Disaster Proclamation
/in Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Ida County, Uncategorized/by Tonya RehseOFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR
Governor Kim Reynolds ★ Lt. Governor Adam Gregg
Gov. Reynolds issues disaster proclamation for six counties
DES MOINES – Gov. Kim Reynolds has issued a disaster proclamation for six counties in response to recent severe weather. The governor’s proclamation allows state resources to be utilized to respond to, and recover from, the effects of this severe weather in Boone, Des Moines, Hamilton, Ida, Lyon and Webster counties.
In addition, the proclamation activates the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program for qualifying residents, along with the Disaster Case Management Program, for the six counties. The Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program provides grants of up to $5,000 for households with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level for a family of three. Grants are available for home or car repairs, replacement of clothing or food, and temporary housing expenses. Original receipts are required for those seeking reimbursement for actual expenses related to storm recovery. The grant application and instructions are available on the Iowa Department of Human Services website at Potential applicants have 45 days from the date of the proclamation to submit a claim.
The Disaster Case Management Program addresses serious needs related to disaster-related hardship, injury, or adverse conditions. Disaster case managers work with clients to create a disaster recovery plan and provide guidance, advice, and referral to obtain a service or resource. There are no income eligibility requirements for this program; it closes 180 days from the date of the governor’s proclamation. For information on the Disaster Case Management Program, contact your local community action association or visit
There is an application for the grant that needs to be submitted to our local community action agency, Mid-Sioux Opportunity, located in Remsen. Applications must be submitted by 7/15.
There is an income qualification piece to this process as well. The grant maximum is $5,000.
Federal Poverty Level x 200%
Persons in Household : 1 $13,590 $27,180
2 $18,310 $36,620
3 $23,030 $46,060
4 $27,750 $55,500
5 $32,470 $64,940
COVID-19 Update – May 12, 2020
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Front Page, Organization/by Heather SweedenThe City of Ida Grove is aware of the first positive COVID-19 test in Ida County. While the City has been operating under the presumption that cases already existed within the County and City limits, this announcement further emphasizes our need to practice social distancing and proper hygiene, while limiting our exposure to members outside of our immediate household as often as possible. It is our intention, as a City, to help minimize the spread and advocate to our residence to help protect each other during these difficult times. Not showing symptoms, should not give anyone the green-light to ignore the guidelines that have been set. We are in this together, as one community, helping each other and especially protecting those most vulnerable from contracting this virus. Wearing a mask, keeping your distance from others and not congregating in groups are simple measures that we can all take, that may just save someone’s life. Please continue supporting these efforts and making sound decisions when in public.
Devlun Whiteing
Property Tax Credit
/in City, Ida County/by City of Ida GroveWho is Eligible?
Iowa residents, if your total household income is less than $22,855 and one of the following applies:
- 65 years of age or older as of December 31, 2017
- Totally disabled and age 18 to 64, as of December 31, 2017
For assistance contact:
Ida County Treasurer’s Office
Ask for Traci Riessen the Ida County Treasurer
Mayor and Business Leaders Meet with Governor
/in Chamber of Commerce, City, Ida County/by City of Ida Grove
Mayor Whiteing recently met with Governor Reynolds and Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg in Ida Grove to discuss current and future employer needs as well as economic development. This event was coordinated by Ida County Economic Development. The meeting included representatives from GOMACO, Midwest Industries, United Bank of Iowa, First State Bank, Horn Memorial Hospital, OABCIG Schools, and other professional organizations. “It was great to have the Governor Reynold’s attention locally,” said Whiteing. “Both the governor and lieutenant governor gave us examples of similar sized towns that are working with their schools and industry to keep their youth workforce local. It is also nice to see that some of her suggestions, like applying for DNR grants and tourism awards, are things we are already doing to keep our community a great place to live.” “It was a great experience for all involved. It is not everyday that we have our governor in our own backyard.”
Firemen, King Theatre Board among Ida County Betterment Grant recipients
/in Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Ida County/by spireworks
Scott Van Dusen, Ida Grove Fire Department Fire Chief, and Devlun Whiteing, Assistant Fire Chief, accept their Ida County Betterment Grant Award
Fire Chief Scott Van Dusen and Assistant Chief Devlun Whiteing were on hand Sunday, May 7th, to accept an Ida County Betterment Grant at the Arthur Community Hall. The Ida Grove Fire Department received $10,000 dollars. “We will use these funds toward the replacement of 10+ year old bunker gear – coats and pants,” stated Whiteing. “The fire department itself will put $4000 towards the project which will replace seven sets of bunker gear.”
Traci Van Houten, Doug Clough, and Ryan Goodman of the King Theatre Renovation Board also attended the 2 pm event. The board also received the top dollar amount of $10,000 which will be used to bring the building rear door above alley level to prevent rain from entering the building. “We’re grateful for this monetary injection afforded to us by the Ida County Betterment Foundation,” said Goodman. “We will put it to good use for our community!”

403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
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