Business Spotlight ~Ida Grove Rec Center~

The Ida Grove Rec Center Committee was developed in 1998 after residents completed a survey expressing the need for more quality of life outlets in the community. After a lot of fund-raising, generous donations, and grants received, the groundbreaking ceremony was held in 2002. With the help of local businesses and more than 100 volunteers, the Ida Grove Community Recreation Center opened in December of 2003 to its members, and the Grand Opening was held in June of 2004.

The Ida Grove Recreation Center Team:

Director – Chancey Wilcke

Deputy Director – Melissa Ausborn


Mary Clough, Kris Salmon, Holly Conover, Karen Petersen, Misty Johnson, Scott Clark, Michelle Schmidt and Seth Wheeler.

Ida Grove Recreation Board:

Kristy Gilbert – President

Dan Skirvin, Dan Remer, Denise Redenius, Kelly Krueger, and Chancey Wilcke

The rec center facility includes a weight room with cardio equipment, an aerobics room, a community room (temporarily occupied by the City Hall Office), gymnasium with a walking track, raquetball court, an interactive golf simulator and putting practice, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, hot tub, children’s pool, sauna, and a children’s playroom.



Fitness classes are free with an IGRC membership, an IGRC punch card, or can be paid at the front desk as a daily admission fee. There are many fitness classes offered such as: spinning, yoga, hot yoga, step and water aerobics, pilates, aqua board yoga/pilates, and an after-school program for school aged children.

Fitness Class Instructors:

Tabitha Bockleman, Melissa Ausborn, Brooke Skirvin, and Lauri Hummelgard


The Ida Grove Rec Center is in charge of youth activities such as: football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, and teeball. Many other activities are put on by the IGRC including the annual Turkey Trot, Glow Walk/Run, Ironman Challenge, Whitewall Raquetball Tournament, potentially a Pickleball Tournament this summer, Little Bubblers, and Coffee/Hot Chocolate in the Park.



Please use the link below to visit the IGRC website, find them on Facebook, or call 712-364-3716 for additional information.

Ida Grove Rec Center Website

City Hall Holiday Hours

City Hall Office Holiday Hours:

   Normal business hours Monday (12/20/21) – Wednesday (12/22/2021)

                       Thursday, December 23rd     8:00 a.m. – Noon

                            Friday, December 24th         CLOSED

                        Thursday, December 30th     8:00 a.m. – Noon

                          Friday, December 31st            CLOSED

         City Hall will resume normal business hours on Monday, 1/3/22.

Ida County Sanitation Pick Up

Ida County Sanitation will be picking up garbage on Friday, November 26, 2021.

Any resident who normally has garbage day on Thursday, will have it picked up on Friday due to Thanksgiving.


Invitation To Bid On Approximately 60 Tillable Acres

The City of Ida Grove invites the submission of sealed bids from qualified farmers for a 1-year lease on approximately 60 tillable acres located just west of Ida Grove along Hwy 175. Blank lease, fact and bid sheets can be obtained at the temporary City Hall location, 311 Barnes Street, Ida Grove, IA or by request through the mail by calling City Hall at 712-364-2428.

Sealed bids must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on Monday, December 6, 2021. Bids must clearly be labeled as ‘Farm Bid’ and may be delivered to 311 Barnes Street or mailed to PO Box 236, Ida Grove, IA 51445. Bids will be opened and awarded at the regular city council meeting on Monday, December 6, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the location listed above. The City of Ida Grove reserves the right to refuse all bids.

From The Mayor’s Desk

Notice is hereby given Chapters 10.45.080, 10.45.100 and 12.60.080 City Code of the City of Ida Grove will be in full force on and after the date of this publication and shall remain in effect until May 1st.

Click Here To View Parking & Snow Ordinances


Click Here To View Pleasant Valley Trail Closure Winter Months


City Council Ward 3 Vacancy

City Council has an opening for the Ward 3 position. City Council positions are vital to the operations of local government. If anyone is interested in this position, you are encouraged to contact City Hall at 364-2428.

Click Here to View Ward 3 Map

 Click Here to View Council Power and Duties

Lost & Found

It has been brought to our attention that someone has lost a piece of artwork at our City Compost pile. If this piece of artwork happens to be yours, please come pick it up at the City Maintenance shop. We would like to see this get back to its rightful owner.

Final Reminder

Final Reminder for City Council Opportunities!

Deadline to file forms is Thursday, September 16, 2021 by 5 p.m. 

4 year terms for Mayor, Ward 2, and 1 At-Large

Forms can be picked up and filed at City Hall

City Council Opportunity Reminder

City Council Opportunities!

4 Year Terms for: Mayor, Ward 2, And 1 At-Large

Forms can be picked up and filed at City Hall! 

Deadline to file completed forms is Thursday, September 16, 2021 by 5 p.m.


Prohibited Deposits Into Compost Pile

The photo shown below is a perfect example of why there are rules and regulations for the city compost pile. This is an amenity offered to the citizens of Ida Grove, and if illegal deposits of trash and other prohibited debris continue to be dumped at this site, we will no longer have it open. The only items allowed to be dumped is yard waste such as grass clippings, leaves, flowers, etc.. Please DO NOT deposit trash, plastic bags, building materials, or other containers into the compost pile. This area is under surveillance, and fines will be issued.

Thank you to those that do use the compost pile correctly.

Garbage Cans & Recycling Bins

Garbage Cans

Just a reminder when setting out garbage cans to please place them back 1-2 feet from the curb/street. Ida County Sanitation’s truck has the capability of extending the arm to reach garbage cans if they are set back a little further from the street. This will help prevent them from being struck by a vehicle or plow truck. The City and Ida County Sanitation are not responsible for damaged garbage cans.

Recycling Bins

Reminder when setting out recycling bins with the garbage cans, please do not set the bins too close together. Ida County Sanitation requests that when setting these out, to keep some space between the two, approximately 3-4 feet. This will help in preventing recycling bins from being tipped over when the garbage truck sets the cans back down.



City Council Opportunities

Click Here To View Ward Description

Click Here To View Mayor Description

Click Here To View At Large Description

Click Here To View Ward Map 

City Compost and Brush Pile

The city compost and brush pile are special amenities to those within city limits of Ida Grove. Unfortunately, we have been seeing a lot of illegal dumping at these piles. There are rules and regulations to keep this open for the citizens of our community.  If the piles continue to be filled with prohibited debris, the city will no longer be able to offer this to the community. We would like to continue to have this open for our residents, but we are asking you to help do your part and keep the compost and brush pile free and clear of any illegal deposits. Our compost and brush pile are under surveillance, and anyone violating the rules will be subject to a fine.

Click Here to View City Ordinance For Compost and Brush Pile



Missing Dog

The City of Ida Grove has picked up a lost female blue heeler dog. If anyone has any information regarding her, please contact City Hall at 364-2428.

New Welcome Signs!

The City of Ida Grove signs are officially up!  We were awarded $9,000 from the Siouxland Community Foundation and also MidAmerican for $500.00. They look amazing! Be sure to check them out as you travel from the east and west! 

Hay Bid

City of Ida Grove

Bid Request on Hay Cutting


Hay cutting on City of Ida Grove property is now open for bid. Areas for cutting are located at the Airport (20 acres), City Well site (2+ acres), and flood control areas (43 acres) for a total of 66 acres. Call City Hall, 364-2428, for information on hay location. All areas to be mowed twice. The second mowing is required even if no hay is made and must be completed by September 7, 2021. All bales must be removed after each cutting. Sealed bids are due on or before May 3, 2021 at 4:00 p.m., and can be mailed or delivered. Bids must be addressed and include 2021 Hay Bid on the envelope:

City of Ida Grove

2021 Hay Bid

PO Box 236

311 Barnes St

Ida Grove, IA 51445

The City of Ida Grove has the right to refuse any, any part, or all bids. Bid opening will be on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 6:15 p.m. during the City Council meeting held at the Rec Center, 311 Barnes Street, Ida Grove.  

Lost Dog

The City of Ida Grove has picked up a lost dog. We are looking for the owner. The dog has no collar or tags. May be part border collie. Gender is unknown. Picked up near Kid Zone. Please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428 with any information regarding this. 


Property owners are responsible for maintenance of trees on their property and on the city parking adjacent to their property as stated in City Ordinance 12.05.040. All branches are to be at least 15 feet above the street surface and 8 feet above sidewalks. Trees, bushes, shrubs, etc. are to be trimmed so they do not obstruct pedestrians, vision of traffic signs, or the view of any street or alley intersection. Alleys also need to be cleared to allow truck passage.

Pleasant Valley Trail

With warmer weather just around the corner, everyone will be itching to get outdoors.  The trail will be undergoing some maintenance for repair and improvements. Reminder to citizens that under the mayor’s proclamation, the trail is currently closed until May 1st.


Warmer weather is just around the corner! The City of Ida Grove reminds residents of the requirements for mowing of their properties within the City limits under Chapter 8.30 of the City Code. It is unlawful for owners of each lot and parcel of ground within the city limits to fail, refuse, or neglect to cut or destroy all weeds, vines, brush or other growth and debris. Property owners are reminded that any vegetation which reaches a height of more than 8 inches is required to be mowed. Any property not mowed after the vegetation reaches 8 inches in height, may be mowed by the City or their agents, and a charge of $75.00 per hour plus a surcharge of $100.00 will be charged to the property owner.

This publication will serve as notice to property owners. 




The City of Ida Grove reminds residents not to blow grass clippings into city streets or alleys to prevent clogging of city storm drains. Leaving grass clippings in any street or alley is considered a “nuisance” and also includes debris such as leaves, brush, nails, glass, or rubbish of any kind. The placing of debris, including grass clippings, on streets and alleys could lead to violators being charged for clean-up per City Code 12.30.030. Placing Debris on Streets, Violation and Abatement.

City Hall Closing Early 4/2/2021

In respects to Good Friday, our office will be closing at 1 p.m. this Friday, April 2nd. We will resume normal business hours on Monday, April 5th. We wish everyone a safe and Happy Easter!

Part-Time Seasonal Help Wanted

The City of Ida Grove is currently seeking an energetic and highly motivated individual to join our team for a seasonal, part-time mowing position. Working hours will be determined by the Park’s Superintendent, up to 30 hours/week, with all equipment provided by the City. Current driver’s license is required. Experience in mowing, lawn clean-up and trimming is preferred, but willing to train the right person. Season work will run from approximately April through September. Must be 18 years of age or older to apply.

Application and job description may be obtained by clicking link below, or from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, at City Hall, 311 Barnes Street, Ida Grove. Position is open until filled. E.O.E.

Click here for job description and application


City Of Ida Grove Drop Box Has Been Placed!

Our drop box has officially been placed outside of the rec center on Barnes St.! We encourage citizens to please utilize the drop box due to COVID-19 restrictions. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation! 

City Hall Relocation Update

City Hall is now officially set up in the community room at the rec center and phone lines are running accordingly. We are working to get a drop box placed outside next to the rec center mailbox; however, due to unforeseen circumstances, placement will be early next week. Please continue to use the drop box located at the “old” city hall in the meantime. It will be checked regularly throughout the day. If you need to come into City Hall, please use the main entrance at the rec center. We appreciate everyone’s patience with our transition, especially our Public Works Crew for all their help.

Public Hearing Notice – FY22 Budget

A public hearing will be held via electronic meeting on 3-15-2021 at 6:15 PM on the proposed fiscal year 2021-2022 City Budget. Residents and taxpayers of the City may join via the following options: on your tablet, computer or smartphone or dial in at (872) 240-3212 using the access code: 240-180-549 and present to the City Council any objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. The attached notice has been published in the Ida County Courier (3-3-2021) and on the City of Ida Grove Facebook page in addition to the website.


FY22 Budget

City Hall is Temporarily Moving!

As City Hall begins to undergo renovations, our office will temporarily be relocated to the community room at the Rec Center beginning Wednesday, March 3, 2021. We appreciate the patience of our citizens, as we may experience intermittent phone service delays as our phone lines and internet are being transferred starting on Tuesday, March 2, 2021. Our telephone number, 364-2428 and our mailing address, PO Box 236 will remain the same. Due to COVID-19 we strongly encourage citizens to utilize the drop box that we will have located outside of the Rec Center. If you need to enter our offices, please use the main entrance at the Rec Center; masks will be required upon entrance of the Rec Center and community room.


Every second counts in an emergency. As the snow depth continues to increase, so do the seconds it takes for a firefighter to clear away the snow and ice from a fire hydrant. The City and our local Fire Department ask everyone who has a fire hydrant located on their property, to clear it from any snow and ice. Our volunteer firemen will appreciate it when an emergency comes to light. Lets all do our part to keep everyone safe!

International Fire Code 

Maximum Levy Hearing Notice

Per SF 634 – a public hearing will be held via electronic meeting on 2-1-2021 at 6:00 PM on the proposed maximum property tax dollars from certain levies. Residents and taxpayers of the City may join via the following options: on your tablet, computer or smartphone or dial in at (872) 240-3212 using the access code: 240-180-549 and present to the City Council any objections or arguments in favor of the tax dollars before the budget is adopted and certified to the County Auditor. The attached notice has been published in the Ida County Courier (1-20-2021) and on the City of Ida Grove Facebook page in addition to the website.


Maximum Levy Hearing Notice Attachment 

Happy New Year!

Cat and Dog Licenses

It’s that time of the year again! Don’t forget that all dogs and cats that are within the city limits are required to be licensed! Contact City Hall at 364-2428 to set up an appointment. Please have your pets updated rabies vaccination record with you at time of appointment.

(Due to COVID-19 City Hall is still closed to the public, open by appointment only)

Click here for additional details

Office Space Wanted

The City of Ida Grove is currently looking to lease office space in Ida Grove for 12 months while City Hall is being renovated. We would like the space big enough to staff three employees and would also like it to be ADA compliant. We would like to be moved in sometime in February and lease for at least one year. We plan to make a decision by the first week of January on an office space. Please contact City Hall at 712-364-2428 if you have any office space for rent.


Click Here for Proclamation

Position Opening: Water Superintendent

The City of Ida Grove (population 2,142) has an immediate opening for a full-time Water Operator/Superintendent.  This person will be part of a team-oriented City Crew with primary responsibility over the water department.  Candidate must have a high school diploma or GED, an Iowa DNR Grade 2 water treatment/Grade 2 water distribution license (or be able to acquire both, following IDNR guidelines).  The position is responsible for maintaining all aspects of the water distribution system including, but not limited to: water mains, wells, pumps, hydrants, testing, meter reading.  Candidate must be able to fill out associated paperwork and maintain logs/reports to stay in compliance with IDNR and federal regulations.  Candidate must have a class B CDL or be able to obtain one within six months of hire.  Weekend work on a rotating basis is required.  Other job responsibilities may include additional public works duties such as street maintenance, outdoor pool maintenance, general maintenance and snow removal.  Organizational skills are a must.  Position requires interaction with the public.  Position open until filled.  Job applications may be obtained at City Hall, 403 3rd Street, by visiting or by emailing [email protected]

The City of Ida Grove is an E.O.E.

Send application, resume and cover letter to:  City of Ida Grove, Water Operator, PO Box 236, Ida Grove, IA 51445.  You may also email application, resume and cover letter to:  [email protected]

Job Application

Moorehead Avenue Bridge Presentation

For anyone who would like to view the power point presentation that was provided on Monday, August 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. during a special council meeting, you may click the attachment. Moorehead Ave Bridge PPP

Fireworks Reminder

Citizens of Ida Grove,

The last legal day to shoot off any fireworks within City limits was Sunday, July 5, 2020.  There have been numerous reports of fireworks continuing even through last night.  Anyone who continues to violate the City Code may be subject to a simple misdemeanor and charged a fine of $250 per occurrence.  Please respect the ordinance and your neighbors and refrain from shooting off anymore fireworks.  For a full copy of the ordinance you may visit

Thank you!

Ball Field Rules/Guidelines

The City of Ida Grove Youth Ball Fields will be open on June 2nd for use of our Rec Center Summer League softball and baseball teams to practice only if they meet the following guidelines:

  • The coach of the team needs to submit a plan and get it approved by our Rec Center Director, Chelsea Gross, to start practicing. The below guidelines must be met to get your plan approved.
  • No Dugouts can be used for practice. Players equipment must be lined up along the fence 6’ apart.
  • Parents must remain in their cars or drop off and pick up players after practice.
  • Players should use their own gloves, helmets, and bats as much as possible.
  • Coaches are responsible for enduring social distancing is maintained between players as much as possible. This means additional spacing between players while playing catch changing drills, so that players remain spaced out.  No congregating of players while waiting to bat.
  • Players must bring their own water/beverage to consume during and after practice. No shared drinking fountains, or coolers can be used.
  • Coaches must sanitize shared equipment before and after each use.
  • Anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19 is not allowed to practice
  • Coaches should be knowledgeable of their player with preexisting health conditions and work with health officials to take additional precautions as needed.
  • Players will be encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer.
  • Coaches must ban the spitting of sunflower seeds.
  • Coaches are responsible for tracking absences for the purpose of noting possible COVID-19 cases.
  • Contact public health if a positive case of COVID-19 is reported.
  • Signs must be posted indicating no one should participate in practice or attend games if they currently have symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the last 14 days.


Right now, all leagues have cancelled their games.  There are no games scheduled at this time.  If we decide to do games this summer, there will be more guidelines for fans and concessions.   We are hoping to possibly play some local towns or split some in town teams to play each other.  Nothing is set up for games yet.

We are opening this to give the kids something to do outside and be a part of a team.  This must be done safely.    Teams will not be approved until they have a plan that meets the criteria above.

The Rec Center Director, Chelsea Gross, has the authority to remove individual players or teams that do not follow the COVID-19 rules set in place in this document.

This is also subject to change, depending on what happens in the future.

Ida Grove Mayor,

Devlun Whiteing

Meals On Wheels

Please see attached pdf regarding meal information for seniors:  Meal Flyer

Public Announcement

Mayor Whiteing made an announcement via Facebook Live at 6:00 pm on Sunday, March 22, 2020.  For a transcript of the announcement, click HERE.

Important Notice – Utility Bill

City Hall has been made aware of some residents not receiving their monthly utility bill.  Bills are due on the 15th of the month and balance due can be obtained by contacting City Hall at 364-2428 if you have not received your bill.  We apologize for the inconvenience! 

Final day for pet licensing at discounted rate!

Stop into City Hall today and get your pet license at a discounted rate!

Any owner of a dog or cat within the city limits is required to license the animal the first of each year or when the animal has reached the age of six months. The owner must license the animal within 60 days of moving to town or within 60 days of obtaining a new pet at the January to February rates. The owner will need to provide the breed, sex, color, markings and name of each animal as well as the address and phone number of the owner. It is the responsibility of the owner to present proof the animal being licensed is incapable of breeding, if applicable. The owner must also provide proof of a current rabies vaccination in order to license the animal. The fees for licensing dogs and cats are as follows:

JANUARY 1 – FEBRUARY 28    $10.00 If Altered  $15.00 if Unaltered
MARCH 1-DECEMBER 31    $20.00 if Altered    $25.00 if Unaltered

Maximum Levy Hearing Notice

Per SF 634 – a public hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers on 2-18-2020 at 5:30 PM on the proposed maximum property tax dollars from certain levies.  Residents and taxpayers of the City may present to the City Council any objections or arguments in favor of the tax dollars before the budget is adopted and certified to the County Auditor.  The attached notice has been published in the Ida County Courier (2-5-2020) and on the City of Ida Grove Facebook page in addition to the website.

Max Levy Hearing Notice Attachment


Ida Grove Library Closing at 12pm.

Due to the weather conditions, the Ida Grove Library will be closing at noon today. We will open on Saturday at 9 am, weather permitting. Stay safe and warm on this snowy day!

Veteran’s Day

City Hall will be closed Monday, November 11, 2019 in observance of Veteran’s Day.  The elected officials and city staff would like to thank all past and current members of our armed forces for their service.

Ida Grove Library to host local author, Douglas Clough

The Ida Grove Library is honored to host guest speaker, Douglas Clough, on Thursday, November 7th at 6:30 pm. Clough, local author, and Ida Grove resident will speak about his newly published books, Colorful Characters from Our Backyard: 2009-2019 and Life, Love, and Laughter from My Backyard: 2009-2019.

Clough, a freelance writer since 2009, has been published in multiple local and regional publications, including the Ida County Courier, The Iowan, Farm News, Boating World, and Midwest Living magazine. Colorful Characters from Our Backyard is a compilation of Clough’s “From our backyard…” column, interspersed throughout with correspondences between Clough and Farm News. Life, Love, and Laughter from My Backyard is a collection of stories reflecting on his wonder years, married life, and life with his children and companion dogs.

Starting at 6:30 pm, Clough will share selections from his writing with the audience. Book sets will be available to purchase for $20; Clough will sign copies for those in attendance.

For more details, contact Angela Scales at the Ida Grove Public Library, 100 E 2nd St. (phone 712-364-2306). You can also visit Clough online at

Join the City of Ida Grove’s Team at the Farmer’s Market

Join the City of Ida Grove staff and officials as they serve a delicious meal at the September 5th Farmer’s Market in downtown Ida Grove! Menu will include chili, cinnamon rolls and hot dogs. Please join us from 4:30-6:30 for this fundraiser!

Ida Grove Library to Host Antique Expert Mark Moran

Ida Grove Library to host Antique Expert Mark Moran for a “What’s It Worth?” Appraisal Event

Join us for an antiques and collectibles appraisal event featuring author and antiques expert Mark F. Moran of Iola, Wis., on Saturday May 11, 2019 from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Formerly senior editor of Antiques and Collectibles Books for Krause Publications in Iola, Wis., he has also been a contributing editor for Antique Trader magazine. He has served as editor of Antique Review East magazine; as producer of Atlantique City, an antique show held in Atlantic City, N.J.; and as editorial
director of F+W Media’s Antiques Group. He is the author or co-author of more than 25 books on antiques and collectibles, including three editions of the 800-page annual Warman’s Antiques &
Collectibles. Moran bought and sold antiques for more than 30 years, specializing in vintage
folk art, Americana, and fine art. He has been active as an appraiser of antiques and fine art for more than 20 years.

Pre-registration for this antiques and collectibles appraisal event is required. Cost is $15 per item. To register, please call the Ida Grove Library at 364-2306.

Moran is available to make home visits for people with big things, or fragile things (or a lot of things). House calls are $75 an hour and there is no mileage charge if within 10 miles of the appraisal event site. To arrange a home visit, call 715-281-5060 or email [email protected].

Categories of objects for appraisal may include:
Fine art, including paintings, drawings, prints and statuary.
Furniture (usually smaller pieces are best).
Ceramics, including figural pottery, vases, dishes, kitchenware and stoneware.
Glassware, including lighting, marbles and souvenir items.
Vintage photographs, including snapshots, tintypes, ambrotypes and daguerreotypes.
Advertising, including posters, lithographed tin, paper and figural objects.
Folk art, including carvings, quilts, weathervanes, windmill weights and “outsider” art.
Assorted toys, including dolls (bisque, composition and plastic), windups and mechanical banks.
Metalware, including iron, bronze, brass, pot metal, silver, silver plate.
Clocks, including mantel, hanging and figural.
Costume jewelry, including brooches, bracelets, earrings.
Musical Instruments, including string, wind and reed instruments.
Antique and vintage lighting of all kinds.
Sports Memorabilia.

Excluded items: all weapons, including swords and knives (though folding knives with advertising are accepted); traps (like leg-hold); Nazi memorabilia; coins and paper money; fine jewelry, including precious gems; Beanie Babies.

Questions about objects not covered here can be submitted to Moran in advance to determine if they are appropriate. Suggested categories for advance inquiry include, but are not limited to: Oriental, Native American and other tribal objects (African, Oceanic); ancient artifacts (Egyptian and other early cultures); fossils and minerals; automotive items; nautical and military-related objects; records; antique tools and technological objects (typewriters, cameras, assorted machinery or instruments for scientific
measure, like sextants, telescopes, microscopes, etc).

Opinions of value are informal, and may not be used for insurance or charitable donations, which require a certified appraisal.

For more information, contact:
Ida Grove Library
100 East 2nd St. Ida Grove


Mark F. Moran Appraisals of Antiques & Fine Art
N7326 Maple Ridge Trail
Iola, Wis. 54945
[email protected]
Visit Moran’s website at

Road Closure

Attention: Godbersen-Smith is planning to close both M15 and Harold Godbersen Drive starting Monday April 22, 2019 at 9 a.m. Both roads will remain closed for the duration of the project. Thank you.