Can you believe that our Ida Grove Public Library has been in business since 1908!? That is an amazing 113 years of service to our citizens!
The library offers a variety of amenities for the citizens of Ida Grove. There are designated areas for children to do activities and read. The Children’s Library was a recent add to the library as of May 30, 2009. There is plenty of space for teenagers/adults as well to enjoy.
A grant was received from the ICCBF (Ida County Community Betterment Foundation) along with generous local donations to update the Heritage room (meeting room). Iversen TV installed a brand new ceiling mounted projector, new motorized projection screen, and audio system with microphones for the library. Included in the funding was to replace all current lights and fixtures with LED bulbs to help reduce energy costs.
Library Board of Trustees:
Larry Albrecht President
Jackie Netherton Vice President
Shirley Hayes, Secretary
Tom Grell, Trustee
Dave Larson, Trustee
Luann Benge, Trustee
Roger Rector, Trustee
Library Staff:
Angela Scales, Director
Lisa Hopkins, Assistant
Jane Petersen, Assistant
The library continues to offer no contact pick up during library open hours. To see all services offered by the library, please click the link below to “check out” the new website.