Happy New Year – 2020

City Hall will be closing at 11:30 am on Tuesday, December 31st and will be closed Wednesday, January 1st for New Years.  We wish you all a healthy and Happy New Year.  We look forward to seeing you next year when we re-open on Thursday, January 2, 2020!

Merry Christmas

City Hall will be closing at 11:30 am today and will be closed all day December 25, 2019 for Christmas.  The Mayor, Elected Officials and City Staff would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!


Happy Thanksgiving, Ida Grove!

City Hall will be closed Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th.  We hope you all enjoy time with friends and family and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Water and Sewer Rates

The final reading of Ordinance 576 – Water and Sewer Rate Increase was passed and approved at the regular city council meeting held Monday, November 18, 2019.  This is a courtesy notice that the new rates will go into effect for bills dated on or after January 1, 2020.  For the full ordinance change, please see attached link.  Ordinance 576

Holiday Spirit!

City Crew Members, Bob Lorenzen and Kris Taylor, taking advantage of this beautiful Fall day by getting Ida Grove ready for the holidays.

Billing Due Date Extension

City Council has met and voted to offer an extension on the due date for utility bills normally due November 15, 2019.  All City utility bills for this month will now be due by November 21, 2019.  A late fee will be applied to any and all bills that remain unpaid after the 21st.  Shut off notice dates will remain unchanged for any and all bills unpaid after November 30, 2019.

City Election Results

Congratulations to the following 5 individuals on being elected to serve as Ida Grove City Councilmen!

Jason Schable – Councilman At-Large, 2 year term

Jared Bogue – Councilman At-Large, 4 year term

Gregor Ernst – Councilman Ward I, 4 year term

Ryan Jordan – Councilman Ward II, 2 year term

Reynold McLead – Councilman Ward III, 4 year term

We appreciate your commitment to serve our community.  Living Forward. Giving Back. 

Delayed Delivery of Utility Bills

City Hall staff have been working with the United States Post Office in order to track down everyone’s utility bills.  Utility bills were mailed out on October 31st, but we confirmed yesterday that the bills were still in Des Moines.  USPS said today that citizens should receive their bill by the end of the week.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Join Us For A Community Meeting!

When:  Monday, October 21, 2019 from 5-6 pm

Where:  Ida Grove City Council Chambers

The elected officials of the City of Ida Grove would like to invite citizens to attend an informational meeting on Monday, October 21, 2019 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  The meeting will provide insight and education on the proposed water and sewer projects and a review of the cost associated with the projects.

We Want You!

The Planning and Zoning Commission, an advisory body to the City Council, is in need of a volunteer to fill the vacant seat on their board.  This is a fantastic opportunity for citizens to become involved and give back to the community!  The commission meets the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.  We encourage citizens to consider this opportunity and contact City Hall for more information at 712-364-2428.

City Council Election Deadline

The City of Ida Grove has 5 openings to fill within the City Council. The Ward I, II and III positions are up for election this November, as well as two City Council At Large Positions. At this time, there is no one running for the Ward II seat; we encourage citizens within Ward II to become involved. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in getting involved with local government and making a difference in their community. All interested parties are encouraged to contact Ida Grove City Hall at 712-364-2428 for more information or stop in to City Hall. Nomination paperwork can be picked up Monday through Friday 8 am-5 pm from Ida Grove City Hall. The deadline for returning nomination paperwork to City Hall is 5 pm on Thursday September 19, 2019. Don’t delay, make a positive impact in your community today!

Caution: Chemical Spraying

Public Works crew members will be spraying for weeds over the next several weeks at City parks as well as other City property. These flags will be placed in all areas being sprayed, please refrain from walking through areas where this flag is present.


Join the City of Ida Grove’s Team at the Farmer’s Market

Join the City of Ida Grove staff and officials as they serve a delicious meal at the September 5th Farmer’s Market in downtown Ida Grove! Menu will include chili, cinnamon rolls and hot dogs. Please join us from 4:30-6:30 for this fundraiser!

Council Members Needed – Make A Difference in Your Community

The City of Ida Grove has 5 openings to fill within the City Council. The Ward I, II and III positions are up for election this November, as well as two City Council At Large Positions. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in getting involved with local government and making a difference in their community. All interested parties are encouraged to contact Ida Grove City Hall at 712-364-2428 for more information or stop in to City Hall. Nomination paperwork can be picked up Monday through Friday 8 am-5 pm from Ida Grove City Hall. The deadline for returning nomination paperwork to City Hall is 5 pm on Thursday September 19, 2019. Don’t delay, make a positive impact in your community today!

Last Chance – Household Hazardous Waste Unit Coming to Ida Grove

The household hazardous waste mobile unit will be coming to Ida Grove on Wednesday August 21, 2019 from 4-5:30pm. This is an excellent opportunity to get rid of all those hazardous items you may have hanging around your house but only a few spots remain so call City Hall at 712-364-2428 immediately to reserve your spot! Disposal cost is $2.50 per pound and the City pays for the first $25.00 – you just pay the remainder (if any)!

Are You Eligible for Help With Home Improvements?

Ida County still has openings for residents to participate in the Western Iowa Community Improvement Regional Housing Trust Fund. For more information, please contact SIMPCO at 712-279-6286. 

Heritage Days Committee Meeting – July 23, 2019 @ 5:30 p.m.

Heritage Days 2019 is done and in the books, and planning for the 2020 event will soon be underway! The Heritage Days Committee is meeting on Tuesday July 23rd, 2019 to hear feedback, gain community input and gather suggestions for the coming year’s celebration. The community is invited to attend to share their thoughts and feelings on the event so that planning for the 2020 season can start. New members are welcomed and encouraged as it takes many hands to make an event like this possible. Please consider joining us and sharing your feedback and time!!


Ida County Sets Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Meeting for July 24 – Public Invited

City Council Openings

2019 will be an election year for the Ida Grove City Council Ward I, II and III positions, as well as a City Council At Large Position. All interested parties are encouraged to contact Ida Grove City Hall for more information. Nomination papers are currently available at Ida Grove City Hall and can be returned starting August 26th, 2019. All nomination paperwork must be turned in to City Hall before 5 pm on Thursday September 19, 2019. For questions or more information, please contact City Hall at 364-2428.


Water Quality – 2018 Consumer Confidence Report Now Available

Check out the 2018 Consumer Confidence Report available now from the City of Ida Grove:







This report contains important information regarding the water quality in our water system. The source of our water is groundwater.   Our water quality testing shows the following results:


CONTAMINANT MCL – (MCLG) Compliance Date Violation Source
Type Value & (Range) Yes/No
Total Trihalomethanes (ppb) [TTHM] 80   (N/A) LRAA 5.00 08/20/2018 No By-products of drinking water chlorination
Copper (ppm) AL=1.3   (1.3) 90th 0.58 (ND – 0.67) 2016 No Corrosion of household plumbing systems; Erosion of natural deposits; Leaching from wood preservatives
Lead (ppb) AL=15   (0) 90th 0.00 (ND – 210)

1 sample exceeded AL

2016 No Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits
Chlorine (ppm) MRDL=4.0   (MRDLG=4.0) RAA 0.9 (0.6 – 1.1) 12/31/2018 No Water additive used to control microbes
Sodium (ppm) N/A   (N/A) SGL 9.5 06/27/2018 No Erosion of natural deposits; Added to water during treatment process
Fluoride (ppm) 4   (4) SGL 0.78 (0.7 – 0.78) 05/21/2018 No Water additive which promotes strong teeth;  Erosion of natural deposits;  Discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories
Nitrate [as N] (ppm) 10   (10) SGL 7.60 (5.9 – 7.60) 12/18/2018 No Runoff from fertilizer use; Leaching from septic tanks, sewage; Erosion of natural deposits
Atrazine (ppb) 3   (3) SGL 0.20 08/05/2015 No Runoff from herbicide used on row crops



Note: Contaminants with dates indicate results from the most recent testing done in accordance with regulations.




  • Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) – The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology.
  • Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) — The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.
  • ppb — parts per billion.
  • ppm — parts per million.
  • N/A – Not applicable
  • ND — Not detected
  • RAA – Running Annual Average
  • Action Level (AL) – The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow.
  • Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal (MRDLG) – The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants.
  • Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level (MRDL) – The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants.
  • SGL – Single Sample Result
  • RTCR – Revised Total Coliform Rule




Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants.  The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water posed a health risk.  More information about contaminants or potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).


Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population.  Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers.  EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).


If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children.  Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing.  IDA GROVE WATER UTILITY is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components.  When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking.  If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested.  Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at http://www.epa.gov/safewater/lead.




Infants and young children are typically more vulnerable to lead in drinking water than the general population.  It is possible that lead levels at your home may be higher than at other homes in the community as a result of materials used in your home’s plumbing.  If you are concerned about elevated lead levels in your home’s water, you may wish to have your water tested and flush your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using tap water.  Additional information is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).


Nitrate in drinking water at levels above 10 ppm is a health risk for infants of less than six months of age.  High nitrate levels in drinking water can cause blue baby syndrome.  Nitrate levels may rise quickly for short periods of time because of rainfall or agricultural activity.  If you are caring for an infant, you should ask advice from your health care provider.




This water supply obtains its water from the sand and gravel of the Alluvial aquifer.  The Alluvial aquifer was determined to be highly susceptible to contamination because the characteristics of the aquifer and overlying materials provide little protection from contamination at the land surface.  The Alluvial wells will be highly susceptible to surface contaminants such as leaking underground storage tanks, contaminant spills, and excess fertilizer application.  A detailed evaluation of your source water was completed by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and is available from the Water Operator at 712-364-2989   .




For questions regarding this information or how you can get involved in decisions regarding the water system, please contact IDA GROVE WATER UTILITY at 712-364-2989.


Decisions regarding the water system are made at the city council meetings held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:00pm at 403 Third Street and are open to the public.


Please note this report will not be mailed to individual customers, to obtain a copy please stop at City Hall, 403 Third Street, Ida Grove, Ia., or you may view a copy on the city website at www.idagrove.com


Check out the Ida Grove City Code online!!

The City of Ida Grove’s ordinances can be found online at https://idagrove.municipal.codes/ . All Ida Grove City Codes are easily searchable and available in this one place. It is now easier than ever to get answers to your local law questions. This is a great resource for residents so check it out, today!

City Council Opening – Ward 3

The City of Ida Grove has an opening on the City Council for the Ward 3 position, due to a council member moving out of the ward. City Council positions are vital to the operations of local government. Anyone interested in the position is encourage to contact City Hall at 364-2428 or stop into the office in person, for more information. Thank you!

Help Needed for Heritage Days!

The Heritage Days Committee is still in need of volunteers to help at food stands this weekend! Volunteers needed Friday evening @ Cobb Park from 4 until 6 or 7 pm. Volunteers needed Saturday @ City Park for the following shifts: 10:30-12:30, 12:30-2:30 and 2:30-4:30. Please call City Hall at 712-364-2428 if you can help out. Thank you to all of our volunteers for helping make this event possible!!!

2019 Ida Grove Heritage Days

Make plans to attend Ida Grove’s annual town festival and help us celebrate 40 wonderful years of family fun!!! The festivities kick-off on Thursday June 27th and will continue through Sunday the 30th!! See you in Castletown!!

Volunteers Needed!

Heritage Days is in need of volunteers to help fill spots at the food stand at City Park on Saturday June 28th!! Please contact City Hall to sign up for either the 10:30-12:30 shift or the 12:30-2:30 shift. This is one of Heritage Day’s biggest fundraisers and all help is much appreciated!!


Road Closure

Attention: Godbersen-Smith is planning to close both M15 and Harold Godbersen Drive starting Monday April 22, 2019 at 9 a.m. Both roads will remain closed for the duration of the project. Thank you.

Community Meeting

The City Council, Mayor and City Staff would like to invite the public to attend an informational Community Meeting on Wednesday, April 10, 2019.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers.  Mayor Whiteing will go over a power point presentation of the draft plans for the City Hall Renovation and accept any suggestions, comments or input from the community on the upcoming project.

Council Ward II Vacancy

The City of Ida Grove currently has a Ward II Council Seat vacancy. If you or anyone you know is interested in serving the community, please contact City Hall, Mayor Whiteing or a Council Member today! Ward II is comprised of the following:


Commencing at the intersection of the centerlines of Main Street and Fourth Street; thence South along the centerline of Main Street to the center of Seventh Street; thence West along the centerline of Seventh Street to the middle of the intersection of Seventh Street and Taylor Street; thence South along the centerline of Taylor Street extended to the centerline of Badger Creek; thence randomly South and East along the centerline of Badger Creek to the centerline of South Main Street; thence South along the centerline of South Main Street to the middle intersection of Center Lane and South Main Street; thence East along the centerline of Center Lane to the middle of the intersection of Center Lane and Park Lane; thence South along the centerline of Park Lane to the middle of the intersection of Park Lane and Zobel Lane; thence East along the centerline of Zobel Lane to the corporate limits.

Attached is a Ward II map.

Ward II Map


Severe Weather Awareness Week

In observance of severe weather awareness week, Public Works and Emergency Management crews will be testing the sirens around 10 am today. Please do not be alarmed, this is only a test!


Lost Dog

We are still looking for the owner of this sweet dog.  If you have any information to assist us in getting this dog returned to its home, please call City Hall at 712-364-2428

Disaster Proclamation

Governor Kim Reynolds has issued a disaster proclamation due to the flooding event this week. If you would like more information on how to apply for assistance, please see the attachment.

Disaster Proclamation


Volunteers Needed

The City of Ida Grove in conjunction with the Ida Grove Fire Department are in desperate need of volunteers to fill sand bags today! There are currently several volunteers working diligently at the City Maintenance Shop, but could use more helping hands! Please consider volunteering your time to assist. Living Forward. Giving Back.


Now Hiring: Part Time Positions for the City of Ida Grove

Ida Grove City Hall is currently seeking an energetic and highly motivated individual to join our team as a part-time custodian. Ideal candidates for this position would be detail-oriented, flexible and willing to take on non-routine cleaning and special projects as the need arises. This position will be responsible for cleaning and sanitizing offices, meeting areas, bathrooms, community hall, council chambers and public areas.


Ida Grove Public Library is accepting applications for a part time Library Assistant to work eighteen hours per week; including day, evening and weekend hours. The person in this position will provide our community with outstanding patron services and be committed to promoting the services the library offers. Candidates must have knowledge of current technology, excellent customer service skills, and be willing to learn library practices and procedures. This position requires a high school diploma and is contingent upon a successful background check.


Applications and job descriptions for these positions may be obtained from Ida Grove City Hall, 403 Main Street, Ida Grove, IA 51445. Positions open until filled.



Cast Your Vote on Water Fluoridation

The Ida Grove City Council would like to hear from residents on whether or not fluoride should be added to Ida Grove’s water. To better represent you, the council wants to hear your opinion and have designed a survey system to allow citizens to voice their individual opinions. To cast your “vote” return the payment stub of your water bill by March 15th, 2019 with a ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ response to the following question: “SHOULD THE CITY ADD FLUORIDE TO THE WATER?”. Please also include the number of voting adults in your household. If each adult is voting differently that must be indicated or it will be assumed each is voting the same. Residents may also “vote” by calling Ida Grove City Hall at 712-364-2428 – (City of Ida Grove account number will be used for verification purposes). The City of Ida Grove thanks you for your participation in this survey so that we may better serve the community.

Last Day for Discounted Rates

February 28th is the last day to receive the discounted rate for registering your pets for the 2019 year. Remember – City Law requires all animals within city limits to be registered. This is quick and inexpensive, and in the event your animal is ever lost, it helps us get them back to you as quickly as possible. All animals registered before March 1 will get a discounted rate of $10.00 (altered) to $15.00 (unaltered). There are so many good reasons to register your pet – please do so today!


See full ordinance below


Any owner of a dog or cat within the city limits is required to license the animal the first of each year or when the animal has reached the age of six months. The owner must license the animal within 60 days of moving to town or within 60 days of obtaining a new pet at the January to February rates. The owner will need to provide the breed, sex, color, markings and name of each animal as well as the address and phone number of the owner. It is the responsibility of the owner to present proof the animal being licensed is incapable of breeding, if applicable. The owner must also provide proof of a current rabies vaccination in order to license the animal. The fees for licensing dogs and cats are as follows:

January 1 – February 28     $10.00        $15.00
March 1 – December 31     $20.00        $25.00

[Ord. 557 § 1, 2017; Code 1975 § 3-2.0202, 1975.]

Ordinance To Go Into Full Effect

Ida Grove has received an abundance of snow the past few weeks and we appreciate all snow removal efforts thus far. Per Ida Grove City Code 12.10.090 it is the responsibility of the abutting property owner of any sidewalk to remove snow, ice and any other accumulations within 24 hours or the property owner may be subject to a $25 (or higher) fee. Due to the extreme severity of the February 25th storm, the City has purposefully not issued citations in an effort to allow citizens ample time to clear sidewalks. On Monday, March 4th, a full week after the storm, the provisions set forth in the ordinance will go into full effect. Please be advised to have sidewalks clear by this day or face civil penalty.

See full ordinance below: 


Per Ida Grove City Code 12.10.090: REMOVAL OF SNOW, ICE AND ACCUMULATION

(1) It shall be the responsibility of the abutting property owners to remove snow, ice and accumulations promptly from sidewalks. If a property owner does not remove snow, ice or accumulations within 24 hours, the city may do so and assess the costs against the property owner for collection in the same manner as a property tax.

(2) Any violation of subsection (1) of this section by a property owner or tenant is a municipal infraction, subjecting the property owner and/or tenant to a civil penalty of $25.00. A second violation by the same property owner or tenant in the same fiscal year (July 1st through June 30th) shall be subject to a municipal infraction of $50.00, with the cost increasing by $25.00 for each subsequent infraction in the same fiscal year, up to a maximum of $500.00 for each infraction. Each day the snow, ice or accumulations are not removed is a separate municipal infraction

City Council Meets Tonight

Council Meetings are held the first and third Monday of each month (except Holidays) beginning at 6 p.m. Meetings take place in the Council Chambers at Ida Grove City Hall. The public is invited and encouraged to attend City Council Meetings, and participate in their local Government. Any citizen can address the Council in reference to any item on the agenda, or during the “Appearances” portion of the meeting. Community input, insight and ideas help the City Council make the vital decisions of our community. Together, we can make Ida Grove the best it can be for the future of your family and ours. For additional information or questions, you may contact us via Facebook, by email at [email protected], U.S. Postal Service at P.O. Box 236 or call the City Clerk’s Office at 712-364-2428.


COMMUNITY INPUT REQUESTED: The City Council is requesting community input at or before their upcoming meeting to be held Monday February 4th at 6pm. The City has received a proposal to have Godbersen-Smith make needed repairs and replacement to sections of the City’s recreational trail system in exchange for a piece of land from the City Park to be used for GEC. The piece of land that GEC would acquire from the City is approximately .4 – .6 acres and would be used to help expand their current shop building. The approximate modifications Godbersen-Smith would make to the City’s trail system would total roughly $150,000 and repair approximately .62 miles of trail. The current trail is 4” thick concrete and would be replaced with 5” thick concrete for the sections being repaired. They would also address erosion issues and look at tiling the High School hill. The council would like to give the public an opportunity to voice their opinion before making their final decision. If you have an opinion on the matter but are unable to attend, please feel free to call City Hall at 712-364-2428, email [email protected] or message us on Facebook!

Senator Joni Ernst Visits Ida Grove’s Midwest Industries

Ida Grove was pleased to have Senator Joni Ernst visit Midwest Industries Tuesday January 22, 2019. Midwest Staff, including Ida Grove Mayor Devlun Whiteing, are pictured here with Ernst, touring the facility. Ida Grove is proud to be the home of Midwest Industries and looks forward to more great things to come from this top-notch organization. 




City Council Meets Tonight

Council Meetings are held the first and third Monday of each month (except Holidays) beginning at 6 p.m. Meetings take place in the Council Chambers at Ida Grove City Hall. The public is invited and encouraged to attend City Council Meetings, and participate in their local Government. Any citizen can address the Council in reference to any item on the agenda, or during the “Appearances” portion of the meeting. Community input, insight and ideas help the City Council make the vital decisions of our community. Together, we can make Ida Grove the best it can be for the future of your family and ours. For additional information or questions, you may contact us via Facebook, by email at [email protected], U.S. Postal Service at P.O. Box 236 or call the City Clerk’s Office at 712-364-2428.

WANTED: Heritage Days Committee Members

The City is looking for new members to join the Heritage Days Team! We have scheduled an informal public meeting to be held on Tuesday January 15th at 6 pm in the Council Chambers. This will be a time to ask questions, form committees, brainstorm, make suggestions and more. We need many volunteers to work together to make 2019’s Heritage Days Celebration the best yet!!

Board of Adjustment Receives Request for Special Use Permit at 1120 Valley View Drive

AGENDA SPECIAL USE PERMIT – Denim 2 Diamonds 2019

Public Notice – Conard-Whiteing

The Ida Grove Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing on a special use permit for the purpose of a home based business at 1120 Valley View Drive in Ida Grove. The meeting will take place on Wednesday January 16th at 6:30 pm in the City Council Chambers. All persons desiring to be heard on the matter, either for or against, are encouraged to attend. If you have an opinion and are unable to attend, please feel free to call City Hall at 712-364-2428.

License Your Animal for 2019

Now is the time to license you cats and/or dogs for the 2019 year. It is City Law that all animals within city limits must be registered. This is quick and inexpensive, and in the event your animal is ever lost, it helps us get them back to you as quickly as possible. All animals registered before March 1 will get a discounted rate of $10.00 (altered) to $15.00 (unaltered). There are so many good reasons to register your pet – please do so today!

Board of Adjustment Hearing 12-18-18

City Council Meeting 12-17-18

The public is invited and encouraged to attend.

We’re Listening

The Ida Grove City Council will meet for their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday December 17th at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 403 3rd Street in Ida Grove. As always, the public is invited and encouraged to attend. With many community members having voiced interest on the recent topics of water fluoridation and Heritage Days, we would specifically like to invite anyone with an opinion on either issue to please attend. Our City Council and Mayor welcome citizen input and want the community to know their voice can be heard. The City of Ida Grove wants all citizens to be aware of the legislation and initiatives that affect their lives. Your City Officials are working diligently to promote equity in access to local government information and services, and are committed to transparency and inclusion. With your insight, the Council can discover ways to improve this City we all call home. Please keep your feedback coming to help ensure your needs are being met and your voice is being heard.

Comprehensive Senior Care Resource

Caring.com is a senior care organization that supports family caregivers and their loved ones. Based on conversations with community leaders across the US, Caring.com has learned that many seniors are unaware of the available care options and programs that can help maintain their independence and quality of life and thus created a comprehensive resource that covers topics like financial support, non-profit organizations, and available care options that are in Iowa. More information can be found here:


Ida Grove Community Blood Drives

St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ida Grove and LifeServe Blood Center partner together every other month to put on a community blood drive in order to save local lives in our community. LifeServe Blood Center is the local provider of blood and blood products to Horn Memorial Hospital and several other surrounding hospitals. They rely on volunteer blood donors to keep the blood supply stead for local patients. The drive is open to the public, and you can walk in the day of or schedule an appointment online at lifeservebloodcenter.org.


Upcoming Drives

All drives occur at St. Paul Lutheran Church on 100 7th St.

December 5th 2018, 10:30 am – 4:00 pm

February 6th 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm

April 3rd 2019, 10 :30 am – 4:30 pm

June 5th 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm

August 7th 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm

October 2nd 2019, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm

December 4th 2019, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm