Final Reminder
/in Adult Activities, City, Front Page, Uncategorized/by Tonya RehseFinal Reminder for City Council Opportunities!
Deadline to file forms is Thursday, September 16, 2021 by 5 p.m.
4 year terms for Mayor, Ward 2, and 1 At-Large
Forms can be picked up and filed at City Hall
City Council Election Deadline
/in Adult Activities, City, Front Page, Organization/by Heather Sweeden
The City of Ida Grove has 5 openings to fill within the City Council. The Ward I, II and III positions are up for election this November, as well as two City Council At Large Positions. At this time, there is no one running for the Ward II seat; we encourage citizens within Ward II to become involved. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in getting involved with local government and making a difference in their community. All interested parties are encouraged to contact Ida Grove City Hall at 712-364-2428 for more information or stop in to City Hall. Nomination paperwork can be picked up Monday through Friday 8 am-5 pm from Ida Grove City Hall. The deadline for returning nomination paperwork to City Hall is 5 pm on Thursday September 19, 2019. Don’t delay, make a positive impact in your community today!

403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
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