Have you submitted your 2020 Census Questionnaire?
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, Business History, City, Family Activities, Front Page/by Heather SweedenIf you have not submitted your 2020 Census Questionnaire, now is the perfect time to do it! It only requires about 10 minutes or less of your time. The Census Bureau has made it easier than ever to respond; by phone, online or mail. Visit to submit online – all you need is your Census ID which was provided to everyone by mail! Your community is counting on YOU to respond as the information aides in funding numerous programs for your community such as grant opportunities, money for street repairs, money for schools/hospitals, etc. As of today, the national census response rate is 16.7% with Iowa having a response rate of 21.6% – let’s keep those responses coming!

403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
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