
Permits Required

This serves as a reminder to all property owners and contractors that permits are required prior to beginning any construction or maintenance on projects such as: water, sanitary sewer, building construction, etc. Please visit the online city code at or contact City Hall if you are unsure if a permit is required in order to avoid penalties.


2024 Permit Notice

Permit Notice

This serves as a reminder to all property owners and contractors that permits are required prior to beginning any construction or maintenance on projects such as:  water, sanitary sewer, building construction, etc.  Please visit the online city code at or contact City Hall if you are unsure if a permit is required in order to avoid penalties.


Permit Notice

Permit Notice

This serves as a reminder to all property owners and contractors that permits are required prior to beginning any construction or maintenance on projects such as:  water, sanitary sewer, building construction, etc.  Please visit the online city code at or contact City Hall if you are unsure if a permit is required in order to avoid penalties.




City Code 6.10.020 – License Required 

All dogs and cats over SIX months old must be licensed. 

Fees: January 1 – February 28, $10 if spayed or neutered, $15 if not spayed or neutered.

For the remainder of the year (March 1 – December 31) $20 if spayed or neutered, $25 if not spayed or neutered.

Dogs and cats need to have their license tags on their collar for identification purposes; this allows the city to assist in reuniting a lost dog or cat with its owner.

By the order of the City Council of Ida Grove. 

Don’t Forget the Permit!

With the weather getting nice, we know a lot of you want to get started on home improvement projects and just want to remind everyone that permitting is required as follows:

(1) Building Permits Required. No new construction or alterations to the exterior of buildings, including decks, patios, garages, carports, driveways, and paved (whether concrete or asphalt) parking spots may be made without first obtaining an approved building permit. Applications for building permits may be obtained from the city clerk’s office. A signed application for a building permit shall be returned to the city clerk’s office along with a required fee of $25.00 for each building permit requested. Building permits include all paving projects. The $25.00 permit fee is waived for all paving projects under 100 square feet in size. The building permit must be signed by the contractor or the property owner. The building permit shall not be considered approved until it has been signed by the city clerk, or the city clerk’s designee and either another clerk in the city office, the public works foreman or the public works foreman’s designee. The city clerk may, at his/her discretion, require approval from the planning and zoning chairman or the planning and zoning chairman’s designee.

Please visit the City’s online code at for the full code.  All person’s not adhering to the requirements are subject to municipal infractions.

Permit Application