Mayor Proclaims Poppy Days
/in Adult Activities, City, Family Activities, Front Page, Senior Activities, Uncategorized/by Tonya RehseMAYOR PROCLAIMS POPPY DAYS-
Mayor, Nathan Weitl, has proclaimed May 1st through 31st, 2023 as Poppy Days in Ida Grove according to the Poppy Chairman of American Legion Auxiliary Unit #61, which sponsors the annual observance. Legion Auxiliary Members will be distributing poppies throughout May.
WHEREAS, the American Legion Auxiliary adopted the Poppy as its memorial flower which pays tribute to the war dead and aids the living veterans and their families; and
WHEREAS, the contributions are used solely for children, youth, and rehabilitation in our local community;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Nathan Weitl, Mayor of the City of Ida Grove, do hereby proclaim the month of May 2023 as Poppy Month and May 1 through the 31 as Poppy Days in our community.
/s/ Nathan Weitl, Mayor

403 3rd St., Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
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