“The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.” – Mark Twain

Like Twain, we are dog lovers in Ida Grove. We want you to keep your dog safe by keeping him or her from running at large If you love your dog as much as we think you do, license him or her with our city. If your animal is picked up, we can easily track down the owner if licensed.

Fines are assessed for dogs at large. The first fine is $20.00 with a daily boarding fee added. The second offense doubles and the third offense triples.

Be considerate of your neighbors as well; man’s best friend is known to poop on walks, so bring a scoop and a bag to clean up the ‘business.’


Chamber of Commerce Summer Golf Outing set for July 12

The Ida Grove Chamber of Commerce is holding its annual four-person best ball tournament and steak fry this summer on Wednesday, July 12. There will be a shotgun start at 10 AM. The cost is $200 per team, and this entry fee garners the participants a round of golf, a noon lunch, entry into the putting contest, and an evening steak fry. Mulligans and other contests will be available for purchase at the time of registration. Teams may register online at http://www.idagrovechamber.org/golf_outing.html. For more information about our Chamber of Commerce, please log on to www.idagrovechamber.org.

The Ida Grove Golf & Country Club is home of this annual event

Week two at our Ida Area Farmer’s Market

Verdean Kruse is a regular at the Ida Area Farmer’s Market

WEEK TWO at the market Thursday 4:30pm to 6:30pm in downtown Ida Grove. Genevieve Voss will be in attendance with her home decor, jewelry, and much more. Also Rita Pierson (Cocoa Bellissimo) will be offering her artisan chocolates. Some of our produce vendors will be available as well as our new vendor, Cherri Sloan, who will be selling baked goods. Cherri has been baking for the Farmers’ Market in Jefferson for 5 years. Come and check her out!! And Faith will be in the park with fresh flowers. The Junior Competition Dancers will be grilling burgers, and offering chips, beans, pop or water, and desserts for $6 to raise money for their future competitions. So join the your friends and neighbors for the fun!


Citizens of Ida Grove… start your mowers!

Spring is in the air, Ida Grovians, and that means that yards are green and growing fast (especially with recent rains). Keeping a lawn properly mown not only makes for great looking properties and neighborhoods, it keeps the pollen-causing allergies at bay as well! All properties, whether vacated or non-vacated, are required to be mowed any time the vegetation reaches a height of more than 12 inches in the months of April, May, June, July, August, September and October. Any property which is not mowed after the vegetation reaches a height of 12 inches may be mowed by the City or their agents and a charge of $75 per hour for such mowing, plus a surcharge of $100, will be charged to the property owner (that’s about the same amount most residents spend for mower gas in an entire summer!). You may request a full copy of Ordinance Number 528 by calling City Hall at 364-2428.


Scheduled Longlines Internet Outage

Longlines Announces Service Interuption

Longlines Internet has a scheduled cable outage beginning tonight at midnight through 3 am. Longlines will issue any updates to this outage that may occur. Longlines appreciates your understanding of this important time to upgrade their system.


The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Home Repair Loan and Grant Program

The USDA has announced a housing program for low income individuals

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development administers a home repair program for very low income individuals. The goal of the program is to make sure homeowners have safe and sanitary living conditions. An added benefit of this program for the community is an improvement to the current housing. Another benefit is the ability to allow elderly residents to stay in their homes longer by making improvements. Details of the program can be found at Ida Grove City Hall or the following website: http://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/single-family-housing-repair-loans-grants


Airport Closure

Airport Closure Announced

The City is closing the airport from 7:30am on May 15th to 4pm on May 22nd. Only the hospital helicopter will be allowed to access the area for severe emergencies. This is scheduled maintenance for the runway.

We apologize for this inconvenience.


Firemen, King Theatre Board among Ida County Betterment Grant recipients

Scott Van Dusen, Ida Grove Fire Department Fire Chief, and Devlun Whiteing, Assistant Fire Chief, accept their Ida County Betterment Grant Award

Fire Chief Scott Van Dusen and Assistant Chief Devlun Whiteing were on hand Sunday, May 7th, to accept an Ida County Betterment Grant at the Arthur Community Hall. The Ida Grove Fire Department received $10,000 dollars. “We will use these funds toward the replacement of 10+ year old bunker gear – coats and pants,” stated Whiteing. “The fire department itself will put $4000 towards the project which will replace seven sets of bunker gear.”

Traci Van Houten, Doug Clough, and Ryan Goodman of the King Theatre Renovation Board also attended the 2 pm event. The board also received the top dollar amount of $10,000 which will be used to bring the building rear door above alley level to prevent rain from entering the building. “We’re grateful for this monetary injection afforded to us by the Ida County Betterment Foundation,” said Goodman. “We will put it to good use for our community!”


Planning and Zoning Committee and Board of Adjustment Vacancees

Ida Grove’s Planning & Zoning Committee and Board of Adjustment Vacancies

Both the Planning & Zoning Committee and the Board of adjustment need five members to be fully functioning. If you have an interest to serve for the good our our Ida Grove community, please contact City Hall at 364-2428.

Planning & Zoning Commission, 3-Year Terms (NEEDS ONE ADDITIONAL MEMBER)

The Planning & Zoning Commission meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Ida Grove Council Chambers at 403 Third Street.

The Planning & Zoning Commission are appointed by the legislative body and have three basic advisory responsibilities. They prepare zoning ordinances, recommend upon proposed changes in zoning, and review and update ordinances. The Zoning Commission has only the power of recommendation. All decisions require approval of the legislative body before they have any effect.

Board of Adjustment, 5-Year Terms (NEEDS TWO ADDITIONAL MEMBERS)

The Board of Adjustment meets the call of the chairperson at the Ida Grove Council Chambers at 403 Third Street.

Board of Adjustment meets at an on-call basis, and has three basic responsibilities. They do not have the power to change zoning, but have the power to adjust the law as it applies to a specific piece of property. The board has sole and exclusive power to act and the board’s decision does not require approval of the legislative body. Recourse to a decision of the board is through the District Court. The board’s powers include: the power of interpretation, the power to grant exceptions and the power to grant a variance.


Gregor Ernst Appointed for Ward I Seat

Gregor Ernst has been appointed by the city council to fill the Ward I seat vacated by Jeff Buehler. The appointment – which runs through the end of 2017 – occurred at the city’s regular meeting on April 17th.

Ernst has been an Ida Grove resident for four years with his wife Jess. The couple has two daughters, Avery and Brynn. “My grandparents moved here in 1943, and my father was raised here, so I spent many summers in Ida Grove,” said Ernst.

Ernst serves as Vice President, Product Development for Peerless Network, a nationwide provider of telecommunications services. “I have nearly 20 years of management experience in a high pressure industry,” stated Ernst. “While I have a technology background, I’m passionate about the continued revitalization and beautification of our city.” He has a BA in German/International Business from the University of Iowa and an MBA from the Keller Graduate School of Management.

Ernst has also served as organizer of the Ida Grove Kiwanis Soccer program for the past two years. He also currently coaches three youth soccer teams.

“I’m proud of the sustainability of Ida Grove and want to help foster an environment where our industries and population can grow. This is our home and we should be proud of it.”


Meet Ida Grove’s New City Administrator

Marc Dennison of Waunakee, WI has accepted the position of Ida Grove City Administrator.

Marc Dennison of Waunakee, WI, has accepted the position of Ida Grove City Administrator. Dennison will start no later than May 1st. The City Council approved a $65,000/year salary, 3 weeks a year in vacation and $3,000 in net moving expenses. Dennison has previously been Economic Development Director and Village Administrator in two Villages in Wisconsin. He has Bachelor degrees in Political Science and Public Administration and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. City Councilmen Scott Tomlinson and Doug Clough abstained from the vote. Councilman Clough was a candidate for the position who withdrew from consideration last week. Clough commented that it would be in the best interest of the City if he remain with Midwest Industries and stay on the Council and work with an experienced City Administrator. The City Council would like to thank the members of the Ida Grove public who took part in the meet and greet of the candidates and provided public feedback. Citizens are encouraged to introduce themselves to Dennison and make him feel welcome in Ida Grove.


King Theatre Progress

Showing a holiday movie during our 100th anniversary can happen with community involvement!

In this week’s edition of the Ida County Courier, King Theatre Renovation Board Chair Doug Clough updates our community on the progress of this project and the ambitious goal of showing a holiday movie in December. You can find his letter on page A5 and a special ad on the bottom right-hand corner of page A3 for those who are interested in contributing to the King’s longevity. If you’d like to put some gloves on and work, we have volunteer nights Tuesday and Thursday from 5:15pm to 7pm.


Meet the Five Finalists for City Administrator

Five finalist have been chosen for the city administrator position

This Saturday, March 25th, citizens have the opportunity to meet our five finalists for Ida Grove City Administrator. This event will be held at Ida Grove City Hall from 1 pm to 4 pm. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions of the five candidates and to provide feedback to the council’s personnel subcommittee on the merits of each.

The personnel subcommittee includes Mayor Devlun Whiteing, Ward 1 representative Jeff Buehler, and At-large representative Ryan Goodman. Ward 1 councilman Doug Clough and Ward 3 councilman Scott Tomlinson have abstained from all personnel committee involvement and their right to vote on this hiring.

Here is a brief overview of each of the finalists:

Marc Dennison – Marc was born, raised and currently lives in Wisconsin. Marc is a small town, community driven person. He has a BS and a MA in Public Administration. He started his municipal career as an Economic Development Director, working with attaining funding and TIF districts to drive economic development. He has served as a Village Administrator for two different municipalities in Wisconsin, one half the size of Ida Grove and one almost the same size. He understands the dynamics of a small, Midwestern Community and how to get projects moving with the funding constraints that they have.

Kandice Tomlinson – Kandice has been the Ida County Program and Outreach Coordinator for the ISU Extension office since 2013. She provides programming at the extension and externally for various organizations, all within the framework of a county-funded budget. One of the main responsibilities of her current role is public outreach and interaction, with her clients ranging from children to adults. She has experience with fundraising through various community organizations and is a member of several community Boards and a member of several more community organizations. Kandice is from the area and moved away, moving back to make Ida Grove her home with her husband Scott.

Gerald Smith- Gerald comes to us from Kansas City, MO. He is a seasoned municipal professional with a Masters in Public Administration from Northern Illinois University who started his career as an Assistant Village Manager in Deerfield, IL. Over the years he has been a Village Administrator, a Municipal Management Consultant, an Assistant City Manager, a Director of General Services and a City Manager. He has worked with communities from 15,000 in population to 450,000 and understands finance and budgeting, city management, community service and strategic visioning and planning.

Doug Clough – Doug is currently the City Councilman for Ward 2 in Ida Grove and Customer Service Manager at Midwest Industries, Inc. Doug is a public facing, customer service driven person who strives to create success and, in the event of a problem, equitable solutions. These skills have played an integral part in the success of his 20-year career at Midwest Industries, eight-year stint as an English teacher in Ida Grove, and as a six-year council member. Doug came to Ida Grove 28 years ago and has made Ida Grove his home and eventual retirement community. He understands the issues that the city currently faces and has a strength in pulling people together to get things done. Doug lives in Ida Grove with his wife Mary; the couple have five children, two currently attending OABCIG High School.

Tracy Luke – Tracy has been the Civil Deputy at the Ida County Sheriff’s office since 2006. She has experience working with the public (often in difficult circumstances), working with tight budget constraints with unexpected funding challenges and being part of a collaborative environment where things need to be dealt with in a timely fashion and often under pressure. Tracy and her husband Charlie chose Ida Grove as their home 20 years ago when Charlie joined the Iowa State Patrol.



Snow predicted for this weekend – Reminder of Parking Ordinance

With the likelihood of snow amounting to more than 1/2″ this weekend, please follow the ordinance regarding prohibited parking on public streets, alleys, or city-owned off-street parking areas. This ordinance is in effect if a. new snow fall has accumulated to a depth of one-half inch or more; or b. if snow removal operations have been commenced by the City of Ida Grove.

If the snow has been removed or plowed from a street, alley or parking area and the snow has ceased to fall, the prohibition on parking no longer applies. Fines are $15 for not following the ordinance. Thank you for helping our city crews to do their job as best possible.


Ward I Seat Discussion at Regular March 20th Council Meeting

Ida Grove’s Ward I is encompassed within the bold lines of this Ida Grove map

At our council’s regular Monday, March 20th meeting (6 pm at City Hall), council members will discuss the appointment of a citizen to take over the Ward I duties for exiting councilman Jeff Buehler. Ward I citizens who are interested in potential appointment are welcomed to attend this meeting to express their interest in filling this seat through the end of 2017. For an overview of Council Rights and Responsibilities, please go to https://idagroveia.com/government/leadership-and-team/#tab-id-3. This seat will be up for election in November of this year at which time the appointment individual may choose to run for a four-year term.


TIME CORRECTION: Special City Meeting to Discuss Appointment for Ward I Vacancy

Our Ida Grove City Council will hold a special meeting Thursday, March 2nd, at 5:00 pm to discuss the anticipated vacancy of the seat representing Ward I. Jeff Buehler, who currently holds the Ward I spot, is moving outside the city limits. The appointment will run through the end of the 2017 calendar year with this seat up for general election this November.


Special City Meeting to Discuss Appointment for Ward I Vacancy

Ward I Boundaries

Our Ida Grove City Council will hold a special meeting Thursday, March 2nd, at 5:15 pm to discuss the anticipated vacancy of the seat representing Ward I. Jeff Buehler, who currently holds the Ward I spot, is moving outside the city limits. The appointment will run through the end of the 2017 calendar year with this seat up for general election this November.


King Theatre Caramel Apple Pickup Time

Ghirardelli Dipped Caramel Apple Pickup Saturday, February 11th, noon to 3 pm

For those who ordered Caramel Apples to support our city-owned King Theatre, please pick up your apples at the First United Methodist Church between noon and 3 pm on Saturday, February 11th. Our generous community of theatre supporters purchased 653 apples! See you Saturday, February 11th, between noon and 3 pm!


City Council Appoints Interim Mayor

Devlun Whiteing is Ida Grove’s Interim Mayor through the end of 2017

At our January 16th City Council meeting, our council approved the appointment of Devlun Whiteing as interim mayor. This appointment will run through the end of 2017 with a regular election this upcoming November. Council member Doug Clough (Ward II) stated, “Devlun brings a wealth of experience at a time when we need it. He has been our town’s fire chief and has worked with our council on budget and equipment issues.


Pumpkin Parade & Trick or Treating

ida-event-halloween-parade-990x800Bring your families and meet at Godbersen park for a small costume contest and parade. After the parade a treat bag filled with goodies from Ida Grove businesses and glow necklaces will be available to make our kids more visible while out after dark. After the parade, trick or treating will begin and last until 8:00 PM.If you will be handing out candy from your home please remember to turn on an outdoor light.

Request for Proposal-Audit Services

Ida County Fair July 19-25

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Pool Opens June 2!

It’s starting to look a lot like SUMMER around here!! The city crew is working hard to get the pool ready for opening day, which is June 2nd! All passes will be available once the pool opens. Prices will remain the same:

$115 for a family

$70 for an adult

$60 for a student.

Rec Center members get a discount.

4th of July Celebration

The City of Ida Grove wishes you a safe and happy 4th of July celebration!

Siren Test Start first Week in April

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