

Click Here For Bid Specifications

City Hall at 712-364-2428.

Sealed bids must be received no later than 3:30 p.m. on Monday, November 18, 2024.

Permit Notice

Permit Notice

This serves as a reminder to all property owners and contractors that permits are required prior to beginning any construction or maintenance on projects such as:  water, sanitary sewer, building construction, etc.  Please visit the online city code at or contact City Hall if you are unsure if a permit is required in order to avoid penalties.



Calling All Contractors!

Invitation to Bid Announcement

The City of Ida Grove invites the submission of sealed bids from qualified contractors for flood damage repair. Bid specifications can be obtained at City Hall, 403 Third Street, Ida Grove IA by visiting or by emailing [email protected]. Please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428 with any questions.

Sealed bids must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 23, 2020. 

Click here for bid specifications