Iowa Home Repair Pilot Program Application
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Senior Activities, Uncategorized/by Tonya Rehse
Iowa Home Repair Pilot Program Application Now AvailableIowa Finance Authority (IFA) has announced that the application portal for the Iowa Home Repair Pilot Program (HRPP) is now OPEN. The application portal will remain open for applications through January 31, 2024, at 4:30 p.m., subject to available funding. The primary goal of the HRPP is to prevent homeowner displacement by assisting with home repairs to maintain the habitability of the home. Up to $35,000 to assist with repairs including but not limited to: drainage, septic, wells, electrical or plumbing systems, foundation repair, asbestos removal, HVAC repair or replacement, lead hazard reduction, mold remediation, radon mitigation, widening of doorways/hallways, installation of non-portable ramp(s) or lift(s), window replacement, siding, roofing, soffit, fascia, gutters and/or ventilation, if necessary. Please note that applicants must have had someone in the household experience a financial hardship after January 21, 2020, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This could be reduction in income or increase in living expenses due to job loss, fewer work hours, paying more in childcare, illness, or being unable to work because you had to care for a family member. Homeowners are encouraged to take the precheck to determine preliminary eligibility. Once determined eligible to apply, homeowners are then encouraged to submit an application online. Both precheck and application can be found at Once the case review team reviews the application to ensure all documentation is complete and verifies eligibility, eligible household applications will be referred to SIMPCO’s Housing Division to oversee the repair process on a first come, first ready basis. Please contact SIMPCO Housing Manager, Jenny Anderson, if you have any questions regarding the program process at [email protected] or by calling 712-279-6286. Iowa Homeowner Assistance Fund Team Contact: *Funding assistance subject to income eligibility |
Simpco Housing Updates
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Uncategorized/by Tonya RehsePlease use the link below to view details. If you have any questions, please contact Simpco’s Housing Manager, Amanda Harper, at 712-279-6286.
Click Here to View Simpco Housing Updates January 2022
Deputy Clerk Awarded
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page/by Tonya RehseKelly Young, Deputy Clerk for the City of Ida Grove, was the project manager for a recent Land Water Conservation conversion effort that balanced a commercial expansion with improved access to public greenspace for residents. Kelly’s efforts and constant communication over what was ultimately a year and a half of data collection, submissions, and responses demonstrates commitment to her community’s overall well-being including economic development, appropriate land use, and quality of life. SIMPCO and the City of Ida Grove appreciates Kelly’s dedication and mutual support for regional growth. SIMPCO recognizes Kelly Young as a Community Leader.
Congratulations Kelly!
Simpco Pathway to Purchase
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Front Page, Organization, Uncategorized/by Tonya RehseAre you thinking of becoming a first time home owner?
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Front Page, Organization/by Heather SweedenIf you’re considering purchasing your first home, you may qualify for down-payment assistance through SIMPCO. See the attachment for additional information and contact Amanda Harper with questions at 712-279-6286. Brochure
Are You Eligible for Help With Home Improvements?
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Organization, Senior Activities/by City of Ida GroveIda County still has openings for residents to participate in the Western Iowa Community Improvement Regional Housing Trust Fund. For more information, please contact SIMPCO at 712-279-6286.
Ida County Sets Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Meeting for July 24 – Public Invited
/in Activities by Age, Adult Activities, City, Education, Front Page, Organization, Types/by City of Ida GroveOwner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program
/in Adult Activities, City, Ida County/by City of Ida GroveThe Western Iowa Community Improvement Regional Housing Trust Fund is working in partnership with SIMPCO to make available an Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program. The mission of the program is to further the preservation and development of affordable housing and grow affordable housing opportunities for low-to-moderate income households in Ida County.
Eligible repairs include: repair or replacement of heating, electrical, and plumbing systems; roofs; windows; ADA accessibility and other repair work necessary to address substandard health or safety conditions.
Some program requirements are:
- All households assisted shall have gross annual incomes under 80% of the county SHTF income limit.
- The property must be a single family unit.
- Applicants shall own and occupy the property to be assisted and shall be current on taxes, utilities, mortgage payments, and housing insurance.
- The property must remain the principal residence of the homeowner for five years.
Funding is limited and will be distributed throughout the service area to the extent possible and approved on a “First Ready, First Served” basis. Forms and additional program information is available by contacting Amanda Harper at SIMPCO (712)-279-6286 or by visiting
Comprehensive Plan Presentation
/in Adult Activities, City, Front Page/by Heather SweedenThe Ida Grove Comprehensive Plan Presentation will be held Monday April 23, 2018 at 5pm in the Ida Grove Rec Center. The meeting will begin at 5pm with a presentation from SIMPCO representative, Nicole Peterson. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend! Please come review the draft comprehensive plan!
The 2017-2018 Comprehensive Plan of the City of Ida Grove is intended to serve as an advisory document that outlines the city’s vision. The purpose of this comprehensive plan is to provide a current inventory of community resources and a thoughtful statement of the community’s vision and goals for the future. This comprehensive plan includes analysis of the following topics: Housing, Economic Development, Transportation, Community Facilities and Services, Land Use, and Natural Resources. The comprehensive plan document provides legal justification for community decisions and ensures that local policies are in step with those of state, regional, and federal planning best practices. The plan can inform grant applications and leverage funding for community projects. The plan process incorporated public participation and facilitates intergovernmental collaboration through review and consideration of neighboring jurisdictions policy and plans.
For more information contact: Marc Dennison at [email protected] or Nicole Peterson at [email protected]
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