Ida Grove’s Planning & Zoning Committee and Board of Adjustment Vacancies
Both the Planning & Zoning Committee and the Board of adjustment need five members to be fully functioning. If you have an interest to serve for the good our our Ida Grove community, please contact City Hall at 364-2428.
Planning & Zoning Commission, 3-Year Terms (NEEDS ONE ADDITIONAL MEMBER)
The Planning & Zoning Commission meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Ida Grove Council Chambers at 403 Third Street.
The Planning & Zoning Commission are appointed by the legislative body and have three basic advisory responsibilities. They prepare zoning ordinances, recommend upon proposed changes in zoning, and review and update ordinances. The Zoning Commission has only the power of recommendation. All decisions require approval of the legislative body before they have any effect.
Board of Adjustment, 5-Year Terms (NEEDS TWO ADDITIONAL MEMBERS)
The Board of Adjustment meets the call of the chairperson at the Ida Grove Council Chambers at 403 Third Street.
Board of Adjustment meets at an on-call basis, and has three basic responsibilities. They do not have the power to change zoning, but have the power to adjust the law as it applies to a specific piece of property. The board has sole and exclusive power to act and the board’s decision does not require approval of the legislative body. Recourse to a decision of the board is through the District Court. The board’s powers include: the power of interpretation, the power to grant exceptions and the power to grant a variance.