
Permits Required

This serves as a reminder to all property owners and contractors that permits are required prior to beginning any construction or maintenance on projects such as: water, sanitary sewer, building construction, etc. Please visit the online city code at or contact City Hall if you are unsure if a permit is required in order to avoid penalties.


2024 Permit Notice

Permit Notice

This serves as a reminder to all property owners and contractors that permits are required prior to beginning any construction or maintenance on projects such as:  water, sanitary sewer, building construction, etc.  Please visit the online city code at or contact City Hall if you are unsure if a permit is required in order to avoid penalties.


Permit Notice

Permit Notice

This serves as a reminder to all property owners and contractors that permits are required prior to beginning any construction or maintenance on projects such as:  water, sanitary sewer, building construction, etc.  Please visit the online city code at or contact City Hall if you are unsure if a permit is required in order to avoid penalties.



Board of Adjustment Receives Request for Special Use Permit at 1120 Valley View Drive

AGENDA SPECIAL USE PERMIT – Denim 2 Diamonds 2019

Public Notice – Conard-Whiteing

The Ida Grove Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing on a special use permit for the purpose of a home based business at 1120 Valley View Drive in Ida Grove. The meeting will take place on Wednesday January 16th at 6:30 pm in the City Council Chambers. All persons desiring to be heard on the matter, either for or against, are encouraged to attend. If you have an opinion and are unable to attend, please feel free to call City Hall at 712-364-2428.