Tree Trimming Notice

Property owners are responsible for maintenance of trees on their property and on the city parking adjacent to their property as stated in City Ordinance 12.05.040. All branches are to be at least 15 feet above the street surface and 8 feet above sidewalks. Trees, bushes, shrubs, etc. are to be trimmed so they do not obstruct pedestrians, vision of traffic signs, or the view of any street or alley intersection. Alleys also need to be cleared to allow truck passage.


Permits Required

This serves as a reminder to all property owners and contractors that permits are required prior to beginning any construction or maintenance on projects such as: water, sanitary sewer, building construction, etc. Please visit the online city code at or contact City Hall if you are unsure if a permit is required in order to avoid penalties.


Impending Storm 3/19/2025

With the impending blizzard conditions expected to impact our area tomorrow, 3/19/2025, we would like to inform the residents of Ida Grove that our City Crew will be operating with one less  plow truck and sander due to unforeseen mechanical issues that are unable to be resolved prior to the storm. We ask the residents to please be patient as our crews try and get streets open.


SRTS (Siouxland Regional Transit System) Information

2025 Seasonal Mowing Help Wanted


The City of Ida Grove is currently seeking an energetic and highly motivated individual to join our team for a seasonal, part-time mowing position.  Working hours will be determined by the Park’s Superintendent, up to 25 hours/week, with all equipment provided by the City.  Current driver’s license is required.  Experience in mowing, lawn clean-up, and trimming is preferred, but willing to train the right person.  Seasonal work will run from approximately April through September.  Must be 18 years of age or older to apply.

Application and job description may be obtained at City Hall, 403 3rd Street, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Position is open until filled.  E.O.E.


Help Wanted – 2025 Summer Rec Umpires

Help Wanted – Summer Rec Umpires

The Ida Grove Community Recreation Center is currently looking for umpires for the upcoming summer softball & baseball season.

Full time and substitute umpires are needed for Summer Rec.  Games will be held week nights from May 9 through the end of June.  Umpires will be paid a minimum of $30 per game. Certified umpires will be paid $50 per game.  Major/Minor games require at least one certified official.

Those interested in umpiring should contact Recreation Director Scott Clark at 364-3716 or [email protected].


Now Hiring For The 2025 Outdoor Pool Season

Now Hiring: Outdoor Lifeguards!
The Ida Grove Rec Center is currently accepting applications for the following positions for the upcoming outdoor pool season:

  • Pool Manager
  • Assistant Pool Manager
  • Head Lifeguards
  • Lifeguards

Position Overview
As a member of our outdoor pool team, you will play a key role in ensuring the safety and security of our pool patrons. Your responsibilities will include monitoring pool activities, maintaining a clean and safe environment, log taking, chemical testing, and performing other duties as assigned by the Pool Manager or Assistant Pool Manager.


  • Pay is based on qualifications and previous experience.
  • Must be reliable and demonstrate strong communication skills.
  • Lifeguard certification is required for lifeguard positions (or must be obtained before the start of the season).

Important Dates

  • Applications are due by March 21.
  • The outdoor pool season begins May 23.

How to Apply
Applications are available at the Ida Grove Rec Center.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of a fun and rewarding summer job! Apply today!

***UPDATE***Please Conserve Water 3-4-25


Well repairs were successfully completed. In order to reduce stress on the pump, we will be refilling the water tower slowly. Please continue to conserve and reduce water usage throughout the evening. Wednesday, March 5, 2025 citizens may resume normal water use, unless otherwise notified.


The City of Ida Grove is  asking residents to please conserve water as we are dealing with a mechanical issue at our well site. We are addressing the situation as quickly as possible, as repair parts are on the way. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We will keep you informed as repairs are made.

Want To Stay In The Know?

Did you know? You can sign up to receive important alerts delivered directly to you via call, text and/or email.

The City of Ida Grove has partnered with Ida County to utilize Alert Iowa’s messaging system. Visit Iowa’s Homeland Security & Emergency Management website, linked below, and choose from one of three ways to register for an account today! You may opt into receiving alerts that are pertinent to you for the town you reside in or all towns within Ida County. The alerts may include notifications such as boil advisories & severe weather warnings. Click the link to sign up!

You can also get up to date emails when you subscribe to our website at  and scroll to the bottom of our home page, enter your email, and click subscribe! It’s that easy!

Anything we post on our website will automatically send you an email!

Like and follow us on our Facebook page at City of Ida Grove, Iowa. We share all of our website postings to our page!

Winter Weather Reminders

With the projected snowfall forecasted for the remainder of the week, we wanted to share this friendly reminder in regards to on-street parking and sidewalks.


10.45.100 Snow Removal – Parking Prohibited 

(1) Parking Prohibited. No person shall park, abandon or leave unattended any vehicle on any public street, alley, or city-owned off-street parking area during the “snow removal season” as designated by the mayor under the provisions of IGCC 10.45.080, if either of the following conditions apply:

(a) That new snowfall has accumulated to a depth of one-half inch or more; or
(b) If snow removal operations have been commenced by the city. If the snow has been removed or plowed from said street, alley or parking area and the snow has ceased to fall, the prohibition on parking contained in this section shall no longer be effective

12.10.090 Removal of Snow, Ice and Accumulation 

(1) It shall be the responsibility of the abutting property owners to remove sow, ice and accumulations promptly from sidewalks. If a property owner does not remove snow, ice or accumulations within 24 hours, the city may do so and assess the costs against the property owner for collection in the same manner as a property tax.



1-24-25 UPDATE Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th, E. 7th from Circle to Barnes

We have just been notified that the water samples have passed all requirements.


The boil advisory that was in effect for Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th, and E. 7th from Circle Drive to Barnes Street has been lifted.


You do not need to boil the water before consuming. Thank you for your patience.

Update Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th & E. 7th From Circle to Barnes

Water main repairs took longer than anticipated and water should be restored this afternoon/evening. Regarding the boil advisory WHICH IS STILL IN EFFECT, for this area only, the precautionary test may take 18 hours to obtain results. We will keep everyone updated with information as we receive it.

Residents of Circle Drive, Fairlane, E. 6th, and E. 7th from Circle Drive to Barnes Street

Due to water main repair, the following area of town will be without water this morning through early afternoon or as soon as repair is complete. Repair of a water main requires a BOIL ADVISORY for the affected area only. 

Affected area: Circle Drive, Fairlane Street, E. 6th Street, and  E. 7th Street from Circle Drive to Barnes Street.




If you were not notified via door hangar,  this notice does not pertain to you.




Simpco Owner-Occupied Housing Repair Program

For more information, please visit Simpco’s website at

Click Here For Application 


2025 Pet Licenses On Sale Now!

City Code 6.10.020 – License Required

All dogs & cats over SIX months old must be licensed. 

Fees: January 1 – February 28

$10 if spayed or neutered, $15 if not spayed or neutered.

For the remainder of the year (March 1 – December 31)

$20 if spayed or neutered, $25 if not spayed or neutered.

Dogs & Cats need to have their license tags on their collar for identification purposes; this allows the City to assist in reuniting a lost dog or cat with its owner.

By order of the City Council of Ida Grove. 

City Hall Holiday Hours

Tuesday, December 24th     8 am – Noon

Wednesday, December 25th     CLOSED

We will resume normal business hours Thursday, December 26th.

Tuesday, December 31st     8am – Noon

Wednesday, January 1st        CLOSED

We will resume normal business hours Thursday, January 2, 2025.

**UPDATE** Zobels & Badger Creek Water Main Repair





Due to an emergency water main repair, residents in this area are asked to reduce water consumption until the repair is complete.

Downtown Holiday Open House 11-24-24

Snowmobile Routes & Regulations

Service Line Inventory Letters

EPA/Iowa DNR: Lead Service Line Inventory Letters


The City of Ida Grove sent letters out last week to inform some of our residents about the service line material at their home. This letter was not a reflection on the Ida Grove water quality but is an effort to inform the public that the water service line that runs from the public water main to their home may have at one time contained lead. Lead water lines were used in older houses but many of those lines have been replaced.

In an effort to update water service line infrastructure throughout the country, the DNR and EPA are requiring communities to conduct a review of their current records. Our service records are based on notes from previous operators over many decades and may no longer be accurate. If homeowners have updated water line material to their home, please let us know by contacting City Hall at (712)364-2428 or email Luke at [email protected]. We are required to submit and maintain a current record on the state’s portal system. We must also notify any homeowners if we are not certain that the waterline feeding their house is or ever was lead or downstream of plumbing containing lead.

The letters that were sent out last week were to update the residents of our findings.  Over the next 3 years the city will be updating records by contacting residents and performing onsite confirmation of the service line material. In some cases, the service line will have to be exposed through excavation at the property. If the line is confirmed to be made of lead, then the line will be replaced.


Mayor’s Proclamation For City of Ida Grove

Burning Regulations

City Amenities Closed For Season

With the colder temperatures approaching, please note the following closures for City amenities.

City Park: Restrooms are closed.

Kiwanis Ballfields: Restrooms and drinking fountains are closed.

Public Works will reopen these in the spring of 2025.



10-28-24 Construction

On Monday, October 28, 2024, the IA DOT will be closing a portion of the outside lane at the intersection of Hwy 175 and Forrest Avenue. Please use caution in this area.

Public Input Questionnaire 2025 Hazard Mitigation Plan






Ida Grove Library Fall Newsletter

Greetings from the Ida Grove Library! As we quickly approach the end of 2024, we’re excited to share some upcoming events and updates.

Although it may seem early to think about year-end festivities, we’re eagerly preparing! Our annual Holiday Raffle kicks off on November 11th, with all proceeds supporting essential technology updates at the library. This includes enhanced wiring for internet access, computer upgrades, along with new hardware, ensuring our community has access to valuable online resources and services.

If you’d like to contribute items for the raffle, please drop them off at the library. Raffle tickets will be available starting November 11th for $1 each or 6 for $5. Raffle winners will be drawn on December 16th. The community support we’ve received for our Holiday Open House and raffle has made a tremendous difference over the years, allowing us to enhance our facilities and programs.

Mark your calendars for the Holiday Open House on December 7, 2024, from 10 AM to 12 PM. The Library Board of Trustees and staff will serve refreshments, and Santa will make a special visit for the kids! Don’t miss our bake and book sale, and be sure to check out the fantastic raffle items on display. If you’re a talented baker, we would love your contributions for the bake sale! Donations can be brought in on Friday, December 6th, or Saturday morning, December 7th.

And, don’t forget about our regular programs! Here’s a quick rundown of what’s on our calendar for the remainder of the year:

October 25: No School Movie Day with Snacks @ 1 PM

Enjoy a family-friendly movie and some tasty treats!


November 1: Preschool Storytime @ 10:30 AM

Join us for delightful stories and crafts for our youngest readers.


November 6: After School STEM @ 1:30 PM

Learn about electricity and magnetism by building your own electromagnet crane!


November 11: Holiday Raffle Begins

Don’t miss your chance to win some fantastic prizes while supporting the library!


November 15: Preschool Storytime @ 10:30 AM

Another chance for little ones to enjoy stories and crafts.


November 16: Makers & Mocktails @ 10:30 AM – 12 PM

Get creative with fun crafts and refreshments!


November 20: After School STEM @ 1:30 PM

Explore air pressure and shoot for the moon as you engineer a straw rocket and launchpad!


November 27: No School Movie Day with Snacks @ 1 PM

Another fun-filled movie day to kick off the holiday season!


December 6: Preschool Storytime @ 10:30 AM

More storytelling fun for our preschoolers!


December 7: Holiday Open House, Bake & Book Sale from 10 AM – 12 PM

Enjoy refreshments, a visit with Santa, and browse our bake and book sale!


For any questions, please contact library staff at 712-364-2306. We look forward to seeing you at your library soon!



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City Hall Closed 9-2-2024

City Hall will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024, in observance of Labor Day.

We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

Have a safe and happy holiday!

Partial Trail Closure

A portion of the Pleasant Valley Trail will be closed for pipe replacement work that has begun on the western side of town.  We anticipate this closure to last over the next 2 – 4 weeks. The pedestrian/bike bridge will still be accessible to cross. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to get this opened back up as soon as possible. The pink highlighted portion of the map below is where the closure of the trail will approximately be located.


Congratulations On Your Retirement!

On August 18, 2024, the Ida Grove Fire Department held a celebration of retirement for 3 of their long term firefighters. Don Wunschel 50 years, Terry Lovett 47.5 years, and Rick Wonder 34 years. Thank you for all of your dedication and service! Congratulations on your retirement!

Pictured from left to right are as follows: Scott Vandusen-Fire Chief, Terry Lovett, Rick Wonder, Don Wunschel, and Lonnie Newhall from the Iowa Firefighters Association. 

Have You Seen This Dog?

Rosie, who is blind and deaf, wandered away from her property on Sunday night around 5pm.  Rosie is wearing a collar with her owners information. If you know her whereabouts, please contact Jodi Miller.

***UPDATE**** Lost Dog 8/15/2024


The City of Ida Grove has picked up a dog that was running at large near the 7th Street Bridge. This is a female and appears to be a Lab/Great Dane mix. If you have any information on this friendly gal, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 during normal business hours. If outside of business hours, please contact the Ida County Sheriffs Office at 364-3146.


FY25 Street Repair Bids

The City of Ida Grove invites you to bid on FY25 street repairs.  Bid sheets may be obtained at City Hall, 403 3rd Street, on our website at or by email request at [email protected]

Click Here For 2024 Concrete Patching Bid Form

Click Here For 2024 Asphalt & Crack Seal Bid Forms

Each bid must be in ink or typed and mailed or delivered sealed to the following address no later than July 15, 2024 at 3:00 pm:

City of Ida Grove

Attn:  Street Repair Bid

403 3rd Street

PO Box 236

Ida Grove, IA  51445

Bids will be opened during the July 15, 2024 City Council meeting at 5:30 pm.

The successful bidder must provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance.

Any questions can be directed to Gerrod Sholty, City Crew Foreman/Street Superintendent, by calling the Maintenance Shop at 712-364-2989.

The City of Ida Grove has the right to refuse any, any part, or all bids.

Heather Sweeden, City Clerk

Closed 7/4/2024

City Hall will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2024,  in observance of Independence Day. We will resume normal business hours on Friday, July 5th.

Have a safe and happy 4th!

Looking For A Home

On the evening of June 20, 2024, the Sheriff’s Office picked up a dog running at large. This animal has not been claimed as of today, June 27, 2024. The city is allowed to keep animals for a maximum of seven days. The city has made numerous attempts to contact animal shelters and find a new home for this handsome boy to no avail. This is our final effort to find a wonderful home for this guy. Please share and help us save this dog!

Click Here To View City Code




Heritage Days Kick Off 2024

Heritage Days officially begins today, June 27, 2024! The afternoon looks to be amazing, so come on down to Godbersen Park and check out all of the local Farmer’s Market vendors, AND to take a night off from cooking! The Pork Producers will be grilling burgers and hot dogs with the City of Ida Grove serving!

Click Here To View Menu



Heritage Days Schedule of Events 2024

***UPDATE*** OWNER FOUND** Lost Dogs 6-18-24

On 6/18/2024, the City of Ida Grove picked up 2 lost dogs found along 2nd Street, near Horn Physicians Clinic. The black and white one is a male, and the beagle mix is female. If anyone has any  information on the owner(s), please contact City Hall at 364-2428.


Movies @ The King: Read, Renew, Repeat

The Ida Grove Library is thrilled to announce “Movies @ The King: Read, Renew, Repeat”  as a special addition to the library’s summer programs. This 5-week summer movie series, hosted at The King Theater, is sure to captivate audiences of all ages! Expect fun, animated films with themes tied to conservation, personal growth, and resilience.

Movies @ The King starts on Tuesday, June 11. Movies will be shown at 6pm each Tuesday evening through July 9. Movie admission is free and concessions will be available for purchase.

Join us for literacy, community, and cinematic magic!

For more details, visit the Ida Grove Library website @ or check the calendar of events for titles!

Movies @ The King: Read, Renew, Repeat is sponsored by the Ida Grove Public Library through generous donations to the library’s summer reading program.


Read, Renew, Repeat!

Read, Renew, Repeat 2024 Summer Program to be held at the Ida Grove Library

The Ida Grove Library is thrilled to announce our upcoming six-week summer reading program, which will run from June 6 to July 11, 2024. Our theme this year is “Read, Renew, Repeat.” Our mission? Keep children reading during the summer, ensuring they start the new school year strong.

Registration for the summer program starts on Monday, May 6th, and runs through June 15th. As part of our reading program, we’re excited to welcome special presenters to entertain and educate our summer readers. Special programs will be held at 10:30 am on Thursdays in the Library’s Heritage Room.

Thursday Programs held at the library:

June 6 @ 10:30 am – Jedi Adventures with Toby Kid and the Funny Farm

June 13 @ 10:30 am – Adam White Magic, sponsored by Shelby County State Bank

June 20 @ 10:30 am – Darrin Crow, Storyteller Extraordinaire

June 27 @ 10:30 am – Circus Pop! The Big Bubble Show

July 11 @ 10:30 am – Summer Reading Pool Party @ the outdoor pool

We are also excited to announce a special 5-week summer movie series, “Movies @ The King: Read, Renew, Repeat.” We’ll explore topics related to conserving and protecting our natural resources. Animated films will dominate the line-up, ensuring that all age groups can enjoy the cinematic experience together. Movies will be held on Tuesdays at 6pm, admission is free of charge and concessions will be available to purchase.

Movies @ The King: Read, Renew, Repeat: 

June 11 @ 6 pm – Over The Hedge

June 18 @ 6 pm – The Lorax

June 25 @ 6 pm – Happy Feet

July 2 @ 6 pm – Yogi Bear

July 9 @ 6 pm – Fly Away Home

The summer reading program is free to all children through age 12 and is supported through generous donations to the library from local individuals, businesses, and organizations.

While the summer reading program is geared towards children up to age 12, we invite everyone in the community to join us for “Movies @ The King: Read, Renew, Repeat.” Let’s celebrate the joy of reading, the magic of cinema, and the beauty of our environment!

For more information, stop in to see us, give us a call, or visit our website at

Still Looking For Owner 5/29/2024 Lost Dog

On 5/24/2024, the City of Ida Grove picked up a lost dog along First Street. We are trying to locate the owner of this sweet animal. If you have any information please contact City Hall at 364-2428.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

**UPDATE*** Lost Dog


This dog was found along Washington Street. Please help us find her owner. If you have any information, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact the Ida County Sheriff’s Office at 364-3146.


2024 Outdoor Pool Season

2,705 Cool Sunglasses Clipart Royalty-Free Photos and Stock Images | Shutterstock THERE’S NO LIFE LIKE POOL LIFE!  Pool Float Clipart Png, Transparent Png - kindpng

Tomorrow, May 24th, 2024, the outdoor pool will officially be open for the season!

Hours of operation are as follows:

Monday – Saturday 1PM – 5PM and 7PM – 9PM

Sunday 1PM – 6PM

Lap Swim/Water Walking Monday – Friday 12pm – 1pm & 6pm – 7pm

Shout out to the Ida Grove Public Works Department for their hard work in getting the pool ready for the season!

Click Here To View Outdoor Pool Admission Fees

City Hall Closed Memorial Day

City Hall will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2024 in observance of Memorial Day.

We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

Have a safe and happy holiday!

Unauthorized Motor Vehicles Prohibited

9.30.110 & 12.60.010 – 12.60.080 The City of Ida Grove would like to remind residents that motor vehicles are not allowed anywhere along the flood control or Pleasant Valley Trail. These motor vehicles include, but are not limited to; mopeds, dirt bikes, golf carts, ATV’s, and UTV’s.  It shall be unlawful for anyone to operate these unauthorized vehicles in the aforementioned areas.  We ask that you contact local law enforcement if such activities are taking place.  Violations could result in fines, penalties, and/or other legal action.




Boil Advisory No Longer Required 5-10-24

We have just been notified that the second round of water samples have passed all requirements. The boil advisory has been lifted. You do not need to boil the water before consuming. Thank you for your patience.

Boil Advisory Still In Effect

The precautionary boil advisory will remain in effect until at least Friday, May 10th due to DNR requirements. We will update the public as soon as the advisory may be lifted. As a reminder, it is safe to use the water, but is advised to boil prior to consumption.

Updated Information 5-8-24

We are expecting water pressure to return to normal early this afternoon. With that, we are expecting to see sediment and discolored water in the lines. Flush your outside spigot or run water in your bathtub until clear. We are unsure what the timeline will be for the boil advisory due to test results from the lab.

Please subscribe to our website or follow our Facebook page for updated information.

To subscribe to our website, please go to, scroll to bottom of page, enter your email and click subscribe.

Thank You!

The Battle Creek Fire Department have graciously donated water they had on hand from The National Volunteer Fire Council & Anheuser-Busch. If anyone is in need of drinking water please come to City Hall. Thank You Battle Creek Fire Department we sincerely appreciate your generosity during this unforeseen circumstance.