Maximum Levy Hearing Notice

Per SF 634- a public hearing will be held at the Ida Grove Rec Center, Temporary City Hall, on 2/7/2022 at 6:00 PM on the proposed maximum property tax dollars from certain levies. Residents and taxpayers of the City may present to City Council any objections or arguments in favor of the tax dollars before the budget is adopted and certified to the County Auditor. The attached notice has been published in the Ida County Courier (1-26-2022), and on the City of Ida Grove Facebook page in addition to the website.

Maximum Levy Hearing Notice Attachment 

City Park Basketball Court Lights

A big thank you goes out to the Harold and Leone Godbersen Family Foundation, Gary and Sharon Godbersen, and Godbersen-Smith Construction Co. for getting the lights for the basketball courts operational. The lights are on a 60 minute max timer without having to reset it. 

Simpco Housing Updates

Please use the link below to view details. If you have any questions, please contact Simpco’s Housing Manager, Amanda Harper, at 712-279-6286.

Click Here to View Simpco Housing Updates January 2022

Lost Dog

The City of Ida Grove has picked up a lost male dog. If you have any information, please contact City Hall at 364-2428 as soon as possible. We would like to see this playful guy get back to his owners.

Moorehead Avenue Bridge Closure **UPDATE**

The Moorehead Avenue Bridge will be closed on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 to start the reconstruction of a new bridge. Please use the alternative routes; Washington Street and Harold Godbersen Drive.

Reminder~ City Hall Holiday Hours

City Hall

Thursday, 12-30-2021  8 a.m. – Noon

Friday, 12-31-2021 Closed

We will resume normal business hours on Monday, January 3, 2022

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!


Business Spotlight ~Ida Grove Rec Center~

The Ida Grove Rec Center Committee was developed in 1998 after residents completed a survey expressing the need for more quality of life outlets in the community. After a lot of fund-raising, generous donations, and grants received, the groundbreaking ceremony was held in 2002. With the help of local businesses and more than 100 volunteers, the Ida Grove Community Recreation Center opened in December of 2003 to its members, and the Grand Opening was held in June of 2004.

The Ida Grove Recreation Center Team:

Director – Chancey Wilcke

Deputy Director – Melissa Ausborn


Mary Clough, Kris Salmon, Holly Conover, Karen Petersen, Misty Johnson, Scott Clark, Michelle Schmidt and Seth Wheeler.

Ida Grove Recreation Board:

Kristy Gilbert – President

Dan Skirvin, Dan Remer, Denise Redenius, Kelly Krueger, and Chancey Wilcke

The rec center facility includes a weight room with cardio equipment, an aerobics room, a community room (temporarily occupied by the City Hall Office), gymnasium with a walking track, raquetball court, an interactive golf simulator and putting practice, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, hot tub, children’s pool, sauna, and a children’s playroom.



Fitness classes are free with an IGRC membership, an IGRC punch card, or can be paid at the front desk as a daily admission fee. There are many fitness classes offered such as: spinning, yoga, hot yoga, step and water aerobics, pilates, aqua board yoga/pilates, and an after-school program for school aged children.

Fitness Class Instructors:

Tabitha Bockleman, Melissa Ausborn, Brooke Skirvin, and Lauri Hummelgard


The Ida Grove Rec Center is in charge of youth activities such as: football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, and teeball. Many other activities are put on by the IGRC including the annual Turkey Trot, Glow Walk/Run, Ironman Challenge, Whitewall Raquetball Tournament, potentially a Pickleball Tournament this summer, Little Bubblers, and Coffee/Hot Chocolate in the Park.



Please use the link below to visit the IGRC website, find them on Facebook, or call 712-364-3716 for additional information.

Ida Grove Rec Center Website

Moorehead Avenue Bridge Construction – Updated Timeline

Closure of the Moorehead Avenue Bridge for construction will now be after the start of the New Year.  Happy Holidays!

Water Boil Advisory Lifted

Good morning, Ida Grove!  We have just been notified that the water results came back this morning within normal range so the boil advisory is lifted.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Deputy Clerk Awarded

Kelly Young, Deputy Clerk for the City of Ida Grove, was the project manager for a recent Land Water Conservation conversion effort that balanced a commercial expansion with improved access to public greenspace for residents. Kelly’s efforts and constant communication over what was ultimately a year and a half of data collection, submissions, and responses demonstrates commitment to her community’s overall well-being including economic development, appropriate land use, and quality of life. SIMPCO and the City of Ida Grove appreciates Kelly’s dedication and mutual support for regional growth. SIMPCO recognizes Kelly Young as a Community Leader.

Congratulations Kelly!




The Ida Grove Water Supply is recommending to boil the water before using for drinking or to use an alternative source


The Ida Grove Water Supply had a power outage due to storms on December 15, 2021, and was unable to disinfect the water supply for a period of time. Due to the potential for bacterial contamination, it is being recommended that the water be boiled before using for drinking or cooking or that an alternative source be used.


IT IS RECOMMENDED NOT TO DRINK THE WATER WITHOUT BOILING IT FIRST.  Bring all water to a boil, let it boil for one minute, and let it cool before using, or use bottled water. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, and food preparation until further notice. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water.  The water may be used for bathing and other similar purposes.


For more information, please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428. General guidelines on ways to lessen the risk of infection by microbes are available from the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1(800) 426-4791.


Disinfection is occurring now. Hydrants will be flushed to rid the system of unchlorinated water, and once the system is stable, bacteria samples will be collected. This advisory is a precaution until bacterial sample results are available. You will be notified when the results are available and the advisory is lifted.


The system is working with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to resolve the situation.


This notice is being sent to you by the Ida Grove Water Supply.

PWSID#: 4728067

Date distributed:  December 16, 2021


City Hall Holiday Hours

City Hall Office Holiday Hours:

   Normal business hours Monday (12/20/21) – Wednesday (12/22/2021)

                       Thursday, December 23rd     8:00 a.m. – Noon

                            Friday, December 24th         CLOSED

                        Thursday, December 30th     8:00 a.m. – Noon

                          Friday, December 31st            CLOSED

         City Hall will resume normal business hours on Monday, 1/3/22.

Lost Dog

The City has picked up a lost Australian Shepherd. If anyone has any information on getting this dog back to its rightful owner please contact City Hall at 364-2428.

Moorehead Avenue Bridge

Attention citizens of Ida Grove! As you may know, the Moorehead Avenue bridge will be under going construction for the reconstruction of a new bridge. We want to keep all of our residents up to date on the timeline of the bridge closing. As of now, the proposed timeline for the closure is set for the week of December 20, 2021. We will continue to keep everyone posted.


Ida County Sanitation Pick Up

Ida County Sanitation will be picking up garbage on Friday, November 26, 2021.

Any resident who normally has garbage day on Thursday, will have it picked up on Friday due to Thanksgiving.


City Hall Closed 11/25 & 11/26

City Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 25, 2021 and Friday, November 26, 2021 to observe Thanksgiving.

Normal business hours will resume on Monday, November 29, 2021.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday!


Tis The Season

With the warm weather we have had the last couple of days, the Ida Grove Public Works Crew took advantage and started to hang the holiday lights. May the beauty of the holidays warm your spirit!

Please remember to join us on Sunday, November 21st, as the Ida Grove Chamber of Commerce presents a Christmas Holiday Open House!




Can you believe that our Ida Grove Public Library has been in business since 1908!? That is an amazing 113 years of service to our citizens!

The library offers a variety of amenities for the citizens of Ida Grove. There are designated areas for children to do activities and read. The Children’s Library was a recent add to the library as of May 30, 2009. There is plenty of space for teenagers/adults as well to enjoy.

A grant was received from the ICCBF (Ida County Community Betterment Foundation) along with generous local donations to update the Heritage room (meeting room). Iversen TV installed a brand new ceiling mounted projector, new motorized projection screen, and audio system with microphones for the library. Included in the funding was to replace all current lights and fixtures with LED bulbs to help reduce energy costs.

Library Board of Trustees:

Larry Albrecht President

Jackie Netherton Vice President

Shirley Hayes, Secretary

Tom Grell, Trustee

Dave Larson, Trustee

Luann Benge, Trustee

Roger Rector, Trustee

Library Staff:

Angela Scales, Director

Lisa Hopkins, Assistant

Jane Petersen, Assistant

The library continues to offer no contact pick up during library open hours. To see all services offered by the library, please click the link below to “check out” the new website.

Click Here To View Website



Invitation to Bid ~Trees

The City of Ida Grove invites the submission of sealed bids from qualified contractors for tree removal from city right-of-way. The job entails removing 20 marked trees in various locations in the city. Bid specifications can be obtained at City Hall, temporarily located at the Rec Center, 311 Barnes Street, Ida Grove, IA, or by request through the mail by calling City Hall at 712-364-2428.

Bids must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 15, 2021.

City Hall Closed Thursday, November 11, 2021

City Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 11, 2021 in honor of Veterans Day. 

We will resume normal business hours on Friday, November 12, 2021.

Invitation To Bid On Approximately 60 Tillable Acres

The City of Ida Grove invites the submission of sealed bids from qualified farmers for a 1-year lease on approximately 60 tillable acres located just west of Ida Grove along Hwy 175. Blank lease, fact and bid sheets can be obtained at the temporary City Hall location, 311 Barnes Street, Ida Grove, IA or by request through the mail by calling City Hall at 712-364-2428.

Sealed bids must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on Monday, December 6, 2021. Bids must clearly be labeled as ‘Farm Bid’ and may be delivered to 311 Barnes Street or mailed to PO Box 236, Ida Grove, IA 51445. Bids will be opened and awarded at the regular city council meeting on Monday, December 6, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the location listed above. The City of Ida Grove reserves the right to refuse all bids.

From The Mayor’s Desk

Notice is hereby given Chapters 10.45.080, 10.45.100 and 12.60.080 City Code of the City of Ida Grove will be in full force on and after the date of this publication and shall remain in effect until May 1st.

Click Here To View Parking & Snow Ordinances


Click Here To View Pleasant Valley Trail Closure Winter Months


Pumpkin Parade & Trick or Treating

Sunday, October 31st at 5:30 p.m. located at Godbersen Park there will be a Pumpkin Parade put on by the Ida Grove Chamber. Bring the kids in their costumes as prizes will be awarded. Every child who participates will receive a goodie bag and glow stick.

The Ida Grove Farm Bureau and King Theatre will be serving free popcorn from 5-6 p.m. at the King Theatre.

Trick or Treating to follow from 6-8 p.m. 


City Clerk Awarded

City Clerk Heather Sweeden, has been awarded the title of Iowa Certified Municipal Finance Officer. She received this award at the IMFOA Conference in Des Moines on Thursday. This is a huge accomplishment and takes 5 years to complete. Congratulations Heather!

3rd Graders Tour City Hall

Third grade students from OABCIG visited the temporary City Hall on Friday. The students were able to speak to the Mayor, City Clerk, and two of the Council members and learn about local government. 

City Council Ward 3 Vacancy

City Council has an opening for the Ward 3 position. City Council positions are vital to the operations of local government. If anyone is interested in this position, you are encouraged to contact City Hall at 364-2428.

Click Here to View Ward 3 Map

 Click Here to View Council Power and Duties

Portable Pickleball Nets

The portable pickleball nets are all set up at City Park! Thank you to the Godbersen Foundation for the donation of these nets!

Human Trafficking Forum

Fight back against human trafficking. Learn what to look for and what to do when you see it. There will be a human trafficking forum on Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 6:45 p.m. at the Cobblestone Inn, Holstein Iowa. Guest speakers include Sheriff Wade Harriman and Sister Shirley Fineran.  This is free and open to the public. With parent approval, young people are encouraged to attend.

If you would like more information, please contact: [email protected]

Greetings From Iowa

On Monday, October 11, 2021,  a gentleman from Iowa Public Television came to town to film a segment in Greetings from Iowa, which tells of peoples lifestyles, cultures, art, and diversities in the community. They filmed at the Ida Grove King Theatre, the Skate Palace, and the GOMACO Car Museum.

Click Here for Greetings from Iowa link



Lost & Found

It has been brought to our attention that someone has lost a piece of artwork at our City Compost pile. If this piece of artwork happens to be yours, please come pick it up at the City Maintenance shop. We would like to see this get back to its rightful owner.

City Park Playground

The playground equipment at City Park, or better known as “purple park”, continues to be off limits due to being damaged from a fallen tree. Immediately following the storm event, the cities insurance was contacted and we are waiting to hear back regarding equipment replacement. Please be patient, as we are just as anxious as you to get it open. Thank you again for your patience.


Don’t Let Your Pets “Poo”llute

Just a friendly reminder to the citizens of Ida Grove, that it is your “doody” as a responsible pet owner to clean up after your animal. Please be kind and courteous to other citizens by cleaning up what your pet leaves behind.

Other than being unsightly and smelly, animal waste can be hazardous to small children playing in the community and to other animals. When walking your animal, please remember that it needs to be on a leash. Take a baggie along with you so when your animal does its “business”, it can be picked up immediately. Dispose of the baggies properly. By taking simple steps, we can help beautify our community.

Ida Grove does have city ordinances in place for such violations.

To View City Code Click Here

Final Reminder

Final Reminder for City Council Opportunities!

Deadline to file forms is Thursday, September 16, 2021 by 5 p.m. 

4 year terms for Mayor, Ward 2, and 1 At-Large

Forms can be picked up and filed at City Hall

Cy Hawk Game




Prohibited Deposits Into Compost Pile

The photo shown below is a perfect example of why there are rules and regulations for the city compost pile. This is an amenity offered to the citizens of Ida Grove, and if illegal deposits of trash and other prohibited debris continue to be dumped at this site, we will no longer have it open. The only items allowed to be dumped is yard waste such as grass clippings, leaves, flowers, etc.. Please DO NOT deposit trash, plastic bags, building materials, or other containers into the compost pile. This area is under surveillance, and fines will be issued.

Thank you to those that do use the compost pile correctly.

Garbage Cans & Recycling Bins

Garbage Cans

Just a reminder when setting out garbage cans to please place them back 1-2 feet from the curb/street. Ida County Sanitation’s truck has the capability of extending the arm to reach garbage cans if they are set back a little further from the street. This will help prevent them from being struck by a vehicle or plow truck. The City and Ida County Sanitation are not responsible for damaged garbage cans.

Recycling Bins

Reminder when setting out recycling bins with the garbage cans, please do not set the bins too close together. Ida County Sanitation requests that when setting these out, to keep some space between the two, approximately 3-4 feet. This will help in preventing recycling bins from being tipped over when the garbage truck sets the cans back down.



Lost Dog

The City has picked up a lost female black lab. If you have any information please contact City Hall at 364-2428 as soon as possible. 

Never Be Charged A Late Fee Again!

Did you know the City of Ida Grove offers automatic payment withdrawal? This is a free, no hassle service which allows us to withdraw your utility payment from your checking account automatically on or about the 10th of each month.


Another great feature the city offers is email billing. Instead of waiting for your bill to come in the U.S. mail, receive a copy of your utility bill days sooner by having us email it to you.

You can sign up for one or both of these services by filling out the forms below and returning to City Hall. 

Click Here for Email Billing Form

Click Here for Automatic Withdraw Form




August 13th is  #CityHallSelfieDay! This is a worldwide celebration of local government employees and elected officials.


City Council Opportunities

Click Here To View Ward Description

Click Here To View Mayor Description

Click Here To View At Large Description

Click Here To View Ward Map 

Godbersen Foundation

Head on down to the City Park and check out the newest additions! The community of Ida Grove is extremely grateful to the Godbersen Foundation for the donation of these amenities!

Basketball Courts at City Park

While we’re all very excited to get out and use the new courts at City Park, please refrain for the remainder of the day today and all day tomorrow to allow the coating to dry properly.  The courts should be ready for full use on Wednesday, August 4th.

Jacket Found

City Hall recently received a child’s jacket that was found from the events during Heritage Days. Please contact City Hall at 364-2428 to describe and claim this jacket.

City Compost and Brush Pile

The city compost and brush pile are special amenities to those within city limits of Ida Grove. Unfortunately, we have been seeing a lot of illegal dumping at these piles. There are rules and regulations to keep this open for the citizens of our community.  If the piles continue to be filled with prohibited debris, the city will no longer be able to offer this to the community. We would like to continue to have this open for our residents, but we are asking you to help do your part and keep the compost and brush pile free and clear of any illegal deposits. Our compost and brush pile are under surveillance, and anyone violating the rules will be subject to a fine.

Click Here to View City Ordinance For Compost and Brush Pile



Community Watch

Please share with those on your friends list…

The Blocks for our Community have been established. There are 5 blocks. We have a volunteer for Block 4. We are in need of captains for Blocks 1, 2, 3, & 5. If you are willing to visit your neighbors and share information with them, please consider being a Block Captain. The map is attached for you to review. The next meeting will be held in the Heritage Room at the Ida Grove Public Library.

Click Here to View Map

Closed 7-5-21

City Hall will be closed

Monday, July 5th 

In observance of Independence Day.

We will resume normal business hours Tuesday, July 6th. 

Fireworks Permitted Hours

With the 4th of July only being a couple weeks away, we want to remind citizens of Ida Grove that certain fireworks are permitted only during the following times, and to please be cautious and courteous of neighboring property owners.

(1) From the Saturday before July 4th until the Sunday after July 4th.

(2) Between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. with the exception of July 4th or any Saturday within the permitted days, the hours are expanded to be between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.

(3) Noon on December 31st until 1:00 a.m. on January 1st.

(4) The mayor, in consultation with the fire chief or any other persons, has the authority to suspend the use of fireworks during the above hours, when the mayor determines it is in the public interest to suspend the use of fireworks. A person shall not be convicted of a violation, for use during such suspension, unless it is proven that such person had actual knowledge of the suspension. Actual knowledge may be proven by testimony that the person was given a verbal warning. City Code 8.40.030

Fireworks Ordinance