
Burning Regulations

Per City Code 13.25.150 (8)   Hours and dates of burning: No person will be allowed to burn nearer than 10 feet of any building, or on any street or sidewalk at any time. Burning is only permitted  between the hours of 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. from April 1 to Nov. 30 of each year. Yard waste is the only material that is allowed to be burnt. It shall be illegal for any person to burn or allow open burning on the premises except during the times and during the dates stated in this paragraph.


2024 Burning Regulations

City of Ida Grove Burning Regulations

Per City Code 13.25.150 (8) Hours and dates of burning: No person will be allowed to burn nearer than 10 feet of any building, or on any street or sidewalk at any time. Burning is only permitted between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. from April 1 to November 30 of each year. Yard waste is the only material that is allowed to be burnt. It shall be illegal for any person to burn or allow open burning on the premises except during the times and during the dates stated in this paragraph.


Burning Regulations

13.25.150 (8) Hours and dates of burning. No person will be allowed to burn nearer than 10 feet of any building, or on any street or sidewalk at any time. Burning is only permitted between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. from April 1st to November 30th of each year. Yard waste is the only material that is allowed to be burnt. It shall be illegal for any person to burn or allow open burning on the premises except during the times and during the dates stated in this paragraph.

Click Here To View Burning Regulations


Burning Regulations

City of Ida Grove Burning Regulations

Per City Code 13.25.150 (8) Hours and dates of burning: No person will be allowed to burn nearer than 10 feet of any building, or on any street or sidewalk at any time. Burning is only permitted between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. from April 1 to November 30 of each year. Yard waste is the only material that is allowed to be burnt. It shall be illegal for any person to burn or allow open burning on the premises except during the times and during the dates stated in this paragraph.



Burning Regulations

City of Ida Grove Burning Regulations

The State Fire Marshal has issued a burn ban for Ida County.  Once the ban is lifted, the following regulations shall be followed for burning:

Hours and dates of burning. No person will be allowed to burn nearer than 10 feet of any building, or on any street or sidewalk at any time. Burning is only permitted between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. from April 1 to November 30 of each year. Yard waste is the only material that is allowed to be burnt. It shall be illegal for any person to burn or allow open burning on the premises except during the times and during the dates stated in this paragraph.


Hours and dates of burning. No person will be allowed to burn nearer than 10 feet of any building, or on any street or sidewalk at any time. Burning is only permitted between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. from April 1 to November 30 of each year. Yard waste is the only material that is allowed to be burnt. It shall be illegal for any person to burn or allow open burning on the premises except during the times and during the dates stated in this paragraph.

Happy Census Day!

Did you know today is Census Day?  Do your part by responding to the Census TODAY.  Keep in mind, April 1 is the designated date used to answer the many expected questions for various living situations.  For example, children born or before April 1, 2020 should be counted during this census.  If you move during 2020, where you slept on the evening of April 1, 2020 is the address you should use when completing the census.

Census workers have delayed door-to-door approaches at this time due to COVID-19, however, in the future, if you don’t want a knock at your door, you can respond to the Census Bureau soon by one of the following options:  visiting:   Or by phone: 844-330-2020.  Or by returning your mailer that was sent out to all addresses.

Thank you for your cooperation and support of our community!


Learn How the Census Helps Your Community!

Mark your calendars for April 1, 2020 and record your information for the 2020 Census!  Information about the 2020 Census will be mailed to most addresses beginning in mid-March 2020. People can respond online, by mail or by phone. If no response is received, a census taker will come to your home to follow up in person.  The 2020 Census is vital for communities across the world.  The results of the census help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding is distributed to states and communities every year.  For more information, please visit and find out how YOU can help your community!