
2025 Seasonal Mowing Help Wanted


The City of Ida Grove is currently seeking an energetic and highly motivated individual to join our team for a seasonal, part-time mowing position.  Working hours will be determined by the Park’s Superintendent, up to 25 hours/week, with all equipment provided by the City.  Current driver’s license is required.  Experience in mowing, lawn clean-up, and trimming is preferred, but willing to train the right person.  Seasonal work will run from approximately April through September.  Must be 18 years of age or older to apply.

Application and job description may be obtained at City Hall, 403 3rd Street, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Position is open until filled.  E.O.E.


Iowa Home Repair Pilot Program Application

Iowa Home Repair Pilot Program Application Now Available

Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) has announced that the application portal for the Iowa Home Repair Pilot Program (HRPP) is now OPEN.  The application portal will remain open for applications through January 31, 2024, at 4:30 p.m., subject to available funding.

The primary goal of the HRPP is to prevent homeowner displacement by assisting with home repairs to maintain the habitability of the home.  Up to $35,000 to assist with repairs including but not limited to: drainage, septic, wells, electrical or plumbing systems, foundation repair, asbestos removal, HVAC repair or replacement, lead hazard reduction, mold remediation, radon mitigation, widening of doorways/hallways, installation of non-portable ramp(s) or lift(s), window replacement, siding, roofing, soffit, fascia, gutters and/or ventilation, if necessary.

Please note that applicants must have had someone in the household experience a financial hardship after January 21, 2020, because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  This could be reduction in income or increase in living expenses due to job loss, fewer work hours, paying more in childcare, illness, or being unable to work because you had to care for a family member.

Homeowners are encouraged to take the precheck to determine preliminary eligibility.  Once determined eligible to apply, homeowners are then encouraged to submit an application online.  Both precheck and application can be found at

Once the case review team reviews the application to ensure all documentation is complete and verifies eligibility, eligible household applications will be referred to SIMPCO’s Housing Division to oversee the repair process on a first come, first ready basis.

Please contact SIMPCO Housing Manager, Jenny Anderson, if you have any questions regarding the program process at [email protected] or by calling 712-279-6286.  

Iowa Homeowner Assistance Fund Team Contact:

*Funding assistance subject to income eligibility 

Assistance Application

Iowa households experiencing a loss of income related to COVID-19 can apply for financial assistance if they are at risk due to any unpaid electric, natural gas, or water bills between March 17 and October 31, 2020.

The application deadline has been extended through December 4, 2020.

For more information, call 877-463-3269 or 515-348-8976 or click the link below to apply for assistance.

Click Here For Utility Assistance Application

Recreation Center Director Job Opening

The City of Ida Grove (population 2,142) has an immediate opening for Recreation Director. Responsibilities would include management of a 20,000 square foot recreation center with the following amenities: weight room, aerobic room, gymnasium/walking track, two racquetball courts, indoor pool, spa, wading pool, sauna, golf room/golf simulator, card room, and community room with full kitchen. Membership totals are over 350 and draws from surrounding communities. Additional duties would include oversight of scheduling of events and programs at the ball fields, management of an aquatic center which is located next door to the recreation center and recreational programming such as youth tackle football, volleyball, basketball, and middle school softball and baseball as well as exercise classes and special events. For more information on the Ida Grove Community Recreation Center go to Job applications and complete job description may be obtained at City Hall, 403 3rd Street, by visiting or by emailing [email protected].


Click Here For Application

Job Description


A degree in Parks and Recreation, Leisure Services, or related field is desired, but not required. Previous professional experience in recreation centers or swimming pools is preferred. Residency requirement within six months. Depending upon qualifications, starting salary range is $35,000-$45,000.


Send cover letter, resume, and references to:

City of Ida Grove

Attn. Recreation Director

PO Box 236

Ida Grove, IA 51445



Position open until filled.


Don’t Forget the Permit!

With the weather getting nice, we know a lot of you want to get started on home improvement projects and just want to remind everyone that permitting is required as follows:

(1) Building Permits Required. No new construction or alterations to the exterior of buildings, including decks, patios, garages, carports, driveways, and paved (whether concrete or asphalt) parking spots may be made without first obtaining an approved building permit. Applications for building permits may be obtained from the city clerk’s office. A signed application for a building permit shall be returned to the city clerk’s office along with a required fee of $25.00 for each building permit requested. Building permits include all paving projects. The $25.00 permit fee is waived for all paving projects under 100 square feet in size. The building permit must be signed by the contractor or the property owner. The building permit shall not be considered approved until it has been signed by the city clerk, or the city clerk’s designee and either another clerk in the city office, the public works foreman or the public works foreman’s designee. The city clerk may, at his/her discretion, require approval from the planning and zoning chairman or the planning and zoning chairman’s designee.

Please visit the City’s online code at for the full code.  All person’s not adhering to the requirements are subject to municipal infractions.

Permit Application 

Now Hiring: Part Time Positions for the City of Ida Grove

Ida Grove City Hall is currently seeking an energetic and highly motivated individual to join our team as a part-time custodian. Ideal candidates for this position would be detail-oriented, flexible and willing to take on non-routine cleaning and special projects as the need arises. This position will be responsible for cleaning and sanitizing offices, meeting areas, bathrooms, community hall, council chambers and public areas.


Ida Grove Public Library is accepting applications for a part time Library Assistant to work eighteen hours per week; including day, evening and weekend hours. The person in this position will provide our community with outstanding patron services and be committed to promoting the services the library offers. Candidates must have knowledge of current technology, excellent customer service skills, and be willing to learn library practices and procedures. This position requires a high school diploma and is contingent upon a successful background check.


Applications and job descriptions for these positions may be obtained from Ida Grove City Hall, 403 Main Street, Ida Grove, IA 51445. Positions open until filled.